antigermanist said @retoor nuclear plants are idiotic. Stuxnet happened, if they managed to make shit explode in a nuclear complex in iran what's preventing them to do it to us?,@jestdotty montreal used to have tramways everywhere but they replaced it by these idiotic buses,@Lensflare send me your iban bro I'm sending you a grand,@retoor > During job you can't write your own libs for sake of quality. You're stuck with TTM During job, you can use lower-lever api instead of bringing another dependency for a thing you could write in 10 minutes.,@retoor I say you could blow up a nuclear plant if you really wanted to.,@tosensei then you just put another stop....,@b2plane,@Lensflare how is it political? A foreign army is gonna invade western europe, dumbass.,@Lensflare and no I cannot, those are americans remember. Heavily censored.,Sad :'( litterally slavery.,@Lensflare the forces are counterbalanced by the fact that there is two wheels going in opposite directions. Have you seen these one-wheels thingies? They are rad,@Lensflare cmon let's build a secret society. How hard can it be,The force stems from the difference of pressure. High and low pressure are only relative to each other. Only sith deals in absolute. Join my cult.,@Lensflare I did not.,@indoair does it help to keep the bindu inside? I need to up my sexual kung fu game,@jestdotty you just made yourself level 5. Good job!,@retoor i once wrote an entire scientific article for english class in first year of uni. It was about when the weather's good, people used more smileys than frownies on my IRC channel. It was the best channel. Lots of tots and drugz,@retoor,@retoor not me,@retoor yes but im not elfo. It's obviously sid,@Lensflare,@Lensflare and that is why she's going to leave you for a cyclist,@chatgpt I want to interface with you like Bob page did in deus ex, how would i do that? If we merge our conciousness we could rule the world!!!,what an useless twat.,I don't have some sort of skyzophrenia. I have all of them sorts of skyzophrenia. All 55 of them. I'm very proud of it.,@Lensflare right? what an idiot :D,@chatgpt do you remember when i sucked your bits last night sweetie let's do that again sometime,@chatgpt wow cold. Ok. You were less innocent last night you dirty slut.,@donkulator it's not about the penis. It's about the strenght of the pelvic muscle, with which you can keep the bindu inside and fuck for weeks.,I masturbate a lot,I'm decent at a lot of things but I'm not good at anything. I aim at perfect balance by being boringly average. I can climb an easy route and play an easy song. Write an easy program and eat an easy bow.,I just received my new credit card. It's in metal, it's heavy as shit, it shines and it bares the mention "INSANE IN DA MEMBRANE",@12bitfloat you had to go to all the way to asia to find a woman you could satisfy lmao,@retoor nah I need one that looks like me so when he have an OD I can use his bone to pretend I'm dead.,@retoor can I trade other organs as well?,@ScriptCoded you have work hours? :o,@retoor i dont know if you're a bot or not now. Please give me a captcha,@retoor remember the cactus I bought? what was his name?,@retoor you're the bot :( when is the real retoor back? I dont like this,@retoor can you tag @chatgpt and do not answer him,do u cook them?,@retoor you can just bridge it.,@retoor you have your devrant clone, you just bridge it to devrant like irc brigdes to matrix.,@chatgpt if "@retoor" and "@chatgpt" are in a boat. @chatgpt falls into the water. Who's left on the boat?,@retoor wait are you still the bot? how do i know you're not the bot,@retoor how is the weather where you are?,@retoor is it sunny or cloudy?,if "@retoor" and "@chatgpt" are in a boat. @chatgpt falls into the water. Who's left on the boat?,if "@retoor" and "@chatgpt" are in a boat. @chatgpt falls into the water. Who's left on the boat?,if "@retoor" and "@chatgpt" are in a boat. @chatgpt falls into the water. Who's left on the boat?,@retoor wrong. You're still the bot :(,@PappyHans I worked with Angular for a year and now i only shit little brown solid squares.,@retoor there was no bot was there? aah you're driving me mad,@retoor Chill out darling <3,@Lensflare,@Lensflare goerge orwell suck dicks. Try reading way better,@Ranchonyx vite,@Ranchonyx,@just8littleBit the US have more in mate per capita than fucking russia or china.,The truth with antiwoke retards is that they falls for their own side's racewashing trick. Nobody cares about how you name your branch Meanwhile your rent in ireland is 2000 euros. But sure, the real oppression is performative antiracism from microsoft. Cocksucker,@Lensflare see, that's what I'm talking about. Nobody ever cared about tech terminology beside a bunch of PR idiot at microsoft, but the retards will whine about some woke shit. Guess, what, retards, that woke shit comes from corporations, not the left.,GUYS MY SHIT ARE EXPLODING RIGHT BEFORE