import React, { createContext } from "react" import { parse, stringify } from "flatted" import { sanitise } from "~/functions/sanitise" import { smarts } from "~/smarts" export interface ThingtimeContextInterface { thingtime: any setThingtime: any getThingtime: any thingtimeRef: any } export const ThingtimeContext = createContext< ThingtimeContextInterface[] | null >(null) try { window.smarts = smarts } catch (err) { // nothing } const force = { settings: { // commanderActive: false, }, version: 22, } const newVersionData = { Content: { hidden1: "Edit this to your heart's desire.", "How?": "Just search for Content and edit the value to whatever you want.", "Example:": `Content = New Content! Content.Nested Content = New Nested Content! `, }, } const initialValues = { settings: { commanderActive: false, clearCommanderOnToggle: true, clearCommanderContextOnToggle: true, }, Content: { hidden1: "Edit this to your heart's desire.", "How?": "Just search for Content and edit the value to whatever you want.", "Example:": `Content = New Content! Content.Nested Content = New Nested Content! `, }, } const initialThingtime = smarts.merge(initialValues, force) // TODO: Make localStorage be loaded first before initialValues if local version exists // and is valid // Issue seems to be server id is different to client hydration // let thingtimeToUse = initialThingtime // try { // const thingtimeFromLocalStorage = window.localStorage.getItem("thingtime") // if (thingtimeFromLocalStorage) { // const parsed = parse(thingtimeFromLocalStorage) // if (parsed) { // const localIsValid = !parsed.version || parsed.version >= force.version // if (localIsValid) { // const newThingtime = smarts.merge(force, parsed) // console.log("nik comm newThingtime", newThingtime) // thingtimeToUse = newThingtime // } else { // const withVersionUpdates = smarts.merge(newVersionData, parsed) // const newThingtime = smarts.merge(force, withVersionUpdates) // thingtimeToUse = newThingtime // } // } // } // } catch (err) { // console.error("Caught error restoring thingtime from localstorage", err) // } export const ThingtimeProvider = (props: any): JSX.Element => { const [thingtime, rawSet] = React.useState(initialThingtime) const set = React.useCallback((newThingtime) => { = newThingtime newThingtime.thingtime = newThingtime rawSet(newThingtime) }, []) const thingtimeRef = React.useRef(thingtime) const stateRef = React.useRef({ c: 1, }) const setThingtime = React.useCallback( (path, value) => { const prevThingtime = thingtime const newThingtime = { ...prevThingtime, } = newThingtime newThingtime.thingtime = newThingtime // check if first characters of path starts with thingtime or tt and strip from path // path = sanitise(path) console.log("nik setting newThingtime value at path", path, value) smarts.setsmart(newThingtime, path, value) // subtract last path part from dot delimitted path // prop1.prop2.prop3 => prop1.prop2 const pathParts = path.split(".") pathParts.pop() const parentPath = pathParts.join(".") if (parentPath?.length) { console.log("nik updating parentPath dependancies", parentPath) const parent = smarts.getsmart(newThingtime, parentPath) const newParent = Array.isArray(parent) ? [...parent] : { ...parent } smarts.setsmart(newThingtime, parentPath, newParent) } set(newThingtime) }, [thingtime, set] ) const getThingtime = React.useCallback( (...args) => { const rawPath = args[0] const path = rawPath // do we need to sanitise? // const path = sanitise(rawPath) console.log("Getting thingtime at path", path) // console.trace("Getting thingtime at path", path) return smarts.getsmart(thingtime, path) }, [thingtime] ) const populatePaths = React.useCallback((obj, path, paths, seen = []) => { Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { const val = obj[key] const newPath = path ? `${path}${path ? "." : ""}${key}` : key if (typeof val === "object") { paths.push(newPath) if (!seen?.includes(val)) { seen.push(val) populatePaths(val, newPath, paths, seen) } } else { paths.push(newPath) } }) }, []) const paths = React.useMemo(() => { // const paths = ["tt", "thingtime", "."] const paths = [] // populatePaths(thingtime, commandPath) populatePaths(thingtime, "", paths) return paths }, [populatePaths, thingtime]) // get thingtime from localstorage React.useEffect(() => { try { const thingtimeFromLocalStorage = window.localStorage.getItem("thingtime") if (thingtimeFromLocalStorage) { const parsed = parse(thingtimeFromLocalStorage) if (parsed) { const localIsValid = !parsed.version || parsed.version >= force.version let newThingtime = null if (localIsValid) { newThingtime = smarts.merge(force, parsed) } else { const withVersionUpdates = smarts.merge(newVersionData, parsed) newThingtime = smarts.merge(force, withVersionUpdates) } console.log("nik setting new thingtime", newThingtime) console.log("nik localIsValid", localIsValid) set(newThingtime) } } } catch (err) { console.error("There was an error getting thingtime from localStorage") } }, []) // thingtime change listener React.useEffect(() => { try { window.setThingtime = setThingtime window.thingtime = thingtime = thingtime } catch { // nothing } console.log("nik detected thingtime change", thingtime) if (stateRef.current.initialized) { if (thingtime.thingtime !== thingtime || !== thingtime) { if (!(stateRef?.current?.c >= 10)) { stateRef.current.c++ const newThingtime = { ...thingtime, } newThingtime.thingtime = newThingtime = newThingtime set(newThingtime) } } else { try { console.log("Setting thingtime to localStorage", thingtime) // setTimeout(() => { const stringified = stringify(thingtime) window.localStorage.setItem("thingtime", stringified) // }, 600) } catch (err) { console.error("There was an error saving thingtime to localStorage") } } } else { stateRef.current.initialized = true } thingtimeRef.current = thingtime const keyListener = (e) => {} window.addEventListener("keydown", keyListener) return () => { window.removeEventListener("keydown", keyListener) } }, [setThingtime, thingtime]) const value = { thingtime, setThingtime, getThingtime, thingtimeRef, paths, } return ( {props?.children} ) }