magicMirror said Upon reading the license, you will feel sorry for having red it. Enforced by lawyer monkeys, wearing banana suits, while eating pizza.,xp is 20+ years old now. Are you trying to compare modern day linux to it?
Remeber Dos fitting on a single floppy in the early 90's? Why can't linux fit on a floppy today😭??,sentiment analysis.
word cloud analysis.
 mentioned / week day.

Also - do you exclude anaytics posta from the stats?,It has more the one legal solution, symetric. to each other.,@PaperTrail username checks out.

Similar thing.... I filled out a form for a thing. Gave signed form to office admin, and asked to scan and email to me & HR. Got asked "why?". Said: "CYA".
got the email. made sure HR was CC'd.
Shit hit the fan two weeks later....

After the dust settled, I asked the office admin what happened. Admin told me HR wanted him to claim he never got the signed form from me on time.... The moronic HR missed the email.,What? no crypto recovery scams? 
No stupid af SEO post?

Bots to fight Bots....```