import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid" // import { Buffer } from 'buffer' // weird hack for remix client-side logic try { window.process = { env: {}, } window.Buffer = () => {} // window.Buffer = Buffer } catch (err) { // nothing } // const babel = require('@babel/standalone') // babel.template = require('@babel/template').default // babel.t = require('@babel/types') // babel.generator = require('@babel/generator').default // babel.babylon = require('@babel/parser') // babel.prettier = require('prettier') const objList = [] const stringList = [] // ES6? // import { uuidv4 as uuid } from 'uuid' // import babel from '@babel/standalone' // import template from '@babel/template' // babel.template = template // import t from '@babel/types' // babel.t = t // import generator from '@babel/generator' // babel.generator = generator // import babylon from '@babel/parser' // babel.babylon = babylon // import prettier from 'prettier' // babel.prettier = prettier export const babel = () => {} export const local = {} export const t = () => {} // export const t = babel?.t export const getBabel = () => { return babel } export const uuid = uuidv4 export const pause = (value, opts) => { return stringify(value, opts) } export const save = (value, opts) => { return stringify(value, opts) } // extract parent path from dot delimitted path export const getParentPath = (path) => { const parts = path?.split(".") parts?.pop() return parts?.join(".") } export const toJavascript = (value, opts = {}) => { const defaultOpts = { wrapInFunction: true, declarations: [], identifier: "obj", keys: { obj: 1, }, dependancies: {}, mappings: [], seen: [], db: [], } Object.assign(defaultOpts, opts) opts = defaultOpts toJavascriptAux(value, opts) // sort declarations by dependancies for (const declaration of opts.declarations) { if (declaration.type === "ExpressionStatement") { // nothing } else { const key = declaration.declarations[0] const dependancies = opts.dependancies[key] const dependancyCheck = {} for (const dependancy of dependancies) { dependancyCheck[dependancy] = false } let sortableDeclarationIndex = 0 let insertionIndex = 0 for (const sortableDeclaration of opts.declarations) { if (sortableDeclaration.type === "ExpressionStatement") { // nothing } else { const sortableDeclarationKey = sortableDeclaration.declarations[0] if (dependancyCheck[sortableDeclarationKey] === false) { insertionIndex = sortableDeclarationIndex + 1 dependancyCheck[sortableDeclarationKey] = true } } // increment iterator index sortableDeclarationIndex++ } const declarationIndex = opts.declarations.indexOf(declaration) opts.declarations.splice(declarationIndex, 1) opts.declarations.splice(insertionIndex, 0, declaration) } } let program if (opts.wrapInFunction && !opts.moduleExport) { opts.declarations.push(t.returnStatement(t.identifier("obj"))) const expression = t.expressionStatement( t.callExpression( t.functionExpression(null, [], t.blockStatement(opts.declarations)), [] ) ) program = t.program([expression]) } else { if (opts.moduleExport) { opts.declarations.push( t.expressionStatement( t.assignmentExpression( "=", t.memberExpression(t.identifier("module"), t.identifier("exports")), t.identifier("obj") ) ) ) } program = t.program(opts.declarations) } const stringifiedProgram = getBabel().generator(program).code return getBabel().prettier.format(stringifiedProgram, { semi: false, parser: "babel", useTabs: true, }) } export const toJavascriptAux = (value, opts) => { if (typeof value === "object") { if (!opts.seen.includes(value)) { // update map and seen opts.seen.push(value) const properties = createObjectProperties(value, opts) const declaration = t.variableDeclaration("let", [ t.variableDeclarator( t.identifier(opts.identifier), t.objectExpression(properties) ), ]) opts.declarations.unshift(declaration) for (const key of Object.keys(value)) { const property = properties.find((v) => { return === key }) if (property) { const identifier = toJavascriptAux(value[key], { ...opts, identifier }) } } } } else if (typeof value === "string") { const declaration = t.variableDeclaration("let", [ t.variableDeclarator( t.identifier(opts.identifier), t.stringLiteral(value) ), ]) opts.declarations.unshift(declaration) } } export const createObjectProperties = (value, opts) => { const properties = [] let dependancies = opts.dependancies[opts.identifier] if (!dependancies) dependancies = opts.dependancies[opts.identifier] = [] for (const key of Object.keys(value)) { if (value[key] === value) { opts.declarations.push( t.expressionStatement( t.assignmentExpression( "=", t.memberExpression( t.identifier(opts.identifier), t.identifier(key) ), t.identifier(opts.identifier) ) ) ) } else { if (!opts.db.includes(value[key])) { opts.db.push(value[key]) if (opts.keys[key] === undefined) { opts.keys[key] = 1 } const keyIncrement = opts.keys[key] if (keyIncrement == 1) { opts.mappings.push(key) } else { opts.mappings.push(key + keyIncrement) } opts.keys[key]++ } const identifier = opts.mappings[opts.db.indexOf(value[key])] dependancies.push(identifier) properties.push( t.objectProperty( t.identifier(key), t.identifier(identifier), false, key == identifier ) ) } } return properties } export const serialize = (value, opts = {}) => { opts.strictFunctions = false opts.serializeArrayProps = true return stringify(value, opts) } export const stringify = (value, opts = {}) => { const schema = { stringifier: stringifier, replace(key, value) { if (opts.firstRun) { opts.firstRun = !opts.firstRun return value } const after = opts.stringifier(key, value, opts) const type = typeof after.value if (type === "object") { if (after === null || after.value === null) { const ret = after.value return ret } } else if (type === "string") { const ret = opts.known.get(after.key) || setKnown(opts.known, opts.input, after) return ret } return after.value }, strictFunctions: true, firstRun: undefined, known: new Map(), input: [], output: [], } Object.keys(schema).forEach((key) => { if (getsmart(opts, epp(key), { undefined: true }, true).undefined == true) { opts[key] = schema[key] } }) opts.virtual = opts.stringifier("", value, opts) for ( let i = parseInt(setKnown(opts.known, opts.input, opts.virtual)); i < opts.input.length; i++ ) { opts.firstRun = true try { opts.output[i] = JSON.stringify(opts.input[i], opts.replace, } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } return "[" + opts.output.join(",") + "]" } export const replacer = (key, value) => { const opts = opts || {} if (opts.firstRun) { opts.firstRun = !opts.firstRun return value } const after = opts.stringifier(key, value, opts) // replace with if statements const type = typeof after.value if (type === "object") { if (after === null) { const ret = after.value return ret } } else if (type === "string") { const ret = opts.known.get(after.key) || setKnown(opts.known, opts.input, after) return ret } return after.value } export const setKnown = (known, input, virtual) => { const index = String(input.push(virtual.value) - 1) known.set(virtual.key, index) return index } export const stringifier = (key, val, opts) => { let ret = { value: val, key: val } if ( val instanceof Function && typeof val.toString === "function" && (!opts.strictFunctions || typeof val.$scopes != "undefined") ) { const known = opts.known.get(ret.key) ret = { value: known || { type: "function", js: val.toString(), $scopes: val.$scopes, $context: val.