{ "$schema": "https://www.raycast.com/schemas/extension.json", "name": "thingtime-commander", "title": "Thingtime Commander", "description": "Next generation command runner for software", "keywords": [ "Lopu", "Thingtime", "Commander" ], "version": "1.7.0", "icon": "command-icon.png", "author": "nikolajfrey", "contributors": [ "arronhunt" ], "categories": [ "Media", "Productivity", "Design Tools" ], "license": "MIT", "preferences": [ { "title": "Image Input", "name": "inputMethod", "description": "Where to obtain the image to modify.", "type": "dropdown", "data": [ { "title": "Selection In Finder", "value": "Finder" }, { "title": "Selection In Path Finder", "value": "Path Finder" }, { "title": "Clipboard", "value": "Clipboard" } ], "default": "Finder", "required": false }, { "title": "Image Output", "name": "imageResultHandling", "description": "How to handle the result of the image modification, i.e. where to save the modified image, or whether to copy it to the clipboard.", "type": "dropdown", "data": [ { "title": "Replace Original", "value": "replaceOriginal" }, { "title": "Save In Containing Folder", "value": "saveInContainingFolder" }, { "title": "Copy to Clipboard", "value": "copyToClipboard" }, { "title": "Open in Preview", "value": "openInPreview" }, { "title": "Save To Downloads", "value": "saveToDownloads" }, { "title": "Save to Desktop", "value": "saveToDesktop" } ], "default": "replaceOriginal", "required": false }, { "title": "cwebp Lossless", "name": "cwebpLossless", "description": "Whether to use lossless conversion", "label": "Lossless", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false } ], "commands": [ { "name": "commander", "title": "Commander", "description": "Open Thingtime Commander", "mode": "view", "fallbackText": "test2", "keywords": [ "commander", "thingtime", "ai" ], "preferences": [ { "name": "name", "required": false, "type": "textfield", "key": "name", "title": "Name of Command to run", "description": "The name of the command/function to run", "defaultValue": "Menu" } ] }, { "name": "commanderOpenNewFinderWindow", "title": "Open New Finder Window", "description": "Open new finder window", "mode": "no-view", "fallbackText": "test2", "keywords": [ "commander", "thingtime", "ai" ], "arguments": [ { "placeholder": "Path", "name": "path", "type": "text", "description": "The path to open the new finder window at", "required": false } ], "preferences": [ { "name": "name", "required": false, "type": "textfield", "key": "name", "title": "Name of Command to run", "description": "The name of the command/function to run", "defaultValue": "openNewFinderWindow" } ] }, { "name": "commanderMp4ToMp3", "title": "mp4 to mp3", "description": "Converts an mp4 into an mp3 using ffmpeg at 320Kbps", "mode": "no-view", "fallbackText": "test2", "keywords": [ "commander", "thingtime", "ai" ], "preferences": [ { "name": "mp4ToMp3", "required": false, "type": "textfield", "key": "name", "title": "Name of Command to run", "description": "The name of the command/function to run", "defaultValue": "mp4ToMp3" } ] }, { "name": "convert", "title": "Convert Images", "description": "Convert the selected images to the specified format", "mode": "view", "preferences": [ { "label": "WEBP", "name": "showWEBP", "description": "Whether to show WEBP as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "title": "Enabled Formats", "label": "ASTC", "name": "showASTC", "description": "Whether to show ASTC as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "BMP", "name": "showBMP", "description": "Whether to show BMP as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "DDS", "name": "showDDS", "description": "Whether to show DDS as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "EXR", "name": "showEXR", "description": "Whether to show EXR as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "GIF", "name": "showGIF", "description": "Whether to show GIF as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "HEIC", "name": "showHEIC", "description": "Whether to show HEIC as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "HEICS", "name": "showHEICS", "description": "Whether to show HEICS as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "ICNS", "name": "showICNS", "description": "Whether to show ICNS as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "ICO", "name": "showICO", "description": "Whether to show ICO as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "JPEG", "name": "showJPEG", "description": "Whether to show JPEG as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "JP2", "name": "showJP2", "description": "Whether to show JP2 as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "KTX", "name": "showKTX", "description": "Whether to show KTX as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "PBM", "name": "showPBM", "description": "Whether to show PBM as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "PDF", "name": "showPDF", "description": "Whether to show PDF as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "PNG", "name": "showPNG", "description": "Whether to show PNG as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "PSD", "name": "showPSD", "description": "Whether to show PSD as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "PVR", "name": "showPVR", "description": "Whether to show PVR as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "TGA", "name": "showTGA", "description": "Whether to show TGA as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "TIFF", "name": "showTIFF", "description": "Whether to show TIFF as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false }, { "label": "SVG", "name": "showSVG", "description": "Whether to show SVG as a conversion option", "type": "checkbox", "default": true, "required": false } ], "keywords": [ "change", "transform" ] } ], "dependencies": { "@raycast/api": "^1.48.8", "@raycast/utils": "^1.4.18", "mathjs": "^11.8.2", "run-applescript": "^6.1.0", "svgo": "^3.0.2", "tar": "^6.2.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/node": "18.8.3", "@types/react": "18.0.9", "@types/tar": "^6.1.11", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.0.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.0.0", "eslint": "^7.32.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "^8.3.0", "prettier": "^2.5.1", "typescript": "^4.4.3" }, "scripts": { "build": "ray build -e dist", "dev": "ray develop", "fix-lint": "ray lint --fix", "lint": "ray lint", "publish": "ray publish" } }