46 lines
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46 lines
1.5 KiB
* @file pad.ts
* @summary Raycast command to add padding to selected images.
* @author Stephen Kaplan <skaplanofficial@gmail.com>
* Created at : 2023-07-06 14:55:36
* Last modified : 2023-07-18 18:48:38
import { getPreferenceValues, showToast, Toast } from "@raycast/api";
import pad from "./operations/padOperation";
import { getSelectedImages } from "./utilities/utils";
import { PadPreferences } from "./utilities/preferences";
import runOperation from "./operations/runOperation";
export default async function Command(props: { arguments: { amount: string; hexcolor: string } }) {
const { amount, hexcolor } = props.arguments;
const selectedImages = await getSelectedImages();
const preferences = getPreferenceValues<PadPreferences>();
const padAmount = parseInt(amount);
if (isNaN(padAmount) || padAmount < 0) {
await showToast({ title: "Padding amount must be a positive integer", style: Toast.Style.Failure });
let hexString = hexcolor || preferences.defaultPadColor;
if (hexString.startsWith("#")) {
hexString = hexString.substring(1);
if (!hexString.match(/[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}/)) {
await showToast({ title: "Invalid HEX Color", style: Toast.Style.Failure });
await runOperation({
operation: () => pad(selectedImages, padAmount, hexString),
inProgressMessage: "Padding in progress...",
successMessage: "Padded",
failureMessage: "Failed to pad",