$context, ...val, }, key: val, } if (ret.value.js == "function () { [native code] }") return if (typeof known == "undefined") setKnown(opts.known, opts.input, ret) } else if (ret.value === Infinity && typeof ret.value != "string") { const known = opts.known.get(ret.key) ret = { value: known || { type: "number", js: "Infinity", $scopes: [], $context: {}, }, key: val, } if (typeof known == "undefined") setKnown(opts.known, opts.input, ret) } else if (typeof ret.value === "undefined") { ret = { value: { type: "undefined", js: "undefined", }, key: val, } } else if (ret.value instanceof Array && opts.serializeArrayProps) { const known = opts.known.get(ret.key) ret = { value: known ? ret.value : { type: "Array", js: ret.value, uuid: ret.value.uuid, }, key: val, } setKnown(opts.known, opts.input, ret) } return ret } export const primitives = (value) => { return value instanceof String ? String(value) : value } export const Primitives = (key, value) => { return typeof value === "string" ? new String(value) : value } export const play = (text, opts) => { return parse(text, opts) } export const load = (text, opts = {}) => { opts.strictFunctions = false return parse(text, opts) } export const parse = (text, opts = {}) => { const schema = { // parser: eval('(function '+parser+')'), parser: parser(opts), value: {}, strictFunctions: true, noFunctions: false, firstPass: true, output: new Map(), } Object.keys(schema).forEach((key) => { if (getsmart(opts, epp(key), { undefined: true }, true).undefined == true) { opts[key] = schema[key] } }) // opts.parser = opts.parser.bind(opts) opts.input = JSON.parse(text, Primitives) opts.firstPass = false opts.input = opts.value = opts.input[0] const isObject = typeof opts.value === "object" && opts.value const tmp = isObject ? revive(opts.input, opts.output, opts.value, opts.parser, opts) : opts.value opts.replaceMode = true let ret = revive(opts.input, new Map(), tmp, opts.parser, opts) ret = opts.parser("", tmp, opts) return ret } export const parser = (opts) => { return function (key, val) { if (val.js && val.type === "Array") { const ret = opts.input[opts.output.get(val)].js ret.uuid = opts.input[opts.output.get(val)].uuid return ret } else if ( val.js && val.type === "function" && opts.replaceMode && !opts.noFunctions ) { let ret = opts.input[opts.output.get(val)] if (typeof ret == val.type) return ret const uuid = jsUUID() let fn let scopedEval if (val.$scopedEval && typeof val.$scopedEval == "function") { scopedEval = val.$scopedEval } else { const fns = createScopedEval(uuid) try { fn = eval(`(${fns})`) const input = { val, smarts } scopedEval = fn(input) } catch (err) { console.log("Caught error evaling createScopedEval", err) } } ret = scopedEval({ val }) try { Object.defineProperty(ret, "$scopes", { value: val.$scopes, enumerable: true, }) if (val.uuid) { ret.uuid = val.uuid } } catch (err) { if (opts.verbose) console.error(err) } try { Object.defineProperty(ret, "$context", { value: val.$context, enumerable: true, }) } catch (err) { if (opts.verbose) console.error(err) } try { Object.defineProperty(ret, "$scopedEval", { value: scopedEval, enumerable: true, }) } catch (err) { if (opts.verbose) console.error(err) } opts.input[opts.output.get(val)] = ret return ret } else if (opts.replaceMode) { return val } return Primitives(key, val) } } export const revive = (input, parsed, output, parser, opts) => { return Object.keys(output).reduce((output, key) => { let value = output[key] // if the value hasn't been revived yet if (value instanceof String) { const tmp = input[value] if (typeof tmp === "object" && !parsed.get(tmp)) { parsed.set(tmp, value) output[key] = primitives( parser(key, revive(input, parsed, tmp, parser, opts)) ) } else { try { output[key] = primitives(parser(key, tmp)) } catch (err) { delete output[key] } } } else { try { if (opts.replaceMode) { // output[key] = primitives(parser(key, revive(input, parsed, value, parser, opts))) value = parser(key, value) if (typeof value === "object" && !parsed.get(value)) { parsed.set(value, value) output[key] = primitives( parser(key, revive(input, parsed, value, parser, opts)) ) } else { try { output[key] = primitives(value) } catch (err) { delete output[key] } } } else { output[key] = primitives(parser(key, value)) } } catch (err) { delete output[key] } } return output }, output) } export const createScopedEval = (uuid) => { const ret = /*javascript*/ ` function createScopedEval(${uuid}){ // scopeCode ${uuid}.scopeCode = ${uuid}.scopeCode || ${uuid}.getBabel().template.ast('try{}catch(err){console.log(err)}') ${uuid}.previousScopeCode = ${uuid}.currentScopeCode || ${uuid}.scopeCode ${uuid}.currentScopeCode = ${uuid}.scopeCode.block.body.length ? ${uuid}.getBabel().template.ast('try{}catch(err){console.log(err)}') : ${uuid}.scopeCode if(${uuid}.previousScopeCode != ${uuid}.currentScopeCode){ ${uuid}.previousScopeCode.block.body.push( ${uuid}.currentScopeCode ) } ${uuid}.closureIndex = ${uuid}.closureIndex || 0 ${uuid}.closure = ${uuid}.getsmart.bind(this)(${uuid}, ${ /*javascript*/ `\`val.$scopes.\${${uuid}.closureIndex}\`` }, {}) ${uuid}.variableKeys = Object.keys(${uuid}.closure) ${uuid}.variableMap = ${uuid}.getsmart.bind(this)(${uuid}, ${ /*javascript*/ `\`val.$context.$variableMaps.\${${uuid}.closureIndex}\`` }, []) ${uuid}.allowedIdentifiers = ['let','var','const'] ${uuid}.variableKeys.forEach((key)=>{ if( typeof ${uuid}.variableMap[key] == 'string' && ${uuid}.allowedIdentifiers.indexOf(${uuid}.variableMap[key]) >= 0 ){ try{ ${uuid}.currentScopeCode.block.body.push( ${uuid}.getBabel().template.ast( ${ /*javascript*/ `\` \${${uuid}.variableMap[key]} \${key} = ${uuid}.val.$scopes[\${${uuid}.closureIndex}]['\${key}'] \`` } ) ) }catch(err){console.log(1,err)} try{ ${uuid}.currentScopeCode.block.body.push( ${uuid}.getBabel().template.ast( ${ /*javascript*/ `\` Object.defineProperty( ${uuid}.val.$scopes[\${${uuid}.closureIndex}], \${${uuid}.stringify(key)}, { get(){ return \${key} }, set(val){ \${key} = val }, enumerable: true } ) \`` } ) ) }catch(err){console.log(2,err)} } // console.log(${uuid}.scopeCode) }) // console.log(${uuid}.scopeCode) ${uuid}.closureIndex++ if(${uuid}.closureIndex >= ${uuid}.getsmart.bind(this)(${uuid}, 'val.$scopes.length', -1)){ // console.log(${uuid}.scopeCode) try{ ${uuid}.currentScopeCode.block.body.push( ${uuid}.getBabel().template.ast( ${ /*javascript*/ `\` return \${${uuid}.scopedEval('${uuid}')} \`` } ) ) }catch(err){console.log(3,err)} try{ ${uuid}.wrapper = ${uuid}.getBabel().template.ast( ${ /*javascript*/ `\` function anonymous(){} \`` } ) }catch(err){console.log(4,err)} // console.log(${uuid}.wrapper) // console.log(${uuid}.scopeCode) ${uuid}.wrapper.body.body.push(${uuid}.scopeCode) ${uuid}.scopeCode = ${uuid}.wrapper ${uuid}.scopeCode = ${uuid}.getBabel().generator( ${uuid}.scopeCode ).code // console.log(${uuid}.scopeCode) ${uuid}.scopeCode = eval("("+${uuid}.scopeCode+")") // console.log(${uuid}.scopeCode.toString()) try { ${uuid}.val.$scopedEval = ${uuid}.scopeCode() }catch(err){console.log(5,err)} // console.log(${uuid}.val.$scopedEval) // return ${uuid}.scopeCode.toString() return ${uuid}.val.$scopedEval } else { return eval(${ /*javascript*/ `\`(\${${uuid}.createScopedEval('${uuid}')})\`` })(${uuid}) } } ` return ret } export const defineVariable = (uuid) => { return /*javascript*/ ` ${uuid.variableType} ${uuid.variableKey} = ${uuid}.$scope[${uuid}.variableKey] Object.defineProperty( ${uuid}.