"""Asyncio protocol implementation for handling telegrams."""
import asyncio
import logging
from functools import partial
from serial_asyncio import create_serial_connection
from . import telegram_specifications
from .exceptions import ParseError
from .parsers import TelegramParserV2_2, TelegramParserV4
from .serial import (SERIAL_SETTINGS_V2_2, SERIAL_SETTINGS_V4,
is_end_of_telegram, is_start_of_telegram)
def create_dsmr_protocol(dsmr_version, telegram_callback, loop=None):
"""Creates a DSMR asyncio protocol."""
if dsmr_version == '2.2':
specifications = telegram_specifications.V2_2
telegram_parser = TelegramParserV2_2
serial_settings = SERIAL_SETTINGS_V2_2
elif dsmr_version == '4':
specifications = telegram_specifications.V4
telegram_parser = TelegramParserV4
serial_settings = SERIAL_SETTINGS_V4
protocol = partial(DSMRProtocol, loop, telegram_parser(specifications),
return protocol, serial_settings
def create_dsmr_reader(port, dsmr_version, telegram_callback, loop=None):
"""Creates a DSMR asyncio protocol coroutine using serial port."""
protocol, serial_settings = create_dsmr_protocol(
dsmr_version, telegram_callback, loop=None)
serial_settings['url'] = port
conn = create_serial_connection(loop, protocol, **serial_settings)
return conn
def create_tcp_dsmr_reader(host, port, dsmr_version,
telegram_callback, loop=None):
"""Creates a DSMR asyncio protocol coroutine using TCP connection."""
protocol, _ = create_dsmr_protocol(
dsmr_version, telegram_callback, loop=None)
conn = loop.create_connection(protocol, host, port)
return conn
class DSMRProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
"""Assemble and handle incoming data into complete DSM telegrams."""
transport = None
telegram_callback = None
def __init__(self, loop, telegram_parser, telegram_callback=None):
"""Initialize class."""
self.loop = loop
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.telegram_parser = telegram_parser
# callback to call on complete telegram
self.telegram_callback = telegram_callback
# buffer to keep incoming telegram lines
self.telegram = []
# buffer to keep incomplete incoming data
self.buffer = ''
# keep a lock until the connection is closed
self._closed = asyncio.Event()
def connection_made(self, transport):
"""Just logging for now."""
self.transport = transport
def data_received(self, data):
"""Add incoming data to buffer."""
data = data.decode()
self.log.debug('received data: %s', data.strip())
self.buffer += data
def handle_lines(self):
"""Assemble incoming data into single lines."""
crlf = "\r\n"
while crlf in self.buffer:
line, self.buffer = self.buffer.split(crlf, 1)
self.log.debug('got line: %s', line)
line += crlf # add the trailing crlf again
# Telegrams need to be complete because the values belong to a
# particular reading and can also be related to eachother.
if not self.telegram and not is_start_of_telegram(line):
if is_end_of_telegram(line):
parsed_telegram = self.telegram_parser.parse(self.telegram)
except ParseError:
self.log.exception("failed to parse telegram")
self.telegram = []
def connection_lost(self, exc):
"""Stop when connection is lost."""
if exc:
self.log.exception('disconnected due to exception')
self.log.info('disconnected because of close/abort.')
def handle_telegram(self, telegram):
"""Send off parsed telegram to handling callback."""
self.log.debug('got telegram: %s', telegram)
if self.telegram_callback:
def wait_closed(self):
"""Wait until connection is closed."""
yield from self._closed.wait()