NoMad said Glad to not be the only one who read that as "line of coke" first! 👀,About a decade ago, a colleague sent a link to an image here to the group chat at work.
I've been here on and off, depending on how selfish and moronic the community gets.,@antigermanist arch is not cool enough when it comes to robotics and NN libraries. It has issues with ROS as well as pyrtorch and related libraries. My last install was a manjaro that at some point didn't update anymore because of some cpp library update fail.
Talk to me again when you have a decent version of arch that doesn't take a lifetime and half to install and customize, can handle Bluetooth connections as well as cpp based tensor calculations. (I'm angry tbh cuz I expected a lot more from arch),Congrats! 👏,Is this how kids flirt now?
Buy me dinner first. 😏,I love it! Good job! This place is becoming usable again! ❤️,@Demolishun or possibly they're not even Iranian. Sometimes it's the Israeli or British intels spamming to get grayhats angry enough to cooperate with them, or do their dirty work for them.
In this day and age, those who make you angry are counting on your reaction.,Honestly, my experience has been that none of them can shut up for more than 0.33 second, and they're all loud with no volum control. I don't think they'd enjoy being here.
Except for one. I had one Turkish colleague who didn't fit this stereotype.,@Lensflare JFC that's a bag of worms you shouldn't open in front of me! Germans are undatable and make even worse partners. Me and my size F girls sleep hand in hand happily, knowing we don't have to put up with yet another narcissistic coward. 😑,Clarification for those who don't know me: I dislike all nationalities. People are all just different shades of idiots.```