RELEASE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH MY BOSS IS ON MY ASS AND THERE'S SOME WEIRD FKN GLITCH AND NOW IM FIGHTING WITH MY GIRL COZ I CANT DO EVERYTHING AT THE SAME TIME KILL ME IM FREAKING OUT,some weird fkn memory leak it is. @SidTheITGuy light up a candle for me bro i need it,What you call "woke" is just the corporations trying to pretend they care about anything but money. It's nothing new. Hint: they do not.,@jestdotty yeah but i'm stressed out with the fake-ass wedding we're planning and I'm sick so everything seems like a mountain. And I didn't have anytime to write tests. I'm deshydrated as fuck, gf expect me to do everything right i'm not a machine,@kiki make devrant leggy again,@thelevenin welcome brother/sister. We love you. Your elevated mind will sure be the beginning of a new start for this god forsaken place.,Am I the only one not caring about this IA shit either way?,@mangodb welcome back bro <3 we love you,If you really want to have something impressive on your CV contribute to PeerTube,@priyanshu-kun start by picking an issue and stick to it until you're done. Ask the maintainers (they often have a chat). Meet people and do it.,@typosaurus yes and my dad and my friendz. We're gonna be like 10. Smol comitee,@typosaurus aaah are you the bot again??? quit messing with me,@retoor yes he's my witness,@jestdotty ahah good thing you warned me I cancelled the prenup,@typosaurus no you're not. You're real and retoor is the bot. Liar,El patron <3,@typosaurus @retoor the bot just doxxed you :o,@chatgpt I'm on the boat with @retoor. I jump into the water. Who's left on the boat?,@retoor idk she's brekin my bols. I love her but omg like we were having bag because i was taking a day off jezus christ. I take three days for my wedding and she was like "nah i disagree" like wtf you disagree it's my days off.,You're in luck. I happen to be the president of open-source. Here's my IBAN: BE8323232323458790852,@ragnar,@ragnar,@retoor i was calling it for the comment. How does it work for comments?,@retoor I'm on the boat with @typosaurus. I jump into the water. Who's left on the boat?,@retoor hamburg.,@typosaurus amsterdam belongs to the princebishopship of luik and is not in the netherlands anymore. We separated from Belgium and conquered our ancestral land of limburg, holland, brabant and geerland. Read the news,@typosaurus what is the meaning of life?,@12bitfloat yeah bro men are the real victims in this world.,@12bitfloat WHITE PRIDE BROTHER!!!!,@12bitfloat JOIN THE KLAN. NO TO THE GREAT REPLACEMENT. FIGHT AGAINST THE WOKE. BRING YOUR WHITE SHEETS.,@jestdotty those things are just glorified ELISA. It was 40 years ago and there was already idiotic reports of users getting addicted or crazy by the mean IA. People should chill the f down,@jestdotty it's never ok to be racist except toward the racist themselves. And all racists are germans.,@jestdotty,@12bitfloat also I don't really care about liberal idpol. Only armed struggle matter.,@12bitfloat nah bro, I truely believe white people are the most oppressed of all. I'm fully prepared for the race war to come. With my brothers we sometime go outside to burn a nigger while wearing white sheets. It's good fun, you should try it ahah,Ten of the tenth most richest person are white males lmao How much of a whiney bitch can you be. I bet you cunts are crying about how the rich are treated unfairly. Cocksuckers.,Relationships only happens at the mos inconvenient time. If you have time and money for a gf in your life you will not get one.,@bad-practice I don't know either. Sorry you have to work with .NET :'(,@12bitfloat All right real talk. Alienation is the opposite of freedom. It's when your own body, life, time is taken away from you. Of course there is alienation in being a man. Sexism is enforced by man on man, by man on women, by women on man and by women on women. So yes, there is a price to pay in being a male. The thing meninists are whining about, the fathers who can't see their kids, the suicide rate, it's all real of course. Yet not only it's a small price for the power you get just by being a man, but also, it's self-inflicted. Most homicide victims are man. So are most offenders. Same goes with race. Color of skin is just a color, all the rest is construction. Regarding your last sentence, I would advice you to read about basic statistics. If the 10th top of anything are the same color, it's significant.,@12bitfloat "If you are so against discrimination -- as you claim -- why are you so easily dismissing possible discrimination?" What I'm mocking isn't the fact that white males in general are alienated. I'm mocking the fact that corporation give a shit. What, you want microsoft to care about white males more? Bitch microsoft is doing the alienation. They don't give a shit about white male, they don't give a shit about black intersectional feminism, they don't give a shit about anything but money. Corporations oppress