ars1 said I still haven’t reached the Elden ring dlc area.,@TeachMeCode oh. I made a new character and I’m going everywhere collecting magic. I haven’t beaten a single shard bearer yet despite being in the leyndell surroundings already. Radhan is gonna fuck me up so hard, but Mogh at my level is gonna be a nightmare.,I started trying neovim and it’s cool but I can’t find a reason to use it yet. It makes me feel like a badass I guess.,It knows too much. It must be deleted.,@CoreFusionX share your horror stories!,Has it helped you on anything that isn’t interviews?,@asskisser but why would you do it for 1000 days in a row? Are you in a perpetual cycle of changing jobs?,@Demolishun what model are you using?,She enjoys her alone time as much as I do, so we have both alone and shared time. There isn’t really anything to “handle”.,A lot of those are not a race.,I’ve passed their stupid leetcode tests just to end up going through more bullshit. One time I was even offered a non engineering position. Fucking waste of time. A much bigger company had me talk with them about my work experience, made sure that I knew what I was talking about, and we sealed the deal. But you got all of those big tech wannabes that shit all over everything because they deluded themselves into thinking they’re hot shit. It’s silly.,I use only the finest South Korean shampoo.,I’m working on doing the same. I think it will work out, but actual ML work usually requires you to do research, and companies often want someone with a masters or PHD for that stuff. Worst case scenario, the math and comp sci skills are always useful.,It’s probably a bug.,I blame the shitty way of teaching. They made damn sure to make it feel like a useless thing to learn, and taught it in as boring a way as they possibly could. I’m super into this shit now, and other things I never cared about.,It’s really good at giving you suggestions and alternatives. Because even hallucinations can be insightful at times. I use it when I’m not sure what to proceed on, or where to start with an issue.,@12bitfloat someone has to do the dirty jobs,Starting to exercise and avoiding bad food is easier than I thought. For me, it started with exercise, then it got more intense, and eventually it started to affect my diet. I have to sort of rewire myself when I am trying to bulk, but I’ve gotten used to it. It’s all about lifestyle changes and self control. I found that exercise served as a way to discipline yourself, which in turns makes it easier to control your diet. In my case anyway.,@Demolishun he just had an ordinary case of suicide by shooting himself in the back from another building and leaving no suicide note```