TrayKnots said It is enforced all wrong. After all, how much money do I waste on a feature for naught point zero zero etc. one percent of my customer base?

How would enforcement really work? Well, require an open API. All information there. And it must be free to use for everyone who uses this API to add accessibility. 

Because accessibility is not the same. It is different for someone who has Parkinson to someone who is blind to someone who is dyslexic. That allows for special versions and companies specialized into making other products accessible, allows for a better interconnected web and frees me, the company owner, from caring about the .0000001% of customer base when I wouldn't even think it is economical to add something to my web app just because 1% of my users want it.,Average defecation is quite varied. Between 3 times a day and once every 3 days is considered normal. 

6 times a day sounds excessive. But there is the story they told us in the third year of med school. There is no story, I never went to med school.,That last thing, that make intuitive sense to my gamer brain. Back to the respawn point. 

Hmm... The meta studies on gamers and violence came back with no indication for increased violence. 

Maybe it is time to make a study if gamers on hard drugs are more prone to violence than non-gamers on hard drugs.,@retoor Yea, that makes a lot of sense. Backlinks. Good point.```