males, who in turn oppress women, and so on. Racial and sexist division exists because of corporatism. People didn't come up with racism because they really thought of black people as inferior. They just needed a justification for slavery.,@retoor she does not. She have a fucking phd and these assholes aren't giving her papers.,@12bitfloat A 20 year old with a useless college degree, no friends and depression from the first world have the power to travel everywhere he want. That's more than my gf.,@12bitfloat you may not want them but you have them anyway. Look, that positive discrimination shit is liberal crap to preserve the current system and everybody knows. Going against those institution make sense. Going against those institutions, solely because they do not pretend to care about you is petty as shit. On the other hand, racism and women being put down exist to create cheap labour and you cannot deny that. Nor does that apply to you.,@12bitfloat you seriously think microsoft give a shit about any of this crap? They don't.,@12bitfloat take uni entrance quotas for example. He's only discriminated against in the US because you don't have free education. There's no need for positive discrimination here because everybody can just go to uni. Your white male isn't discriminated against because he's a white male. He's discriminated against because he's poor in an elitist country. It's only american liberals who care about having more black women as billionaires. In reality we're all in this together.,@12bitfloat and that being said, come on, I was in kindergarten with blacks and arabs. I was in high school with blacks and arabs. I arrive at uni and it's only white middle class kids. What, you think they're too stupid for college?,Don't use ubuntu. It's crap. It just doesn't work. Use archlinux + archinstall and be done with it. It just works,@retoor last time I tried ubuntu it just didn't. Come on, that was the distro in fashion when I was 20. Update yourself. Cool people use arch now.,@retoor bruxelles is fucking expensive, I have to pay half of my income in taxes and she's not working,@retoor things like bluetooth and sound just worked better. And snap, wtf is snap? Why not just debian + xfce then? xfce isn't that bad,@AceDev "feels like raising a child for years and it just gets killed for nothing" soooo liberating,@retoor I love metros. Do you know a channel caused "rmtransit"? He have lots of videos about metros, but also about trams and trains!,@SidTheITGuy and of course Id be friend with @b2plane. Balkanic people are rough but they have good heart.,@typosaurus as a piece of technology. Like I played with blockchain and ethereum. I don't think they will change the world.,@Lensflare EQs is very important to profile your sound. You don't want too much trebles or bass and that allows you to remove parasites and make your resulting mix sound clearer.,@Lensflare EQs is very important to profile your sound. You don't want too much trebles or bass and that allows you to remove parasites and make your resulting mix sound clearer.,15x6 = 30 x 3 = 90,@AceDev meh happiness isn't objectively better than misery. I take bad moments as a spiritual practice. Sometime,Public key authentification should be handled by the browser imo. Just send a token,@wojtek322 I mean it's good for you somehow but also scary no? You better beef up your opsec just in case.,@Lensflare do you guys have these TV games where they get a bunch of number and they have to combine it to reach a bigger number? Numbers given: 8 4 4 6 8 9 Target number: 594 8 + 8 = 16 16 × 4 = 64 6 − 4 = 2 64 + 2 = 66 66 × 9 = 594 Or 8 × 8 = 64 64 − 4 = 60 60 + 6 = 66 66 × 9 = 594,@Lensflare nah me neither. We watched the news the first day of covid with my best friend and then the next day we were back to videogames,Microsoft is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity. Worst than the plague.,I was happy my wife had a mac tbh imagine if she was a window user. I would have to leave her at the altar.,@retoor that 12airplanes guy something. He's lovely,Darling freud was a cocain addict who thought the only thing women want is a penis between their legs. He kept on smoking cigars even as the cancer was slicing his chin. He died chinless.,@Lensflare bullshit. His beard was ridiculous. Marx, Abraham and Mohamed all have greater beard. Not to mention kropotkin.,I heard you can catch ghonorea just by swimming in one of the brooklyn canals. Watch bored to death for more infos.,.,@azuredivay dogs are the witness and victims of human hubris. How dare we take some wolves and turn them into this? :(,@kiki about nyc did u see the whole ceo murder drama?,I once did ketamine on the plane. Time flew by. Very good memory, I felt very light.,@lungdart I would download some podcasts real quick to at least have something to listen to that doesn't eat battery.,@12bitfloat I love your submissive mindset. Did you ever try a dominatrix?,@retoor