Pogromist said It's a snake, you just didn't check it before it went away,Please solve this, i'm stuck at this...don't see a pattern at all.
https://arcprize.org/play/...,I hated parsing names, prices, descriptions and characteristics of competing market places' products with a wordpress plugin and importing them to another wordpress marketplace. It was so repetitive. Only thing i semi liked was scraping website (with JavaScript in the browser itself not even using Puppeteer) to migrate it to wordpress system.,@Pogromist lmao solved this directly here 😂 red dots are just overlapping dots,Is it considered "Rubber duck debugging" when there's no rubber duck and i didn't even articulate the problem, but the brain somehow found the pattern by itself,@retoor yeah it's nice. They wanted C# like scripting instead of bash, but they aliased common commands like "ls" to their real commands.,@retoor but there's already "git bash" that provides bash functionality in windows. Why it's "git" i don't understand though.,Don't know the situation when creating the CMake project by myself, but it gave windows users like me easy of use compilation process of open source projects. I compiled LuaJit that way in just few steps.,Mental disorder is also enforcing particular code style by a compiler itself, instead of using linter. I understand if there's no other way because there's no brackets like in python (but it's interpreter so idk).,@Demolishun
struct Point {
    int x, y;
} p, *pPtr;

I only knew about this from this syntax, but at the same time didn't correlate with regular variable syntax of pointers.,Arent' they in the cloud tho? /j,Reminds me of this,@Lensflare
when it's regular struct declaration, the names before ';' or after '}' are variable declarations of that struct
struct Point { int x, y; } p, *pPtr;
struct Point { int x, y; } p = { 5, 5 }; // you can even initialize it there
struct { int x, y; } p, *pPtr; // variables of that unnamed struct could be declared only once

When it's typedef it makes alias for "struct Point"
typedef struct Point { int x, y; } Point, *PointPtr;
So you can use "Point p = { 5, 5 };" instead of "struct Point p = { 5, 5 };"
When it's anonymous typedef
typedef struct { int x, y; } Point, *PointPtr;
you can only use "Point p" and not "struct Point p"
And it's useful when the type name shows that it's a pointer
PointPtr p = (PointPtr)malloc(sizeof(Point));,I wonder if there's repetitive functions in that long ass file, because no one could be arsed to find one already declared.,I probably don't prompt chatgpt for anything that i can't immediately check correctness of. People shouldn't study something like history from LLMs.,Neither ubuntu nor arch linux worked on my laptop...
dead wifi,Flash was most popular vector video and game engine, now revived with Ruffle. After that everyone forgot about 2D vector graphics and only use 3D vector graphics.```