qwwerty said and the legitimate reply might look the same as all the other spam,then there's Acer

https://preview.redd.it/5ujhi2bgx0y...,easy answer, without diving into optimization, algorithms, or any technicalities

"imagine you're learning a foreign language. single grammar mistake means the application will crash (best case scenario)"

people with basic self-reflection should realize they're not 100% gramaticaly correct all the time even in their native language,@jiraTicket the mentality "everything has to change all the time" is also horrible,web2.0!,Funny to pretend windows are some sort of a imutable object and the start menu content can't be changed,@kiki this is imto the worst approach ever. you grow a side project from a hobby. then your hobby turns into another job. suddenly, you realize you're working two jobs and your former hobby no longer has to rest and relaxation purpose it had earlier.

the stuff i loved doing before is now a chore just because i was stupid enough and agreed to turn it into a side-project. now, it's just another "work",@cafecortado "Those invented words "

all words are invented. or do you believe a linguist dug a dictionary in ancient athens and no new words were created since then?,@Lensflare example: Lumafield had afaik more articles. Worth the read.


Btw some of the USB4 long cables are actualy fiber optic, so the conector contains full media convertor.```