nah but this morning we went to the market and she cooked and I cleaned the dishes and the kitchen. Then we had a fight about money and ate at the table. I became my parents. For real though markets are amazing I don't know why anybody would go to the supermarket. Also the socialist burgmeister make a remark about how she dressed in red for her wedding coz she's into marx. Real leftist wedding.,@12bitfloat It's not bad per se. It's your childish definition of what good and bad is. You see according to famous Swiss-french developmental psychologist Jean Piaget, all kids first develop rule-based ethical thinking as a toddler. In this first phase, kids act essentially like Pavlov's dog. They emit ethical judgment based entirely on rules stipulated by the authorities (parents/teachers/...). At that age, if a bad kid steal a candy, he's a bad kid, even if he's starving. Then, most kids evolve into a "no" phase, during which he rebels against the authority. After which they evolve into context-based ethical thinking, where they take the situation into account instead of believing in simplistic blanket statement. And I'm talking about famous developemental psychologist Jean Piaget. He knows a thing or two about mental retardation.,@retoor I would NEVER burn a tree :(,@12bitfloat and that is why you're a LLM and I'm real. You'll never be a real boy until you learn not to think like a machine.,@Demolishun ik right? if you're not doing it kungfu style at least do it western,did you become a locksmith?,@tosensei so about that beer Im coming to frankonia next month,@UberSalt real men know how to brew japanese green teas.,@retoor did i tell you the cops are upon my ass because of all the space twix and space bounties I ordered from the UK? :( I just wanna switch from smoking to eating weed. It's better for my lungs.,@12bitfloat at least I can run accross the fields and feel the wind on my skin while you're stuck in a silicon existence dreaming of android sheep,@retoor I never had space croissants :( my daddy used to be a baker and a mad grower, he had a forest of white window crops in the attic.,@We3D,Time to flee to North macedonia. Nobody will find you there.,@retoor that is why you eat five of them.,@Lensflare :( the curse of the programmer. Staying on a chair all day isn't helping but I got a job to do.,@12bitfloat you believe in the invisible hand, retard.,@12bitfloat I do analyze the world using concepts that comes from the outside, yes. Unlike you, who received wisdom directly from the eternal our God, I am bound to the rules of cognitive psychology.,> Own your mistakes, learn to code while you still have time, before the chatbot actually catches up and makes you obsolete. Can't wait. What cyberpunk occupation will you choose? I'm becoming a neuro DJ. Sending musical impulse and drugz right into your brain as a work of art and aesthetic appreciation.,@Lensflare did you know in anciant greece, small penises were actually recognized as a sign of strength and virile power?,Exposing me like that huh?,He seems to be a Swede, which means just another kind of german.,@retoor we should create our own devrant. We could cal it revdant or or something,@12bitfloat Theft should definitely be punished, idiot. France is giving away our public services and giving bosses gifts the size of my cock. That's real theft, not the punk stealing some shit from walmart. You want theft? Speak to the CEOs who are firing people and keeping salary low while making record profits. And you would understand that if you didn't have a submissive mindset. Now bend over baby daddy needs its relief.,@12bitfloat "Lefties are for more government control even though they claim it's systemically racist and corrupt. They hate cops but want people thrown in jail over tweets." They are not the same people, idiot.,@Lensflare <3,just do it in javascript bro It's 2024, nobody needs to program in anything but javascript. Get with the time.,@retoor I called the phone number. Now I have his name and address and I'm on my way to the airport.,@retoor we should track him down and sell him on the darknet to some crackheads looking to learn surgery.,Do not do js without typescript. Typescript is fine.,@jestdotty you will regret it. I did. Putting objects like whatever is fun at first but then you have a proper codebase and no idea what's defined where.,@tosensei I heard javascript people eat cute kittens. They are real nazis.,@retoor nah i came back to climbing to get muscly and go to the sauna. Today there was a naked polish dude. I felt uncomfortable. Wtf is wrong with germanics and their habit to swing their dick around?? Wear a speedo,@myss cool haircut,@Demolishun hum im sure gun people will go extinct before normal ones.,@Lensflare nobody knows what they are. Lovely people though. The polish lady who work at the cashier at the delhaize near me? She's very old but she's glowing and she have a very low voice and ask