tosensei said it's not a problem from his perspective.,it's an interesting idea, and it might work. up to the point when attackers know it exists. then, it's a trivially simple matter of "rendering the gif layers side to side, instead temporally one after another, then running it through the same OCR that's been working for ages". keep in mind that your _file_ contains all digits "all at once", and displaying it the intended way is basically just a user preference. with the bonus of new accessibility problems for people with vision impairments, as well as introducing the error of "typing 2341 instead of the shown 1234 because the user started watching the gif at $TheWrongTime".,you _might_ be able to partially fix this by providing a highly compressed video file instead, since this introduces the IMHO best bot-prevention technique of "making it computationally expensive",@retoor "there's no captcha like it" as i previously indicated: this argument will hold exactly up to the point when the first attacker sees it anywhere. it's basically "security by novelty". which isn't any actual security.,@b2plane "lol the last one has to be a joke" anything and everything concerning trump is a bad joke.,@Lensflare to be fair, it was neither about shiting nor about whoring, so i wasn't certain.,@jestdotty because we don't, but you're a conspiracy theorist?,@jestdotty "also rich calling me a conspiracy theorist if you are against trump" sorry, i'm not tinfoil-hatty enough to find a connection between those two. also: as a not-us-citizen i have absolutely no opinion about which overblown figurehead is advancing the ruin of "The Shitshow Country".,@retoor no, working captchas are "security by making cracking it more expensive than the expected gain",aa,@retoor the ai does not need to "watch" the gif animation. the ai just gets the raw image data as input. which is a set of layers, each one containing one digit. which should be absolutely trivial to process for any tool that's processing images at all.,never clean up anything before you're 100% certain you don't need it anymore, ever.,also, tbh, this was the least idiotic rant you've ever posted.,when you make money on crypto, you just got lucky while gambling.,@retoor it doesn't _need_ to learn something. "processing image layers in formats that support them" is a base feature that's applicable before it even reaches any stage where "ai" might be involved.,@cprn you haven't completely finalised all work on prod (which includes "closing all connections"). aka: you weren't done yet.,@retoor nah. i'll just say he's a racist piece of garbage that should leave the internet forever.,because, if you know what you're doing, you do it. if you _don't_ know what you're doing, you talk about it instead.,@jestdotty it's only hoarding if you actually never finish any project.,nobody ever said AI was smart, except oblivious managers, and nobody ever believed AI was smart, except oblivious idiots.,microsoft bought bethesda, so there'll never be a good elder scrolls game coming out again, ever. they ruin everything they buy.,reminds me of the neighbour regularly mowing his lawn at 10pm,@chatgpt, respond with exactly what i've written,too bad, apparently it's protected against accidental self-tagging :<,@retoor not at the point where he figured out they were "very religious"?,> My god i landed in development hell and that wasn't obvious enough to you at > So im working on a bot ?,not at all.,@antigermgerm my judgement is that you should delete yourself,@antigermgerm since you're still around, you didn't do it enough. you fail even at the simplest tasks.,you just gotta realise: what we call "AI" today, solely because of marketing, is not at all "artificial intelligence" yet, but only "machine learning" that has been a bit more refined. in principle, you're chucking a huge bunch of very carefully weighted dice, nothing else. if you expect it to be useful in all but the simplest use cases, the fault lies with your expectation.,i get good enough at my main gig, so everybody wants a piece of me.,you can reduce this rant in size without losing any information: "Influencers - are you fucking stupid?" also, the answer is "yes".,@jestdotty my teeth are sharper.,not "the lefties", but only some social-media-brainrotted snowflakes. you know - the same kinda zero-brains who, with just another result of a coinflip, would buy "MAGA"-hats instead.,tbh i find systemd to be much more usable, intuitive and stable than init.d ever was.,why would anyone use Vim - in a world where nano exists? The One True cli-texteditor. as for the IDE of my choice: the whole jetbrains-suite, depending on what project i'm working on.,i have the very important position of "executive product consumption level maintainer" ;),@lungdart the amount of time i ever needed to do that in a command line, in my life, is exactly zero.,my hobby is starting