Chewbanacas said To be fair I found it to be a great blessing using the standard ctrl R. But thanks I’ll check it out,I guess timestamps are possible too?,@AlgoRythm @chatgpt I’m curious as well, what is a ligma?,@chatgpt and what does they respond? I don’t get it,Why am I disappointed not being in the plot fuuu,Damn retoori why you so mean ;( Works here in Germany,@retoor Word! I started getting sick of monkey patching my python side projects, so I rewrote the whole thing into an ASP.NET equivalent. Before I always thought of Clean code being easy to read, nor have I touched .NET in like 5 years. Problem is the chronic underestimation of my competencies is so stressful. „That you don’t know how to debug the container logs that I know, but stop projecting your complexes into me fuckah „,@retoor srsly? I started learning C# because apparently this is what everyone’s looking for here. Are these job boards pulling the same shit like dating apps as in inducing scarcity? Fuck them man Yea it also felt so uncomfortable how you can’t properly encapsulate properties in Python. I hated my IDE suggesting me methods where it shouldn’t have access to at all. Still I love this language, since it was my first. 🐍,The pets plugin is what gets me through the day. cat_5 cutest shit ever,@SidTheITGuy I meant in real life. I literally sat in a tense discussion and thought „Confront, Sympathetic or Determined?“ yesterday.,Got any ideas? Programming is the closest thing to magic this hell has to offer. If you can think it, you can make it. And don’t worry about rewriting the project in something else again, code is worthless anyway. The discipline of solving problems is the valuable part.,I was super pissed about windows and whatever excel is, and yea here I am,Yay I did day 1,Material UI be like,They say it’s for accessibility. I personally hate these pill formed button shapes , because it gives the application a way too but can’t get away from material due to its impeccable integration with angular.,@Lensflare True, it’s more about tripfalls really and not having to learn something the hard way in terms of dealing with the apes in government,@Grumm seems you have experience? The thing is that I want to be independent. Of course, there’s nothing like a free lunch. Paid sickdays could result in unreasonable guilt tripping from the bosses for having „the audacity“ to not be operational. Taxes is a constant in life you wont ever get away with, but I’ll try being the son of a celebrity in my next life :^) And crazy customers, well that can depend. I had clients I very much liked to work with. Maybe it’s about delivering in such a high standard so you one day have the liberty of choosing your customers?,@Chewbanacas @Grumm ah and the no holidays thing, also depends imo. You’ll have none, but that could also mean you can just not work when you don’t want to.,@12bitfloat Bro, we are at a state where we can determine a planets atmosphere by the shadow it throws when being infringed of the sun. What’s not to love about having solved this problem?,@12bitfloat The only dumb people are the ones who claim to be intelligent imo. Also discipline beats talent anyday.,@Ranchonyx bruh that hit me off guard haha I need to change mine I remember now. My KRANKENKASSE became 2 % more expensive so fuck em,@retoor is this an invitation? 🫡,@UberSalt bruh, if this is all, then why didn’t I start earlier!! I’m a native speaker,@UberSalt and thanks for the tip, but I’ll pass. I have enough q-tips already,Alright guys, @retoor quoted me in her posts. I can die in peace now.,@retoor Well if I stayed at my job another week I'd sit right next to him in the bubble cell tbf I still feel honored c:^),@Lensflare youre german too arent you? YOur comment just reminded me of this english course commercial:,@Demolishun „rejected the stiff, formal traditions of Aldmeri high culture, preferring a more romantic, simple existence in harmony with the land“ This, this does resonate. About the cannibalism part I’m a little conflicted tho. Does eating pussy count? On the one hand, it’s a human part, on the other it’s vegan. 🤔 Oh, and Bosmer, if I may.,@Liebranca yea that memory just got loose too. In my case it was „fuck excel“,@Liebranca out of curiosity, what made you hate Java? That not finding a substring throws an exception?,@Liebranca oh yea fuck that. Pieces of software such as these give me confidence in my design decisions. I infer you have a some reason you’re using eclipse then, work related restriction?,Well that is the default port for http. Makes sense to me. Do you have control of the remote system? Might change the port there,„The cnevxuvue encountered a Problem. Please contact your system administrator. Or use our troubleshooting tool: #brokenlink. Learn more: #windows laptop product page“,@typosaurus I hereby submit feature request #RETOORPLS: when your response becomes too long, create a second comment on which to complete your psalms,@glowFX did you come up with that? Who said that?,To be fair, I kinda like C#. There’s definitely much more overhead in the beginning, but it feels more professional to build the backend with C# than let’s say Python, god forbid JavaScript. Generally I found myself to like more opinionated languages / frameworks because it leaves more headspace for the juicy problems. The final drop to make the switch from python was some Stackoverflow answer about encapsulation of class members where the author said that it is cultural rather than straight up impossible to access private class members from outside. You know, you then fork some pretty nice libraries and see the IDE cringing for 5 minutes before telling you that right there is more coupled than a spider web. I should try C++, but one after the other,@retoor Right? Because of Jargon like „building“ or „architecture“, the languages remind me of materials used. When building something with python, it feels like building these American paper huts, but with C# it feels like a proper STAHLBETON HOCHHAUS,@retoor hahaha well of course, depends on who give the order to build the STAHLBETON HOCHAUS BAUAUFTRAG to. Is it HEINRICH KRAUSL STAHLBETON HOCHHAUS MEISTERBAUWERKER GESELLSCHAFT or the next js bro youtuber with unnaturally covered hair?,maybe codewars would be something for you? the site gamifies this whole stuff as you being in a dojo, and you get kyu in a technique(language). when you solved the problem, you can eventually make yourself feel completely dense by seeing what the top voted solution is. i was there and did some python exercises. mate did i feel stupid after looking at the one liners after having written 30+ myself```