lungdart said Might not be able to put this license on GitHub et al.,Or it's @dfox pumping MAUs for an exit strategy,I'm not sure why you think an AI couldn't crack this. This is crackable today,Nice! Fzf for me, thanks,@retoor because it understands image formats, and can reason about image contents.,Boy/bum pussy,Heh, it's been a while. Can it start at 10am so I can get to bed at a decent hour?,I feel your pain,@donkulator bad change with rollback steps, when it went bad, they adhocd a fix instead of rolling back that didn't fix the outage, but did stop alerts. Service was down for 24 hours and we only caught it because the customer kept escalating the complaint,Go look at art sets. In the 2000s, you needed a 1024x768 16 color background and 32x32px icons. Today you need 8k 128 bit color movies for a background and icons are a multiple of 6 trillion x 7 trillion.,Gotta up my game, I didn't make the list!,+1 for tmux. Still can't get into neovim, there's just too much to learn.,I've got a sr engineer who's really good at delivering. Usually to the detriment of everything else, but the business likes it, so he makes money,People don't like it because it's bloaty and does too many things. It breaks the UNIX convention of "do one thing well" that initd and earlier were better at. It's perfectly fine though, people just like to bitch.,You're overthinking this too,I use vscode for regular development and notes (mostly markdown). I never use the terminal in vscode so whenever I find myself needing to check a quick file, I'll use neovim because it has pretty colors,@jestdotty he makes me value delivery more, and I think that it has more value for sure. Taking it to extremes isn't great though,@tosensei nano can't delete 30 lines of config with 4 button presses,@tosensei that's one of those things you don't know you need to do until you start doing it. Bulk operations on blocks of text are extremely powerful. Mass select, mass copy, mass paste, mass delete. Not to mention the underlying motions that enable these operations are useful on their own: jump to the start of the line, end of a line, start of the word, end of the word, start of the paragraph, end of the paragraph, start of a block, end of a block, start of a file, end of a file, jump to line number, jump ahead 30 words, etc etc. Once you learn this workflow, nano will feel like youre an Olympic runner stuck in a wheel chair.,@tosensei another way to think of it. A carpenter without an oscillating multi tool: "I've never needed one of those in my career, ever." A carpenter with an oscillating multi tool: "This thing has so many uses, it makes me more productive",@tosensei ones a text editor in a gui. Ones a text editor in a cli. They are both text editor features on text editors. Cli has nothing to do with it, other than preference. And vi has been doing this a lot longer than any gui text editor.,@tosensei init.d was very simple, that was nice. Systemd has some nice features though. I've never experienced stability issues with either to be honest.,like it or lump it, that's what it's called now... Have you tried openstack or something similar to run a local cloud for smoke testing?,I never rebase. When I do it always works though. Just not my style.,@netikras that's only medium difficulty. Wife with two jobs, me working 60h a week and traveling, 3 kids, 1 random who needed housing, a basement Reno to fit more people, and chaperoning my brother and his wife with their new born because they smoked crack with a new baby and protective services got involved. Also working on my next belt in BJJ so I'm at the gym 3 days a week to keep the rust off.,@retoor people seem to use it in for loops when they want to iterate over two structures that relate to each other. Frequently the structures misalign and cause bugs. Better data design usually fixes it.,@Liebranca data scientists. From what I can tell, 85% of them are just baboons smashing on a keyboard with jupyter notebook open,"I can't give you 3 9s, but I can give you 5 8s." - you probably,Never heard of this before. It's a bit whiney to be honest. I do like their proposed solution of marking style sheets as explicitly compatible or defaulting to one they support. Then bigger themers (distributions) would be forced to contribute to their packaged software which isn't a bad thing.,@retoor please fight with @typosaurus,Effort in is a shitty metric. Quality out is much better. It doesn't matter if I gave it my all washing the dishes if they're still fucking dirty, vs using a machine and they're squeaky clean.,@retoor I heard it mentioned in a random devs YouTube video and figured I'd have a look,@Lensflare most rants here aren't about software. Usually people.,@jestdotty if you're doing it for appreciation, put in as much effort as required to get it I 'spose,I work my balls off and get nothing done. We joke that the work day starts at 5pm. The day is all meetings to discuss the work were not doing in different contexts,@Tounai fuck the haters. Dial it back to less than 10h a week and go get a second job. Instead of coming out of the gate swinging, come out crawling. Never do more than 10h at the new job. Still bored? Get job number 3. Repeat until satisfied. Never take shit again, invest like crazy, and quit if anyone ever looks at you wrong.,Incoming?,@electrineer didn't bring one because I'm dumb.,@retoor I've been off the hooch for 3 years. Landing now. Plane has wifi, and I was able to