sjwsjwsjw said i fucking hate trying to debug microservice certs,Being stuck on bitch work like getting infra to decommissioning AWS stuff and figuring out test plans for emergency cutovers,i fucking hate svn,forgetting to undo config changes for your local settings for development on monolith 

then months later having to debug and undo them so you can login locally,when the service endpoint only takes in 1 item to update at a time

fml,There's a petty problem that you're being told to fix,  either some other teams to copy sixty something files and update that many filepaths or you can build job to send over sixty million requests.,acquiring ownership of the bitchwork disaster recovery nobody wants to do,i dream of having a working dev and test environment

or being good enough to have my own stuff working

i don't go out of my way to fuck around with any of it, i just want to do my work, clock in, clock out```