kamen said You sound like someone who's about to go crazy into EDC and will start carrying a backup light.,Imagine also including the blame line as well,How were you debugging? Wasn't this the first thing you'd see?,Unless you give us some context about why you think it's wrong, it seems fine to me.,The fact that she can look through your phone to begin with is slightly off-putting.,... or you've just hit an edge case for which there's no proper or more appropriate handling.,Depending on your situation you might be missing out.

I got my current job due to a recruiter finding me there - mostly because I had listed experience with a relatively niche technology. So it doesn't get in the way when I don't want it to, but could be useful when I need it.,After a certain period of time stuff written by you becomes indistinguishable from stuff written by someone else.,@retoor Just never bothered to create an avatar and it stayed like this.,Because they don't know that monitors have adjustable brightness.```