nosoup4u said if you're on mac or linux, Zed is a very nice alternative, IMO >
Windows client is coming, someday,@Liebranca DWM is great, I love it. But sometimes (especially after a while) it's nice to just install a desktop environment and not have to spend a ton of time on it ever again - I know this is troll bait, but it's not intentional because I mean it. "Everything" is troll bait nowadays.,Having to recompile DWM every time you change something isn't so bad. It's a fast compile, but on the other hand, why bother with that if your hardware can handle something more CPU/RAM intensive? I haven't seen a ton of modern systems where you'd really consider dwm or ratpoison or something like that out of necessity. Easy peasy, predictable DE with minimal config is an easy peasy choice, IMO.,I feel what you're saying. As an aside, I've been thinking of taking up smoking again. It's expensive and unpleasant, but I'm sure it'll kill me faster, so that's a big positive to offset those negatives.```