$scope, ${uuid}.variableKey, { get(){ return ${uuid.variableKey} }, set(val){ ${uuid.variableKey} = val }, enumerable: true } ) ` } export const scopedEval = (uuid) => { const ret = /*javascript*/ `function scopedEval(${uuid}){ if(typeof ${uuid} == 'string'){ ${uuid} = { val: { js: ${uuid} } } } else if(typeof ${uuid} == 'function' && typeof ${uuid}.toString == 'function'){ ${uuid} = { val: { js: ${uuid}.toString() } } } try { ${uuid}.ret = eval('('+${uuid}.val.js+')') } catch(err1){ try { ${uuid}.ret = eval('({'+${uuid}.val.js+'})') ${uuid}.keys = Object.keys(${uuid}.ret) ${uuid}.ret = ${uuid}.ret[${uuid}.keys[0]] } catch(err2){ try { ${uuid}.ret = eval('({b:'+ ${uuid}.val.js +'})').b } catch(err3){ console.error(err1) console.error(err2) console.error(err3) } } } return ${uuid}.ret } ` return ret } export const jsUUID = (prefix = "uuid") => { return prefix + uuid().replace(/-/g, "") } export const context = (opts) => { const uuid = gosmart.bind(this)(opts, "path.context.scope.uuid", jsUUID()) return eval(/*javascript*/ ` ( function(){ ${contextObject(uuid)} return ${uuid} } )() `) } export const contextObject = (uuid) => { return /*javascript*/ ` let ${uuid} = { $$uuid: '${uuid}', $closure: {}, $variableMap: {}, $functionScoper: (func)=>{ Object.defineProperty( func, '$scopes', { value: (function(arr){ for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2 })((typeof ${uuid} != 'undefined') ? ${uuid}.$scopes : []), enumerable: true } ) Object.defineProperty( func, '$context', { value: ${uuid} } ) return func }, $add: (type, name, value)=>{ ${uuid}.$closure[name] = value ${uuid}.$variableMap[name] = type }, $scopes: (function(arr){ for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2 })((typeof $context == 'object') ? $context.$scopes : []), $variableMaps: (function(arr){ for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2 })((typeof $context == 'object') ? $context.$variableMaps : []), $contexts: {}, $contextsList: [], $parentContexts: [], $contextStatus: "var", $mode: (eval("var ${uuid}1 = null"), (typeof ${ uuid + "1" } === "undefined")) ? "strict" : "non-strict", } ${uuid}.$functionScoper = ${uuid}.$functionScoper(${uuid}.$functionScoper) ${uuid}.$scopes.splice(0,0,${uuid}.$closure) ${uuid}.$variableMaps.splice(0,0,${uuid}.$variableMap) var globalThis = globalThis || global || window || {} ${uuid}.$contextStatus = ${uuid}.$mode == 'strict' ? '' : 'var' try { eval(${ /*javascript*/ `\`\${${uuid}.$contextStatus} $context = $context || ${uuid}\`` }) } catch(err){ ${uuid}.$contextStatus = '' } eval(${ /*javascript*/ `\`\${${uuid}.$contextStatus} $context = $context || ${uuid}\`` }) if(typeof $context == 'object' && $context != ${uuid} && $context.$contexts instanceof Object){ $context.$contexts[${uuid}.$$uuid] = $context.$contexts[${uuid}.$$uuid] || [] ${uuid}.$$instance = $context.$contexts[${uuid}.$$uuid].push(${uuid})-1 ${uuid}.$parentContexts.push($context) $context.$contextsList.push(${uuid}) } if(!globalThis.$contexts){ globalThis.$contexts = {} globalThis.$contexts[${uuid}.$$uuid] = [${uuid}] globalThis.$contextsList = [${uuid}] ${uuid}.$$instance = 0 } else if( globalThis.${uuid}s instanceof Object && ${uuid}.$parentContexts.length == 0 && typeof ${uuid}.$$instance == 'undefined' ){ globalThis.${uuid}s[${uuid}.$$uuid] = globalThis.$contexts[${uuid}.$$uuid] || [] ${uuid}.$$instance = globalThis.$contexts[${uuid}.$$uuid].push(${uuid})-1 globalThis.$contextsList.push(${uuid}) } { let $context = ${uuid} } ` } export const createContext = (opts) => { schema(opts, { wrapBody: true, }) const node = opts.aster(/*javascript*/ ` ${contextObject(opts.uuid)} `) node[0].declarations[0].contextDeclaration = true // so the $functionScoper function doesn't get wrapped or have $context inserted const property3 = node[0].declarations[0][3] property3.value.scoperWrapped = true property3.value.body.scopeInitialized = true const property3ScopesValue = property3.value.body.body[0].expression.arguments[2].properties[0].value property3ScopesValue.callee.scoperWrapped = true property3ScopesValue.callee.body.scopeInitialized = true const property3ForStatement = property3ScopesValue.callee.body.body[0] property3ForStatement.body.scopeInitialized = true property3ForStatement.init.declarations[0].inScope = true property3ForStatement.init.declarations[1].inScope = true // so the $add function doesn't get wrapped or have $context inserted const property4 = node[0].declarations[0][4] property4.value.scoperWrapped = true property4.value.body.scopeInitialized = true // so the $scopes self-invoking function doesn't get wrapped or have $context inserted const property5 = node[0].declarations[0][5] property5.value.callee.scoperWrapped = true property5.value.callee.body.scopeInitialized = true const property5ForStatement = property5.value.callee.body.body[0] property5ForStatement.body.scopeInitialized = true property5ForStatement.init.declarations[0].inScope = true property5ForStatement.init.declarations[1].inScope = true // so the $variableMaps self-invoking function doesn't get wrapped or have $context inserted const property6 = node[0].declarations[0][6] property6.value.callee.scoperWrapped = true property6.value.callee.body.scopeInitialized = true const property6ForStatement = property6.value.callee.body.body[0] property6ForStatement.body.scopeInitialized = true property6ForStatement.init.declarations[0].inScope = true property6ForStatement.init.declarations[1].inScope = true const node6 = node[6] // make sure try statement block doesn't get scoped either node6.block.scopeInitialized = true // make sure catch statement block doesn't get scoped either node6.handler.body.scopeInitialized = true const node8 = node[8] // make sure if statement block doesn't get scoped either node8.consequent.scopeInitialized = true const node9 = node[9] // make sure if statement block doesn't get scoped either node9.consequent.scopeInitialized = true // make sure else if statement block doesn't get scoped either node9.alternate.consequent.scopeInitialized = true const node10 = node[10] node10.scopeInitialized = true node10.inheritScope = true node[node.length - 1].lastContextNode = true if (opts.wrapBody) { const bodyWrapper = node[node.length - 1] bodyWrapper.body.push(...opts.path.node.body) } addBindingsToContext({ ...opts, node }) // let addContextToScopeNode = scopeVar({ // uuid, // key: '$context', // type: 'let', // aster // }) // wrapper.body.splice(1,0,addContextToScopeNode) return node } export const createInlineContext = (opts) => { const wrapperString = /*javascript*/ ` for(let ${opts.uuid} = function(){ // node goes here return ${opts.uuid} }() ; a<1;a++){} ` const inlineContextNode = opts.aster(wrapperString).init.declarations[0] const contextBody = createContext({ ...opts, wrapBody: false }) inlineContextNode.init.callee.body.body.splice(0, 0, ...contextBody) inlineContextNode.contextDeclaration = true return inlineContextNode } export const addBindingsToContext = (opts) => { for (const key in opts.path.scope.bindings) { const binding = opts.path.scope.bindings[key] if (binding.kind == "var") { const newNode = scopeVar({ ...opts, key, type: binding.kind, }) opts.node.splice(opts.node.length - 1, 0, newNode) } } } export const scopeVarCode = (opts) => { const ret = /*javascript*/ ` Object.defineProperty( ${opts.uuid}.$closure, ${stringify(opts.key)}, { get(){ return ${opts.key} }, set(val){ ${opts.key} = val }, enumerable: true } ) && (${opts.uuid}.$variableMap["${opts.key}"] = "${opts.type}") ` return ret } export const scopeVarInlineCode = (opts) => { const ret = /*javascript*/ ` let ${jsUUID()} = ( ${scopeVarCode(opts)} ) ` return ret } export const scopeVar = (opts = {}) => { let string let thirdArg let node if (opts.inline) { string = scopeVarInlineCode(opts) node = opts.aster(string) thirdArg = node.declarations[0].init.left.arguments[2] node.declarations[0].inScope = true } else { string = scopeVarCode(opts) node = opts.aster(string) thirdArg = node.expression.left.arguments[2] } const getter =[0] const setter =[1] getter.body.scopeInitialized = true setter.body.scopeInitialized = true getter.body.scoperWrapped = true setter.body.scoperWrapped = true getter.scoperWrapped = true setter.scoperWrapped = true if (opts.inline) return node.declarations[0] return node } export const functionWrapper = (uuid, path, aster) => { const wrapper = aster(/*javascript*/ ` ${uuid}.