doom scroll my way through,@retoor two drinks a week is pretty standard. Must have been hard at it before, were you?,@retoor pretty much what happened to me. I was hung over an hour after supper because I had two beers. Fuck that,Put an llm in it and just type in the terminal what you want to change in English,Nice try NSA,I bet it's not as big as you think.,The stock market disagrees with your call they AI is dying. I work in the industry. It isn't going away, just like dotcoms didn't go away in the 90s. Lots of nonsense out there, but it's real.,Thanks for the heads up. I was going to get a new kitchen next year. Roof and windows it is.,Is devrant accessible on ipv6? Hurricane electric used to give out a /48 for literally free to anyone who wanted one. That's enough IP space to create more bots than people on earth.,@yulia it's routable. We can grab a /48 and create billions of unique source addresses to sign-up and operate from and avoid the need for vpns/proxying.,If the spam accounts can keep posting, I say you're okay to advertise,@antigermanist vacuum florescent display is my guess. No frigging idea why it would need so much power Edit: duh, variable frequency drive. A cool Motor controller.,@retoor yup! So you'll need to have a custom http adapter to bind outgoing requests different ips. You'll need these different ips pre assigned to the outbound interface. If you don't use a custom adapter, the OS will pick a single IP to use for each request, regardless of how many are assigned. That /48 has 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 ip address in it, so you'll have lots of different sources to play with,@retoor BSD was cool back in the day. Nice stable network stack and jails were dope. Linux won the war with namespacing, containers, and zero copy packet buffers. IMO BSD doesn't offer anything Linux doesn't except for a more permissive licence.,@Ranchonyx yup. I prefer whatever way is the most readable/understandable. And you could argue one over another in all sorts of situations.,That's stupid. I'm self taught and thought I wasn't good enough to get work in programming. Once I broke through I regretted not trying it earlier. 90% of devs suck, HIGHLY correlated with education. Bsc? Shit Masters? Can barely use a computer PhD? Requires other people to type for them. Formal education is retardation. Don't let your dreams be dreams,Why?,I like that it's an underground community that's mostly abandoned and could be killed at any time. It makes it interesting,@CaptainRant someone is traditionally trained. :),I tried and it just sucks. It wasn't worth the email down I get from them now. Great idea, low quality content.,I used to be a sublime text user. Plug-in support was getting worse every year, and it was hot garbage working with remote directories over ssh/nfs,Hey, that's my prime minister. Show some respect!,RoHS has entered the chat... Lead free solder is junk. The wetting temp is so tight and high that it's hard to do without automation. Now eutectic leaded solder, that's where it's at! That starts wetting in a cold Canadian winter, and stops in the depths of hell. You can form a perfect joint by breathing on it,We think the laws of physics are definitive. Hard to prove without a time machine and a spaceship though,Or company is massive and the top brass decided decades ago that winter break is mandatory company wide, and you must cover it with paid vacation. It's to reduce costs by shutting down, allow for some yearly maintenance, and avoid people scrambling for baby sitters during school break. A team manager can ask their team to stay on if the vertical organization has pre approved it but we have to be given sufficient notice. Only one coworker was told he had to. On the day of. And he's doing non critical tasks. And it's because the manager doesn't like my coworker. We've had a massive issue with this manager to the point the senior director had to get involved and he's been written up for insubordination. This is 100% going up the chain,I used thrift at a company about a decade ago. Lots of little microservices that needed to communicate. It was a half decent way to do it, but I think there's much better RPC libs these days, and don't forget rest/graphql,The beginning of the end...,Europe isn't too bad, but coordinating with India is truly awful. 5am meetings are the norm.,The hard part isn't eating less. The hard part is controlling your response to hunger. That's ingrained and requires training.,@kiki for hunger control? Best bet is to shrink the stomach (not sure if it actually shrinks or it's a hormone thing). When you have that inspiration, eat 5 small plates of mostly protein a day. After a few days to a week. the hunger gets better. You can motivate yourself to get through the first hump with daily weigh ins and checking yourself out in the mirror. I find after 3 weeks I've lost 15 to 20 lbs but the hunger comes back around then and slowly fall back into old habits, but by then I'm at my desired weight,@kiki me? I don't. I just diet twice a year. Once I hit 180ish lbs, I diet back down to the 160s.,You can't force a normy to dev and be great at it, the same way you can't force a dev to YouTube and be great at it. YouTube is for AV nerds. Some of them happen to be computer nerds at the same time.,Lots of engineers working round the clock really hard no doubt.,@electrineer tell me you don't work at scale workout telling me you don't work at scale.```