Chewbanacas said Git Blame before git was invented:,Whoever played Detroit Become human in the past:

Did you have some tense conversations afterwards and imagined yourself as seeing the different paths you could take or do I have to tell my parents I’m autistic?

Also goddamn this game hit me in right in the Filz, I also played Heavy Rain ages ago and must say I love this format,Free at last! I quit my soul sucking job from these demon bosses. I’ll use use this opportunity now to become a freelancer. Any tips for the German market would be greatly appreciated!,Anyone else got this „Are you still watching“ Netflix gist in YouTube? 

Makes sense in Netflix when you fall asleep after chilling, but YouTube? 

Completely ripped me out of focus -.-,To automatically register your software to open on login should be classed as a capital crime, with the punishment being public execution by the spoon murderer,Be pragmatic. Read the pragmatic programmer. This and Designing Data-Intensive applications (Kleppmann) gave me hope that there are people out there who indulge in the noble magic by value rather than material.

Where can i continue? Read clean code (meh, was funny but a tad dry) ML by Raschke,I'm sorry little unused tuple, I know you want to show who you are but if I let you, nothing will be orthogonal and you know that daddy just can't have that. Hey, at least I didn't disintegrate you like bad Mr.Black does everytime I look away, so heads up alright? :),Goes on teams, since it got shoved down my throat because everyone has to use this malware. Might at least clock around to see what free shit it has to offer.

Oh cool, visio? Thats the architecture diagramming tool isnt it? Thats perfect I could use it for my presentation, let me just drag this UML class... 

YoU HaVe DiScOvErEd A PrEmIuM FeAtUrE! BuY ViSiO NoW!!

Sometimes, I wish the times of companies simply barring you from access completely to come back. Freemium is the worst bullshit piece of shit business model ever.,Sometimes during my coding raids the psytrance hits so hard I feel it triggers some reaction in my adderall intoxicated brain. Feels like i could split space with my focus```