$functionScoper() `) wrapper.expression.arguments.push(path.node) return wrapper } export const bodyInsert = (index, body, aster, ...things) => { body.splice(index, 0, ...things) return things.length } export const initBlock = (path, aster) => { if (!path.node.scopeInitialized) { path.node.scopeInitialized = true const uuid = getPathUUID({ path }) const contextNode = createContext({ uuid, aster, path }) path.node.body = contextNode } } export const getNodeUUID = (opts) => { if ( opts.node && opts.node.type != "BlockStatement" && opts.node.type != "Program" ) return getNodeUUID({ ...opts, node: opts.node.body || opts.node.block, }) return gosmart.bind(this)(opts.node, "uuid", jsUUID()) } export const getPathUUID = (opts) => { if ( opts.path.context.scope.path.node.inheritScope || opts.path.scope.path.node.inheritScope ) return getPathUUID({ ...opts, path: opts.path.parentPath }) return getNodeUUID({ ...opts, node: opts.path.context.scope.path.node, }) } export const babelPlugin = (babel) => { const aster = babel.template.ast const metaVisitor = { Program(path) { initBlock(path, aster) }, BlockStatement(path) { initBlock(path, aster) }, ForInStatement() { // nothing }, // ForInStatement (path) { // path = path // }, ObjectMethod(path) { const name = let replacement = aster(/*javascript*/ ` let a = { ${name}: function ${name}(){} } `) replacement = replacement.declarations[0][0] replacement.value.body = path.node.body replacement.value.params = path.node.params path.replaceWith(replacement) }, Function(path) { if ( path.type != "FunctionDeclaration" && !path.node.scoperWrapped && !path.node.body.scoperWrapped ) { path.node.scoperWrapped = true path.node.body.scoperWrapped = true const uuid = getPathUUID({ path }) const replacement = functionWrapper(uuid, path, aster) path.replaceWith(replacement) } }, FunctionDeclaration(path) { if (!path.node.scoped) { path.node.scoped = true const parentBlock = path.scope.parent try { parentBlock.block.body.forEach((node) => { if (node.lastContextNode) { const uuid = getPathUUID({ path }) const newNode = aster(/*javascript*/ ` ${uuid}.$functionScoper(${}) `) node.body.splice(1, 0, newNode) throw new Error("break foreach") } }) } catch (err) { // nothing } } }, VariableDeclarator(path) { if (!path.node.inScope) { path.node.inScope = true const parentPath = getsmart.bind(this)(path, "parentPath", undefined) if ( // this is for inline let and const declarations in normal // js blocks (parentPath.node.kind == "let" || parentPath.node.kind == "const") && // we check the length of declarations because we only have to do inline replacement // if there's a chance another declaration might use a former one parentPath.node.declarations.length > 1 && !( parentPath.parentPath.node.type == "ForInStatement" || parentPath.parentPath.node.type == "ForOfStatement" || parentPath.parentPath.node.type == "ForStatement" ) ) { const uuid = getPathUUID({ path }) if (uuid) { const indexInParent = parentPath.node.declarations.indexOf( path.node ) const newDeclaration = scopeVar({ aster, inline: true, uuid, key: parentPath.node.declarations[indexInParent], type: parentPath.node.kind, }) parentPath.node.declarations.splice( indexInParent + 1, 0, newDeclaration ) } } else if ( // (parentPath.node.kind == "let" || parentPath.node.kind == "var" || parentPath.node.kind == "const") && // only do this for singular declarations parentPath.node.declarations.length < 2 && // and check if variable is declared inside a ForX statement (parentPath.parentPath.node.type == "ForInStatement" || parentPath.parentPath.node.type == "ForOfStatement" || parentPath.parentPath.node.type == "ForStatement") ) { const uuid = getPathUUID({ path }) if (uuid) { const indexInParent = parentPath.node.declarations.indexOf( path.node ) const newNode = scopeVar({ aster, uuid, key: parentPath.node.declarations[indexInParent], type: parentPath.node.kind, }) parentPath.parentPath.node.body.body.splice(0, 0, newNode) } } else if ( // this is a special case for when ForStatements get their own scope (parentPath.node.kind == "let" || parentPath.node.kind == "const") && // we check the length of declarations because we only have to do inline replacement // if there's a chance another declaration might use a former one parentPath.node.declarations.length > 1 && parentPath.parentPath.node.type == "ForStatement" ) { // if the first declaration isn't our context declaration, insert one const uuid = gosmart.bind(this)(path, "scope.uuid", jsUUID()) if (!parentPath.node.declarations[0].contextDeclaration) { const inlineContextDeclaration = createInlineContext({ path, uuid, aster, }) parentPath.node.declarations.splice(0, 0, inlineContextDeclaration) } if (uuid) { const indexInParent = parentPath.node.declarations.indexOf( path.node ) const newDeclaration = scopeVar({ aster, inline: true, uuid, key: parentPath.node.declarations[indexInParent], type: parentPath.node.kind, }) parentPath.node.declarations.splice( indexInParent + 1, 0, newDeclaration ) } } else if ( parentPath.node.kind == "let" || parentPath.node.kind == "const" ) { const uuid = getPathUUID({ path }) if (uuid) { const indexInParent = parentPath.node.declarations.indexOf( path.node ) const newNode = scopeVar({ aster, uuid, key: parentPath.node.declarations[indexInParent], type: parentPath.node.kind, }) parentPath.insertAfter(newNode) } } else { // let uuid = getPathUUID({path}) // if(uuid){ // let indexInParent = parentPath.node.declarations.indexOf(path.node) // let newNode = scopeVar({ // aster, // uuid, // key: parentPath.node.declarations[indexInParent], // type: parentPath.node.kind // }) // parentPath.insertAfter(newNode) // } } } }, } const ret = { visitor: metaVisitor, // visitor: { // Program(path){ // path.traverse(metaVisitor) // } // } } return ret } export const transform = (src, opts = {}) => { return getBabel().transform(src, { plugins: [babelPlugin], ...opts, }) } /** non-parser stuff */ export const stripUuids = (thing, seen = []) => { try { delete thing.uuid } catch { // nothing } if (typeof thing === "object") { const keys = Object.keys(thing) for (const key of keys) { const val = thing[key] if (!seen.includes(val)) { seen.push(val) stripUuids(val, seen) } } } } export const dupe = (obj, opts = {}) => { return parse(stringify(obj, opts), opts) } export const clone = (obj, opts = {}) => { return dupe(obj, opts) } export const schema = (obj1, obj2, opts = {}) => { if (!opts.noSchemaClone) { obj2 = clone(obj2, opts) } return merge(obj1, obj2, { ...opts, }) } export const create = (obj1, obj2, opts) => { const ret = merge(obj1, obj2, { clone: true, ...opts, }) return ret } export const merge = (value1, value2, opts = {}, seen = new Map()) => { if (seen.has(value1)) return seen.get(value1) if (value1 instanceof Array && value2 instanceof Array) { return value1 } // base case non-basic value if (basic(value1) && !opts.overwrite) { return value1 } if (opts.overwrite && basic(value2)) { return value2 } if (!basic(value1) && basic(value2)) { return value1 } if (opts.clone) { value1 = clone(value1) value2 = clone(value2) } const props = Object.keys(value2) props.forEach((prop) => { const propertyValue1 = value1[prop] if (prop in value1 && basic(propertyValue1) && !opts.overwrite) { return } const propertyValue2 = value2[prop] seen.set(value1, value1) let newVal = propertyValue2 if (prop in value1) { newVal = merge.bind(this)( propertyValue1, propertyValue2, { ...opts, ...