All source listed below is under MIT license if no LICENSE file stating different is available.


Project to determine health of the devrant platform.

Also, it will generate a dataset to be used with machine learning.

Make Retoor9b great again!

I do not have to run statistics manually. Every source code update results in automatically new build statistics by my build server. I should do this for a living.

Generating these statistics takes quite some steps. Look at the build log under the actions tab.

Generated statistics by last build

Click here for latest dataset.

Click here for latest graphs compilaiton.

Click here for all generated data


Thanks to Rohan Burke (coolq). The creator of the dr api wrapper this project uses. Since it isn't made like a package, i had to copy his source files to my source folder. His library:

Using this project

Prepare environment

Create python3 environment:

python3 -m venv ./venv

Activate python3 environment:

source ./venv/bin/activate


You don't have to use more than make. If you just run make all statistics will be generated. It will execute the right apps for generating statistics.


If you type dr. in terminal and press tab you'll see all available apps auto completed. These applications are also used by make.

1. `dr.sync` synchronizes all data from last two weeks from devrant. Only two weeks because it's rate limited.
2. `dr.dataset` exports all data to be used for LLM embedding., don't forget to execute `dr.sync` first.
3. `dr.stats_all` exports all graphs to export folder, don't forget to execute `dr.sync` first.
4. `dr.rant_stats_per_day` exports graphs to export folder. don't forget to execute `dr.sync` first.
5. `dr.rant_stats_per_hour` exports graphs to export folder. don't forget to execute `dr.sync` first.
6. `dr.rant_stats_per_weekday` exports graphs to export folder. don't forget to execute `dr.sync` first.