rd - retoordom
retoordom is an alternative voor /dev/random and /dev/urandom. Instead of random bytes, it returns emoji's and other unicode characters that won't screw up your terminal as /dev/random and /dev/urandom do. It's a friendly alternative to /dev/random and /dev/urandom. It gives a more consistent troughput than the /dev/random and /dev/urandom.
I needed this application myself to test a network application I've written. It's quite random but it's not completely random. It's a bit deterministic, but I don't want to make it deterministic.
For fun random stuff, check https://random.org. It's a bit more random than retoordom. I've spent some time at that site. It's fun. Especially if you let AI analyze random values and see if it can find patterns.
There are three ways to install the package:
- Download package using curl -OJ https://retoor.molodetz.nl/api/packages/retoor/generic/rd/1.0.0/rd --silent.
- Download package using wget https://retoor.molodetz.nl/api/packages/retoor/generic/rd/1.0.0/rd --quiet.
- Don't forget to chmod +x after downloading the package to make it executable!
- Build from source.