{ clone: false } }, seen ) } if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && value1 ) { const setToUse = this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set setToUse?.(value1, prop, newVal) if ( typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { value1[prop] = newVal if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } }) return value1 } export const basic = (value) => { const valueType = typeof value const ret = !( valueType == "object" || valueType == "array" || valueType == "function" ) || value === null return ret } export const mod = (args, mod) => { return mod(args) || args } // transform(value, fn, path, ret={}){ // return forEach(value, fn, path, ret) // }, export const deepForEach = ( value, fn, path, ret = {}, seens = { originals: [], clones: [] }, first = true ) => { path = path || "" if (first) { value = { "": value } } // if(!(typeof value == 'string' || typeof value == 'boolean' || typeof value == 'number')){ // seens.originals.push(value) // } if (Array.isArray(value)) { forEachArray(value, fn, path, ret, seens) } else if (typeof value == "object") { forEachObject(value, fn, path, ret, seens) } return ret[""] } export const forEachObject = (obj, fn, path, ret, seens) => { for (const key in obj) { const deepPath = path ? `${path}.${key}` : key const primitive = typeof obj[key] == "string" || typeof obj[key] == "boolean" || typeof obj[key] == "number" if (primitive || seens.originals.indexOf(obj[key]) < 0) { if (!primitive) { seens.originals.push(obj[key]) } // Note that we always use obj[key] because it might be mutated by forEach fn(obj[key], key, obj, deepPath, ret, seens) deepForEach(obj[key], fn, deepPath, ret, seens, false) } } } export const forEachArray = (array, fn, path, ret = {}, seens) => { array.forEach((value, index, arr) => { const primitive = typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "boolean" || typeof value == "number" if (primitive || seens.originals.indexOf(value) < 0) { if (!primitive) { seens.originals.push(value) } const deepPath = `${path}.${index}` fn(value, index, arr, deepPath, ret, seens) // Note that we use arr[index] because it might be mutated by forEach deepForEach(arr[index], fn, deepPath, ret, seens, false) } }) } export const setThing = ({ option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(objList), obj = true, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, push, strings, targets, } = {}) => { let index = thingIndex({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, strings, }) if (obj == "debug") { console.log("index") console.log(index) console.log("list") console.log(list) } if (index >= 0 && list) { if (targets && targets.length && typeof targets.length == "number") { for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { const value = getsmart.bind(this)(option, targets[i], undefined) if (value) { setsmart.bind(this)(list[index], targets[i], value) } } } else { list.splice(index, 1, option) if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) ) { if ( !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) && !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } // list[index] = option } else if (push && list) { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) || getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) ) { list.splice(list.length, 0, option) if ( !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { list.push(option) } index = list.length - 1 } return index } export const setThings = ({ options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(objList), obj = true, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, push, async, } = {}) => { if (options && options instanceof Array && list) { for (const option of options) { if (async) { new Promise(() => { setThing({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, push, }) }) } else { setThing({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, push, }) } } } return list } export const optIn = ( option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, index ) => { if (typeof option === "object") { obj = true } if (!obj && list && list.indexOf && list.indexOf(option) >= 0) { return index ? list.indexOf(option) : true } else if (obj && list && typeof list.length == "number") { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!(keys && typeof keys.length == "number")) return for (let indKey = 0; indKey < keys.length; indKey++) { if (keymatchtype == "broad") { if ( list[i] && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { return index ? i : true } else if ( list[i] && typeof list[i] == "string" && list[i] == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { return index ? i : true } } else { if ( list[i] && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { if (indKey == keys.length - 1) { return index ? i : true } } else if ( list[i] && typeof list[i] == "string" && list[i] == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { if (indKey == keys.length - 1) { return index ? i : true } } } } } } return index ? -1 : false } export const thingIn = ({ option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(objList), obj = true, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, retIndex, // vue = local.vue } = {}) => { if (typeof option === "object") { obj = true } if (!obj && list && list.indexOf && list.indexOf(option) >= 0) { if (retIndex) { return list.indexOf(option) } else { return true } } else if (obj && list && typeof list.length == "number") { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!(keys && typeof keys.length == "number")) return for (let indKey = 0; indKey < keys.length; indKey++) { if (keymatchtype == "broad") { if ( list[i] && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { if (retIndex) { return i } else { return true } } else if ( list[i] && typeof list[i] == "string" && list[i] == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { if (retIndex) { return i } else { return true } } } else { if ( list[i] && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(list[i], keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { if (indKey == keys.length - 1) { if (retIndex) { return i } else { return true } } } else if ( list[i] && typeof list[i] == "string" && list[i] == getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) && getsmart.bind(this)(option, keys[indKey], undefined) !