Modified portfolio site initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
retoor 2024-12-06 18:18:45 +00:00
commit d77de465fc
1077 changed files with 117733 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 640 640" width="32" height="32"><path d="m395.9 484.2-126.9-61c-12.5-6-17.9-21.2-11.8-33.8l61-126.9c6-12.5 21.2-17.9 33.8-11.8 17.2 8.3 27.1 13 27.1 13l-.1-109.2 16.7-.1.1 117.1s57.4 24.2 83.1 40.1c3.7 2.3 10.2 6.8 12.9 14.4 2.1 6.1 2 13.1-1 19.3l-61 126.9c-6.2 12.7-21.4 18.1-33.9 12" style="fill:#fff"/><path d="M622.7 149.8c-4.1-4.1-9.6-4-9.6-4s-117.2 6.6-177.9 8c-13.3.3-26.5.6-39.6.7v117.2c-5.5-2.6-11.1-5.3-16.6-7.9 0-36.4-.1-109.2-.1-109.2-29 .4-89.2-2.2-89.2-2.2s-141.4-7.1-156.8-8.5c-9.8-.6-22.5-2.1-39 1.5-8.7 1.8-33.5 7.4-53.8 26.9C-4.9 212.4 6.6 276.2 8 285.8c1.7 11.7 6.9 44.2 31.7 72.5 45.8 56.1 144.4 54.8 144.4 54.8s12.1 28.9 30.6 55.5c25 33.1 50.7 58.9 75.7 62 63 0 188.9-.1 188.9-.1s12 .1 28.3-10.3c14-8.5 26.5-23.4 26.5-23.4S547 483 565 451.5c5.5-9.7 10.1-19.1 14.1-28 0 0 55.2-117.1 55.2-231.1-1.1-34.5-9.6-40.6-11.6-42.6M125.6 353.9c-25.9-8.5-36.9-18.7-36.9-18.7S69.6 321.8 60 295.4c-16.5-44.2-1.4-71.2-1.4-71.2s8.4-22.5 38.5-30c13.8-3.7 31-3.1 31-3.1s7.1 59.4 15.7 94.2c7.2 29.2 24.8 77.7 24.8 77.7s-26.1-3.1-43-9.1m300.3 107.6s-6.1 14.5-19.6 15.4c-5.8.4-10.3-1.2-10.3-1.2s-.3-.1-5.3-2.1l-112.9-55s-10.9-5.7-12.8-15.6c-2.2-8.1 2.7-18.1 2.7-18.1L322 273s4.8-9.7 12.2-13c.6-.3 2.3-1 4.5-1.5 8.1-2.1 18 2.8 18 2.8L467.4 315s12.6 5.7 15.3 16.2c1.9 7.4-.5 14-1.8 17.2-6.3 15.4-55 113.1-55 113.1" style="fill:#609926"/><path d="M326.8 380.1c-8.2.1-15.4 5.8-17.3 13.8s2 16.3 9.1 20c7.7 4 17.5 1.8 22.7-5.4 5.1-7.1 4.3-16.9-1.8-23.1l24-49.1c1.5.1 3.7.2 6.2-.5 4.1-.9 7.1-3.6 7.1-3.6 4.2 1.8 8.6 3.8 13.2 6.1 4.8 2.4 9.3 4.9 13.4 1.8 1.1 2.8 1.9 1.6 1.3 3.4 3.1 4.7 5.5 1.9 5.5-1.9 14.9-1.9 14.9-2.3 7.6-18.4 40.6-18.4 40.6-8.1-.2-15.3 5-17.7 12.5-2.6 8.1 1.1 17.3 8.9 21.3s17.4 1.7 22.5-5.3c5-6.8 4.6-16.3-1.1-22.6 1.9-3.7 3.7-7.4 5.6-11.3 5-10.4 13.5-30.4 13.5-30.4.9-1.7 5.7-10.3 2.7-21.3-2.5-11.4-12.6-16.7-12.6-16.7-12.2-7.9-29.2-15.2-29.2-15.2s0-4.1-1.1-7.1c-1.1-3.1-2.8-5.1-3.9-6.3 4.7-9.7 9.4-19.3 14.1-29-4.1-2-8.1-4-12.2-6.1-4.8 9.8-9.7 19.7-14.5 29.5-6.7-.1-12.9 3.5-16.1 9.4-3.4 6.3-2.7 14.1 1.9 19.8z" style="fill:#609926"/></svg>


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