import { DEFAULT_PRECISION } from "./_constants"
import { getData, strokeToFill } from "./_data"
import { convertPathToNode, segmentToD, styleAttrs, svgElem } from "./_utils"
export const GradientPath = class {
constructor({ path, segments, samples, precision = DEFAULT_PRECISION }) {
// If the path being passed isn't a DOM node already, make it one
this.path = convertPathToNode(path)
this.segments = segments
this.samples = samples
this.precision = precision
// Check if nodeName is path and that the path is closed, otherwise it's closed by default
this.pathClosed =
this.path.nodeName == "path"
? this.path.getAttribute("d").match(/z/gi)
: true
// Store the render cycles that the user creates
this.renders = []
// Append a group to the SVG to capture everything we render and ensure our paths and circles are properly encapsulated
this.svg = path.closest("svg")
this.group = svgElem("g", {
class: "gradient-path",
// Get the data
this.data = getData({ path, segments, samples, precision })
// Append the main group to the SVG
// Remove the main path once we have the data values
remove() {
stroke = ["white", "black", "white"],
strokeWidth = 1,
fill = ["white", "black", "white"],
animation = {},
}) {
// Store information from this render cycle
const renderCycle = {}
// Create a group for each element
const elemGroup = svgElem("g", { class: `element-${type}` })
renderCycle.group = elemGroup
if (type === "path") {
// If we specify a width and fill, then we need to outline the path and then average the join points of the segments
// If we do not specify a width and fill, then we will be stroking and can leave the data "as is"
renderCycle.data =
width && fill
? strokeToFill(this.data, width, this.precision, this.pathClosed)
: this.data
for (let j = 0; j < renderCycle.data.length; j++) {
const { samples, progress } = renderCycle.data[j]
// Create a path for each segment and append it to its elemGroup
svgElem("path", {
class: "path-segment",
d: segmentToD(samples),
...styleAttrs(fill, stroke, strokeWidth, progress, animation),
} else if (type === "circle") {
renderCycle.data = this.data.flatMap(({ samples }) => samples)
for (let j = 0; j < renderCycle.data.length; j++) {
const { x, y, progress } = renderCycle.data[j]
// Create a circle for each sample and append it to its elemGroup
svgElem("circle", {
class: "circle-sample",
cx: x,
cy: y,
r: width / 2,
...styleAttrs(fill, stroke, strokeWidth, progress, animation),
// Save the information in the current renderCycle and pop it onto the renders array
// Return this for method chaining
return this