== undefined ) { if (indKey == keys.length - 1) { if (retIndex) { return i } else { return true } } } } } } } if (retIndex) { return -1 } else { return false } } export const optsIn = ( options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return true for (const option of options) { // if(typeof option === 'object'){ // obj = true // } if (!obj && list && list.indexOf && list.indexOf(option) >= 0) { // return true } else if (obj && list) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!optIn(option, list[i], obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { return false } } } else { return false } } return true } export const thingsIn = ({ options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return true for (const option of options) { // if(typeof option === 'object'){ // obj = true // } if (!obj && list && list.indexOf && list.indexOf(option) >= 0) { // return true } else if (obj && list && typeof list.length == "number") { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!optIn(option, list[i], obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { return false } } } else { return false } } return true } export const anyOptsIn = ( options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return false for (const option of options) { // if(typeof option === 'object'){ // obj = true // } if (!obj && list && list.indexOf && list.indexOf(option) >= 0) { return true } else if (obj && list && typeof list.length == "number") { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (optIn(option, list[i], obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { return true } } } } return false } export const anyThingsIn = ({ options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return false for (const option of options) { // if(typeof option === 'object'){ // obj = true // } if (!obj && list && list.indexOf && list.indexOf(option) >= 0) { return true } else if (obj && list && typeof list.length == "number") { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (optIn(option, list[i], obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { return true } } } } return false } export const optIndex = ( option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (typeof option === "object") { obj = true } if (obj && list && keys && typeof list.length == "number") { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { return i } } } else if (list) { return list.indexOf(option) } return -1 } export const thingIndex = ({ option, list, obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, strings, } = {}) => { if (typeof option === "object") { obj = true } if (obj && list && keys) { const index = thingIn({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, strings, retIndex: true, }) return index } else if (list) { return list.indexOf(option) } return -1 } export const pushOpt = ( option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, index ) => { if ( typeof list == "object" && !optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) ) { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) || getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) ) { list.splice(list.length, 0, option) if ( !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { list.push(option) } } return index ? optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, index) : optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, index) } export const addOpt = ( option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, index ) => { if (typeof list == "object") { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) || getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) ) { list.splice(list.length, 0, option) if ( !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { list.push(option) } } return index ? optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, index) : optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, index) } export const pushThing = ({ option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if ( typeof list == "object" && !thingIn({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype }) ) { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) || getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) ) { list.splice(list.length, 0, option) if ( !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { list.push(option) } } } export const pushOpts = ( options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return for (const option of options) { pushOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } } export const pushThings = ({ options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return for (const option of options) { pushThing({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype }) } } export const popOpt = ( option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (typeof list == "object" && optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { list.splice(optIndex(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype), 1) if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) || getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) ) { if ( !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } } } export const popThing = ({ option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj = true, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if ( typeof list == "object" && thingIn({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, }) ) { list.splice( thingIndex({ option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype, }), 1 ) if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) || getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) ) { if ( !localStorage.getItem("vuexWriteLock") && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } } } export const popOpts = ( options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return for (const option of options) { popOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } } export const popThings = ({ options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj = true, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return for (const option of options) { popOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } } export const toggleOpt = ( option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { popOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } else { pushOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } } export const toggleThing = ({ option, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj = true, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if (optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { popOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } else { pushOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } } export const toggleOpts = ( options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype ) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return for (const option in options) { toggleOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } } export const toggleThings = ({ options, list = getsmart.bind(this)(stringList), obj = true, keys = ["uuid", "_id", "id"], keymatchtype, } = {}) => { if (!(options instanceof Array)) return for (const option in options) { if (optIn(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype)) { popOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } else { pushOpt(option, list, obj, keys, keymatchtype) } } } // no use right now // export const ratchetOpt = ( // option, // list, // obj, // keys = ['uuid', '_id', 'id'], // keymatchtype // ) => { // // find(obj, property, equals){ // // if(getsmart.bind(this)(obj, 'constructor', undefined) == Array){ // // for(var i=0; i { if (!property && obj && typeof obj == "string") { property = obj.split(".") try { obj = eval(property[0]) } catch (err) { // console.error(err) obj = property[0] } property = property.slice(1, property.length) } if (!property) { if (context) { return { value: defaultValue, undefined: true, } } else { return defaultValue } } // If the property list is in dot notation, convert to array if (typeof property == "string") { property = parsePropertyPath(property) } else if (getsmart.bind(this)(property, "constructor", false) !== Array) { if (context) { return { value: defaultValue, undefined: true, err: "properties path @property argument was not passed properly", } } else { return defaultValue } } const deepGetByArray = deepGetByArrayUnbound.bind(this) return deepGetByArray(obj, property, defaultValue) // In order to avoid constantly checking the type of the property // we separate the real logic out into an inner function. function deepGetByArrayUnbound(obj, propsArray, defaultValue) { // This case getting to the last property but it not being ultimately defined // Not just having a value of undefined if ( propsArray.length > 0 && context && typeof obj == "object" && obj !