kobenz said hey, I may have broken this one. It went on forever, poor thing,starting out with a couple  coroutines to spare is literally the worst bad habit I've got from golang and that's a compliment. rust, for example, got my over engineering OCD thru the roof!,Functional programming in a one liner:

const value = (define_value, start) => value(define_value(start)),I'm not joking when I say how dumb I am. Like, for example, yesterday, me and a friend had to figure out how much is 15×6. He did it by doing 10×6 + 5×6, that's 2 "×"s and a single "+", dead simple, right? Yep. Me?  I did it 5×3×3×2... Which, ok, is 9×10, but do you think I can do 9×10? Nope,  to me 9×10 is the result 🤌🏻 that's how much of a door knob I am,if a normal brain ran on bits, an ADHD brain runs o qubits but with NO cooling system```