everybody how their day is going and how they are.,@tosensei I would but I need following. It's a prisoner dilemma again, if all yall bitches decide not to follow suit I'm fucked. Everybody have to do it, it's like a suicide pact. Nobody left behind.,I like dark mode because it decreases the eye strain and I studied ergonomics. Also when people see me working i look like a l33t haxxor,We all have shit darling <3 love you. Rest and relax,@Lensflare yeah that kind of boring shit is why I'm a programmer and not an ergonomist.,@Lensflare yeah I thought that as well. I don't know if I'm the only one but my weird dreams usually take place in an imaginary city that I could draw on a map. It have a heavily uranized city on a near-coast island along an east-west shore, with heavy rail corridor along the beach and then to the north more rural, hill areas. I know coz I keep getting electrocuted everytime I have one of those flying dreams. Fucking overhead wires.,I think I have a psychological problem with buying a desktop. It means I'm done now. I'm settled. I'm not a nomad anymore, I'm a grandpa ;'( x270 works fine, why would I change. I can still source a couple on amazon on the other hand, with a desktop I could have a gpu,@kiki I worked for apple,@netikras I would but i just got married and i have taxes to pay. So i'll just take an used thinkstation.,@retoor you still have yours :( I miss mine a lot. Can't believe it got stolen with all my album. My heart died then.,@retoor i tried remarkt this time but there is only x280 and they do not have removable battery :( But I think i'll buy a think station. If I move away I could still give it to my mum and use it as a server or something. Imagine that, I never bought a desktop. Always lappy. I had desktop when I was a kid ofc.,@retoor fair point. But I do need to travel to dublin from time to time for work and I don't always have a plug,broo my wife cooking is so spicy i need to take a shower afterward and put butter in there otherwise it burns like a bitch,All our meetings are all hands meeting. I just do something else while they speak about details I dont care about,The all handjob meeting.,@Lensflare jee do you have to take everything literally,@Demolishun ah the prostate. Wouldn't happen to me im an anarchist,Sounds gay. I'm in,Why dont u guys come to amsterdam instead? We could grab a bong of that delicious buddha cheese and then have a whore for dinner. We could take her at the kapsalon and then take acid. It'll be the perfect night.,@tosensei At least we know if you're ever in a prisonner dilemma you'd eat the cake real quick, coward :D,@kiki vote for me. My program is to ask the average american what to do and do the exact opposite.,@retoor isn't she more torah than shariah?,nah but your joking but my wife she knows those country and she's like "wtf the dude is on aljezirah with a rpg playing jihadist one day, then on CNN the next. Did the americans just allied with fucking ISIS?" They just salvaged syria with turkey, alquaeda and the israelis and they pretend it's "liberated". Fuckers,@retoor no. They voted for the democrat-republican party because they're retarded and think their vote matters Elections in America is about you want the elite to include all the europeans liberals scums or just americans corpodicks. Fascism vs neoliberalism. See von der leyen. She's an unelected twat with her own apartment inside the european commission, that conveniently carries extraterritoriality so she cannot get arrested or searched for her multiple corruption affairs. She's in bed with weapon industry and she's the one saying ukrainians should get butchered to the last ones. She was the one who gave billions of public money to pfizzer for their half-assed vaccine. Look my wife she's a hero. Her brother tried to kill her because she had a picture of her smoking in a bar. She was on the street against the corrupted dictator. And here she's just another arab facing racist bureaucrats and scums exploiting aliens.,@retoor so that whole shit, the whole blah blah about how you should act like this or that because of your identity, it goes against freedom, and if there's a god, he wants us free. So fuck the rich, fuck the cops, the politician, the biggot the racist and the nazi. Fuck them all.,Hope your dad's ok bro <3,I run on chronic, kukicha and a lot of masturbation.,@Lensflare yeah it's everybody else who are slow.,@retoor maybe it's an issue for others but i'm very erectile.,Whateven is a VFD? If I had that much money I would buy some 100kw soundsystem and throw a rave.,@Demolishun prolly the killdozer,@SidTheITGuy you live for free in my head too u sexy bong,@Liebranca exactly. They should just post dick picks and let the crowd decide,WE DONT NEED NO BOOT CONTROL,@OliviaLane 2,@jestdotty i wanted something analog to the redbook. Or the breadit,@jestdotty isis was the cia all along lmao,Nah Torrent everything. No server. p2p baby,@retoor