== null && !(ee(propsArray[0]) in obj) ) { return { value: defaultValue, undefined: true, } } // If we have reached an undefined/null property // then stop executing and return the default value. // If no default was provided it will be undefined. if ( typeof obj == "undefined" || obj == null || (schema && !== schema) ) { if (context) { let undef = true if (propsArray.length === 0) { undef = false } return { value: defaultValue, undefined: undef, schema: schema && === schema, } } else { return defaultValue } } // If the path array has no more elements, we've reached // the intended property and return its value if (propsArray.length === 0) { if (context) { return { value: obj, undefined: false, } } else { return obj } } // Prepare our found property and path array for recursion const nextObj = obj[ee(propsArray[0])] const remainingProps = propsArray.slice(1) return deepGetByArray(nextObj, remainingProps, defaultValue) } } export const escapePropertyPath = (path = "") => { const newPath = escapeEscapes(path) return '["' + newPath + '"]' } export const epp = (path = "") => { return escapePropertyPath(path) } export const escapeEscapes = (path = "") => { let newPath = "" for (let i in path) { i = +i const char = path[i] if (i > 0 && i < path.length - 1) { const prevChar = path[i - 1] const nextChar = path[i + 1] const openingArrayPath = char === '"' && prevChar === "[" // && (nextChar !== "\\" || i === path.length-1) const closingArrayPath = char === '"' && nextChar === "]" && prevChar !== "\\" // let offset = 0 // if(openingArrayPath) offset = 1 if (openingArrayPath || closingArrayPath) { newPath += "\\" // path = path.slice(0,i+offset)+"\\"+path.slice(i+offset,path.length) } } newPath += char } return newPath } export const ee = (path = "") => { return escapeEscapes(path) } // TODO // Make parsing use \" or \' // Currently only uses \" export const parsePropertyPath = (path = "") => { const array = [] let readingArrayBasedPath = false let i = 0 let push = false let pushed = false while (i < path.length) { const arrayPathStart = path[i] == "[" && path[i + 1] == '"' const escapedStart = !(path[i + 1] !== "\\" || i === 0) if (readingArrayBasedPath) { // we found the end of an array delimited path const arrayPathEnd = path[i] == '"' && path[i + 1] == "]" const escapedEnd = !(path[i - 1] !== "\\" || i == 0) if (arrayPathEnd && !escapedEnd) { i += 1 readingArrayBasedPath = false if (!pushed) push = true } else { // if the path includes an "escaped" array based path begin or end value // do not push the escape character if ( (path[i] == "\\" && path[i + 1] == '"' && path[i + 2] == "]") || (path[i - 1] == "[" && path[i] == "\\" && path[i + 1] == '"') ) { // nothing } else { array[array.length - 1] += path[i] } } } else if (path[i] == ".") { if (!pushed) push = true } // we found the start of an array delimited path else if (arrayPathStart && !escapedStart) { readingArrayBasedPath = true if (!pushed) push = true i += 1 } else { if (i == 0) array.push("") array[array.length - 1] += path[i] } i++ if (push && i < path.length) { pushed = true array.push("") push = false } else { pushed = false } } return array } export const ppp = (path = "") => { return this.parsePropertyPath(path) } export const parsePropertyArray = (pathArray) => { let path = "" if (pathArray instanceof Array) { pathArray.forEach((subPath) => { path += epp(subPath) }) } else if (typeof pathArray === "string") { return path } return path } export const ppa = (pathArray) => { return this.parsePropertyArray(pathArray) } export const pathToArray = (path) => { if (typeof path == "string") { return parsePropertyPath(path) } else { return path } } export const pathToString = (path) => { if (typeof path == "string") { let ret = parsePropertyPath(path) ret = parsePropertyArray(ret) return ret } else { const ret = parsePropertyArray(path) return ret } } export const setsmart = (obj, property, value, context?: any) => { if (!property && typeof obj == "string") { property = obj.split(".") try { obj = eval(property[0]) } catch (err) { obj = property[0] } property = property.slice(1, property.length) } // If the property list is in dot notation, convert to array if (typeof property == "string") { property = parsePropertyPath(property) } else if (getsmart.bind(this)(property, "constructor", false) !== Array) { if (context) { return { value: value, undefined: true, err: "properties path @property argument was not passed properly", } } else { return value } } // if no obj make obj if (!obj || (typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function")) obj = {} const deepSetByArray = deepSetByArrayUnbound.bind(this) if (property) { return deepSetByArray(obj, property, value) } else { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && obj ) { const setToUse = this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set setToUse(obj, undefined, value) if ( typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { obj = value if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } if (context) { return { value: obj, undefined: false, err: "there were no properties passed", } } else { return obj } } // In order to avoid constantly checking the type of the property // we separate the real logic out into an inner function. function deepSetByArrayUnbound(obj, propsArray, value) { // If the path array has only 1 more element, we've reached // the intended property and set its value if (propsArray.length == 1) { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && obj ) { const setToUse = this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set setToUse(obj, ee(propsArray[0]), value) if ( typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { // TODO: make parent object new object so that react can see the change obj[ee(propsArray[0])] = value if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } if (context) { return { value: obj[ee(propsArray[0])], undefined: false, } } else { return obj[ee(propsArray[0])] } } // Prepare our path array for recursion const remainingProps = propsArray.slice(1) // check if next prop is object if (typeof obj[ee(propsArray[0])] !== "object") { // If we have reached an undefined/null property if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && obj ) { const setToUse = this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set setToUse(obj, ee(propsArray[0]), {}) if ( typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { obj[ee(propsArray[0])] = {} if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "store", false) && typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } } return deepSetByArray(obj[ee(propsArray[0])], remainingProps, value) } } export const deletesmart = (obj, property) => { if (!property && typeof obj == "string") { property = obj.split(".") try { obj = eval(property[0]) } catch (err) { // console.error(err) obj = property[0] } property = property.slice(1, property.length) } // If the property list is in dot notation, convert to array if (typeof property == "string") { property = parsePropertyPath(property) } const parentPathArray = property.slice(0, property.length - 1) const path = property[property.length - 1] const parentObj = getsmart(obj, parentPathArray, {}) if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && obj ) { this.