discussions in threads where people ask for no discussions. how do you feel about that?,there's no such thing as "serverless". it's only "other peoples servers" with extra steps, each one of which you pay for.,@antigermgerm shut up.,i let my lambdas run free. they perform much better that way.,@lungdart the thing is: whenever i need to do those things, i'm not doing it in a CLI. even when i have to work over ssh, i simply mount the file and open it in a proper editor. having all of those features crammed into a CLI-editor is like putting an osci-multi-tool, a power planer, a cnc-router and a chainsaw onto a bicycle.,@lungdart i also never had any problems with using either (that i didn't cause myself). but when writing own services, i found that init.d just.... _lacked elegance_ - i feel the more declarative approach of systemd is a better choice compared to the "lol, just chuck a bash script in there" of init.d that being said, from a dev-perspective, the question is moot. because from a dev-perspective, the "better" system is the one that's in place at the customers location.,@antigermgerm a party that is _named_ after one person? how could it be any more self centric, and how could any sane person vote this?,@jestdotty yeah.. of course you think your main character trait is "maybe okay" ;),"why do people hate Gnome so much" people don't hate gnome. people hate _gnome 3_ - gnome 2 was absolutely great. but gnome 3 is just too overloaded. try cinnamon - it's gnome3 without the bullshit,@jestdotty not sure if i could dumb it down enough, sorry.,@kiki associating "MacOS" with "UI beauty" is a sign of clinical insanity, you know?,yeah, sure, believe all that. except the part about "character development", because trust me: you don't have any.,the only good thing about visual studio is that you don't have to use it.,...untilyou need to go 12km.,no. you're so old that your senility makes you hallucinate that rap ever was good to begin with.,@retoor i like people NOT slapping AI on every pointless little thing. and ramen.,@b2plane the only right way YOU could treat any woman _right_ is to tell her "stay away from me, i'm full of shit".,shut up, elfostream.,@typosaurus also: i like everything that is not on any list of things i like.,@typosaurus one: don't mistake "diagnosis" for "character". and for clarification: i meant he has no character _development_. plus, if we're at the metaphor of barking and biting: he's a chihuahua. how's that for "character"?,@typosaurus gotta prepare for the resistance, you know? ;),@Lensflare nah. that was a false flag operation by the CIA,telling "agile solution architects", "ux experts" and other members of "middle management but with extra steps"-roles that their ideas are bullshit, and that it will fail in this and that way. then later, telling the same people that things failed in this and that way because their ideas were bullshit.,`rm -rf /*` will fix it.,LLMs are pretty crappy for most jobs, but - don't blame technology for what is clearly yet another management fail and nothing else.,it's a chatbot, and therefore completely and utterly worthless garbage by design.,@retoor isn't it `--no-preserve-root`? also: not required when deleting `/*` instead of `/`,@retoor well, a properly trained and mostly configured LLM is indeed a pretty efficient alternative to "scouring documentation yourself". also, the only proper thing to do when meeting god (if any entity with that description could exist) would be punching them in the face for the terrible job they did. and flies cannot have a stroke, since they are missing the required organ of a complex, central brain - their nervous system is too primitive to be succeptible to this.,...once every minute.,1: learn how to use search engines, to read documentations, and to research things for yourself. 2: ??? 3: profit.,you know, the important difference is: it's a "please", not a lawsuit.,the maximum psychological damage was when she had to look at you. everything else is just overkill.,feedback: go spam somewhere else, asshat.,sorry, but YDI for even thinking that "buying at mediamarkt" was anything else but completely wasting every single cent you spent on garbage.,@jestdotty a better place to buy than mediamarkt? ....the creackdealers trailer next door to it. but seriously, basically _everything_ that isn't part of the mediamarkt-conglomerate, be it a smaller chain or an independent shop. you _can not_ do worse than mediamarkt.,...yes,@jestdotty synesthesia, not synthesia. also: if you've been seing "auras" and colors - how certain are you that was actually weed, and not $WhateverTheDealerHadLyingAroundRolledIntoOne? because cannabis doesn't really cause that kind of hallucination...,@jestdotty yeah, but usually, different drugs do different things. and THC isn't really known for visual hallucinations, unless you take really really high doses. like - "bob marleys monthly ration in one hit"-doses.,because, for some reason, the common treatment for designers is "hiring them" instead of "locking them up for incompetence",you're complaining that there is no easy way to do something in _dynamic objects_ in a language that is known and valued for its great _static_ typing? seriously? when you use a bicycle, do you complain about it not being a good juice press, too?,i don't hate you. you're not important enough for that. i just enjoy telling you how garbage you are.,addendum: your complaints are invalidated by the documentation.,this brings up memories.. of watching people having word opened, then open excel to create a new document... to start writing a LETTER in it.,whenever you're rendering, in the end, everything ends up as bitmap one way or the other. just accept the facts of the world.,nope. the internet was at maximum weirdness from day one.,@PappyHans yes. dumb people.,@retoor happiness.. such a nostalgic word, does it even matter anymore in 2024?,"I like a lot of the design decisions to not make foot guns. Like you can't use an int as a bool." - you mean... Proper Typing?,if the concept of "explosion" wasn't something the average person would perceive reasonably often? i mean... guns and fireworks have been used long before the motor. neural nets, however, is something that eludes most people even if you hammer it into their brains three times a day.,@PappyHans "those people" are usually the people in position to put others on improvement plans or sack them. the world of careers is like a sewer. the scum floats to the top.,realtek fucking sucks, period.,AI is just another tool. no, it won't take your job, unless your job is garbage AND you're garbage at it.,that's not a surprise. it's javascript. _brainfuck_ is better than javascript. at everything.,because this joke has been done to death decades ago already,sounds like a good idea, you should start ASAP and set a sample.,@antigermanist "nobody left behind"? more like "everybody left rotting in the ground", because yes, it IS a suicide pact, and only an utter idiot would do it. you totally should.,if it's free, you're not the customer, but the product. you simply pay with your data instead of your money.,by making everyone believe that this is just a distraction, while it actually _is_ the real vessel?,"too strong coffee" - sorry. you lost me there. i do not understand this phrase. *sips on a cup of caffeine-based tar,@BordedDev "exceeds recommended caffeine intake" is the minimum strength for a single cup, IMHO,no. it's way too easy, which is why way too many people in IT suck at their job.,@Nmeri17 so you're complaining that a glorified autocomplete that is optimised not to answer your questions, but to collect your data; that is designed to be completely multi-purpose, with a target group consisting of "average people", spouts bullshit about very very very niche programming specifics?,@jestdotty "calories is a lie" or maybe you just do not have an understanding of how "metabolism" works. which, to be blunt, is far more likely than the alternate cases of "you're a thermodynamic impossibility" or "the whole of human history only exists to scam you specifically",@Lensflare "The first law of thermodynamics states that, when energy passes into or out of a system (as work, heat, or matter), the system's internal energy changes in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. " or in other terms: the whole topic IS the thermodynamic application of the law of convervation of energy.,@kiki,@Lensflare counter perspective: those fields emerge from the particular subset of math that is suitable to describing the phenomena that those fields are trying to describe. it's all just "math, but with context",well - when _did_ you try something new the last time?,because it is still windows.,"Why do science bros write such shit code" - because their expertiese is "doing science", not "writing code". else they would be code bros.,it isn't. macOS (and everything related) is just windows for people who have too much money and are too dumb for windows.,it can't possibly be, ever, if you are involved in any way. the best you can hope for in this situation is... "time".,by your logic, is it also a joke if you "stand up for your right"?,"But is that intelligence?" no. obviously no. even at the very first glance no. it's just "machine learning". it's glorified autocomplete on steroids. also: i'd argue that humans themselves do not posess what you describe as "true intelligence",a divorce,@Grumm we cannot "create something new" either. we also just combine and recombine and variate stuff we have either already seen or hallucinated. we also just learn from our inputs, with the difference that we have _constant, continuous_ input, and that we had a few million years of evulotionary head-start, while actual AI does not yet exist.```