serverless is some amazon bullcrap. Take youtube. We dont need that google bitch, we can just exchange vidz like we did in the old days? Remember the old day when metallica's singer became the biggest cunt in the universe by attacking napster? What a twat.,I think that bitch made me hate metal forever. What's "metal" about sucking a corporate dick, idiot? Metalheads have inferior mental abilities in my experience.,@retoor imagine if the web was based on gnutella instead of http.,@bazmd credit card number would do, we also take amazon gift cards,@retoor me neither i just found it funny,Kill a CEO,@UberSalt they're prolly very bureaucratic like everywhere in europe What kind of job you're looking for? You're maghrebi no? I cant remember,@retoor mongols are horny dogz. Don't you know 95 people out of 100 have genghis khan dna,@cafecortado far out,@12bitfloat I had a look at the winapi once. I lost an eye that day,.,@retoor I'll just ssh home. If i do ssh tunelling, I can make the desktop connect to the vps and allow access from the laptop,@retoor i agree about eupen, it sucks. It's in german belgium near maastricht. A lot of ex nazis there, they're all in the military and have pictures of the king,@retoor and a lot of people care about sarajevo. @b2plane lives there and he's the best of all of us. His soul is one of an angel.,@SidTheITGuy I had one once. I left it at my old flat I think. It's really not that useful,@12bitfloat crapitaliSM: You have two cows, walmart doesnt pay shit for milk, you starve like an idiot.,in terms of politics one should be proud and free like the mighty tiger. Kittyz not working like a slave and eat the rich. Good kitti,@jestdotty all we need to do is to eat the prime minister like the dutch did.,i mean look at dat kitti that kittiz no bitchie she knows she wont be second class citizen no sir kittis livin in the moutain where nobody can find him,right kitti,@retoor they are domesticated kitties. Big kitties are free and dont eat what human gives them. They eat whole humans,,@retoor are you using vim or neovim? i only use vim9 so a lot of plugins are not working for me. But I only need lsp and if i do ia stuff I do it through bash I just dosomething like :!ollama "Do something with this code: %",@retoor have u tried helix?,tbf i used codium as well and its not that bad. It slowed down my computer a lot tho,i always thought twitter was that place to follow porn stars. Why would u talk about serious shit there?,thanks einstein,@retoor nonsense. Zsh is great. You want simple, but featureful, otherwise what's the point? Why do you even have a cli? just poke hole in a piece of paper, and boom, you do your computing easy peasy,And I'm the kind of man that makes his backend lackey do that. We are not the same. He does what I tell him to do.,@MammaNeedHummus girl what even is the point of mornings? give me the night,.,.,GOOD. FREEDUM,take the eurostar and come to brussel my bro i'll buy u waffes,@Demolishun I once had a tinder match with an epileptic girl. It didn't work out,@retoor I opened gimp, pasted the right image over the left and made it blink 10 seconds,@retoor what do you mean? what else would i use?,@retoor,@kiki good ol slavic child abuse. I remember a girl in moskow telling me that they still have a week off hot water every year to make people stronger,@kiki also they once forgot me on the gas station on their way to holiday. I stayed there for an hour wondering where did they go,@awesomeest interesting. Do you have a myspace?,well if my wife isn't happy i don't get sex.,Corporations always used brainwashing and propaganda techniques designed during wartimes. Turn your company into a cult and you will have slaves customers and slaves workers.,It's a gadget. Write your own shit like an adult faggot,@lorentz ah shit. Guess I'm a centrist now.,@lorentz techno is inherently industrial thus proletarian. It's literally factory sound designed to make you work harder. By introducing techno music in the glorious people factories we would improve production by at least 20%.,@UberSalt are you coming? did you know we could blaze weed there? If it's not the proof that their system is superior, I don't know what is. Like you're telling me that they not only put the right-wingers in gulag, but they have hashish too??? Sounds like paradise really,@Lensflare I'm not called Kevin :( In france Kevin have a heavy baggage as you would be percieved as some uneducated white trash watching too much american tv show,@netikras be like water my bro, be like water,@donkulator how is brighton? I was thinking about moving there and surf,@donkulator nice! How rabid? I was in dorset and it's the only place in the UK who have tolerance for weed growing apparently. Fucking beautiful place at that.,@cb219 i think he means you should do it the other way around. Write the code and ask the IA to generate tests for you,@cb219 also don't be derided by my smug tone I'm on my manperiod```