$delete(parentObj, path) } else { delete parentObj[path] } } export const pushSmart = (array, value) => { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && array ) { array.push(value) if ( typeof getsmart.bind(this)(window, "$store.commit", undefined) == "function" ) { window.$store.commit(local.vue.basePath || "graph/thing") } } else { array.push(value) } } export const gosmart = (obj, property, value, context, schema) => { // stands for get or set smart let get = getsmart.bind(this)( obj, property, value, true, schema ? absoluteType.bind(this)(value) : false ) if (get.undefined || (schema && get.schema === false)) { get = setsmart.bind(this)(obj, property, get.value, context) if (context) { return get } else { return get } } else { return get.value } } export const gosmarter = (obj, property, value, context, schema = true) => { return gosmart.bind(this)(obj, property, value, context, schema) } export const absoluteType = (value) => { let type try { type = } catch (e) { if (typeof value === "undefined") type = "undefined" if (value === null) type = "null" } return type } export const vgosmart = (obj, property, value, context) => { // stands for v-model get or set smart // return value from property path, either gotten or smartly set return { get: () => { let get = getsmart.bind(this)(obj, property, value, true) if (get.undefined) { get = setsmart.bind(this)(obj, property, get.value, context) } if (context) { return get } else { return getsmart.bind(this)(get, "value", get) } }, set: (val) => { setsmart.bind(this)(obj, property, val) }, } } export const getsmartval = (obj, property, defaultValue) => { // get the value of a property path based off its type const target = getsmart.bind(this)(obj, property, defaultValue) if (target && target.type) { if (target[target.type]) { return target[target.type] } else { return defaultValue } } else if (target) { return target } return defaultValue } export const safestring = (something) => { return smarts.stringify(something || "") } export const safeparse = (something) => { return smarts.parse(something || "") } export const flatten = (arrays, func = (i) => i) => { const flat = [] arrays.forEach((array) => { if (Array.isArray(array)) { flat.push(...flatten(array)) } else { flat.push(func(array)) } }) return flat } export const mapsmart = (list, keyProperty = "title", returnExistant) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!keyProperty) { reject() } else if (list && typeof list.length == "number") { if (list.length == 0) { if ( (returnExistant && getsmart.bind(this)(list, "mapped." + returnExistant, false)) || !returnExistant ) { resolve(true) } else if (returnExistant) { resolve(false) } else { resolve() } } if (!list.mapped || typeof list.mapped === "boolean") { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && list ) { const setToUse = this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set setToUse(list, "mapped", {}) } else { list["mapped"] = {} } } for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (typeof list[i] !== "string") { if ( getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "reactiveSetter", false) && getsmart.bind(this)( this, "$set", getsmart.bind(this)(local.vue, "Vue.set", false) ) && list.mapped ) { const setToUse = this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set setToUse(list.mapped, list[i][keyProperty], list[i]) } else { list["mapped"][list[i][keyProperty]] = list[i] } if (i == list.length - 1) { if ( (returnExistant && getsmart.bind(this)(list, "mapped." + returnExistant, false)) || !returnExistant ) { resolve(true) } else if (returnExistant) { resolve(false) } else { resolve() } } } // else if(populate){ // var funCounter = this.funCounter // this.funCounter = this.funCounter + 1 // getThing({ // thing: list[i], // clientId: this._uid, // funCounter // }) // this.$options.sockets['giveThing'] = data => { // if(this._uid == data.clientId && data.funCounter == funCounter){ // (this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set)(list, i.toString(), data.thing) // (this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set)(list.mapped, list[i][keyProperty], list[i]) // } // if(i==list.length-1){ // if((returnExistant && getsmart.bind(this)(list, 'mapped.'+returnExistant, false)) || !returnExistant){ // resolve(true) // } else if(returnExistant) { // resolve(false) // } else { // resolve() // } // } // } // } else if (i == list.length - 1) { if ( (returnExistant && getsmart.bind(this)(list, "mapped." + returnExistant, false)) || !returnExistant ) { resolve(true) } else if (returnExistant) { resolve(false) } else { resolve() } } } // if(list.mapped && !list.mapped['agora-client-mapped']){ // (this.$set || local.vue.Vue.set)(list.mapped, 'agora-client-mapped', true) // } } }) } export const domval = (thing) => { return getsmart.bind(this)(thing, "properties.description", "") } export const getParent = (levels = Infinity) => { if (typeof levels == "string") levels = (levels.match(/\.\./g) || []).length if (levels >= this.pathAsArray.length - 1) { return this.pathAsArray[0] } const level = this.pathAsArray.length - 1 - levels return this.pathAsArray[level] } export const getThing = (props = {}) => { const { list = getsmart.bind(this)(objList), defaultValue = undefined } = props const index = thingIn({ ...props, retIndex: true, }) if (index >= 0) { return list[index] } else { return defaultValue } } export const equal = (obj1, obj2, seen = []) => { if (obj1 && obj2 && typeof obj1 == "object" && typeof obj2 == "object") { seen.push(obj1, obj2) //Loop through properties in object 1 for (const p in obj1) { //Check property exists on both objects if ( typeof obj1.hasOwnProperty == "function" && typeof obj2.hasOwnProperty == "function" &&, p) !==, p) ) return false switch (typeof obj1[p]) { //Deep compare objects case "object": if (seen.indexOf(obj1[p]) < 0 && !equal(obj1[p], obj2[p], seen)) return false break //Compare function code case "function": if ( typeof obj2[p] == "undefined" || obj1[p].toString() != obj2[p].toString() ) return false break //Compare values default: if (obj1[p] != obj2[p]) return false } } //Check object 2 for any extra properties for (const p in obj2) { if (!(p in obj1)) return false } return true } } export const mergeall = (array, options) => { if (!Array.isArray(array)) { throw new Error("first argument should be an array") } return array.reduce(function (prev, next) { return merge(prev, next, options) }, {}) } // export const smarts with all other exports export const smarts = { local, t, getBabel, uuid, pause, save, toJavascript, toJavascriptAux, createObjectProperties, serialize, stringify, replacer, setKnown, stringifier, primitives, Primitives, play, load, parse, parser, revive, createScopedEval, defineVariable, scopedEval, jsUUID, context, contextObject, createContext, createInlineContext, addBindingsToContext, scopeVarCode, scopeVarInlineCode, scopeVar, functionWrapper, bodyInsert, initBlock, getNodeUUID, getPathUUID, babelPlugin, transform, stripUuids, dupe, clone, schema, create, merge, basic, mod, deepForEach, forEachObject, forEachArray, setThing, setThings, optIn, thingIn, optsIn, thingsIn, anyOptsIn, anyThingsIn, optIndex, thingIndex, pushOpt, addOpt, pushThing, pushOpts, pushThings, popOpt, popThing, popOpts, popThings, toggleOpt, toggleThing, toggleOpts, toggleThings, // ratchetOpt, getsmart, escapePropertyPath, epp, escapeEscapes, ee, parsePropertyPath, ppp, parsePropertyArray, ppa, pathToArray, pathToString, setsmart, deletesmart, pushSmart, gosmart, gosmarter, absoluteType, vgosmart, getsmartval, safestring, safeparse, flatten, mapsmart, domval, getParent, getThing, equal, mergeall, }