# Ragnar
This is an anti spam bot network. It is named after the viking for no obvious reason.
This bot network works great and is made not to be annoying to the server by not connecting all at once. It's caching certain things like user profile / resolved user id's and if a rant already is flagged for example.
The bot network removes spam before users of the development community even notice.
Here's some fan art made by Buffon, a contributor of this project:
![Image generated by Buffon](buffon.jpg)
Another one:
![Image generated by Buffon](buffon2.jpg)
## How they work
One process starts many bots. These bots look at new rants.
If there is a new rant:
1. Check if user has more than five posts. If so, it will not be seen as spam.
2. It will check certain keywords like hacker / money crypto related.
3. User will be informed by the bot network that his rant is flagged and what to do about it.
4. Rant will be downvoted by the bot network making it disappear.