netikras said Boi does it feel good to just take a weekend off and not to worry about anything, not to think about anything,... Just be and go do whatever your body tells to. Feels like charging w/ a dedicated 120W charger, compared to a shared 10W one,wait, is @-red gone now too?? :o How come my profile score did not suffer a major impact... Wasn't he the one flooding us with ++s back in the day?,You know how each generation is taught more and more advanced stuff? My grandparents didn't have a clue about the the things my parents were learning at school. My parents could only catch up with my school course until like 7-8 class. Considering this trend we should have no idea about half the things our kids will be learning in higher classes. However, since AI is taking its pace, schools are adapting and starting to use it for teaching, workplaces are leveraging it to rely on employees' brainpower and skill less and less,... I wonder if we won't see a downtrend. I wonder if we won't be the smartest generation who managed to ingest so much knowledge, and all the generations to come will only focus on mastering prompt engineering. I wonder, how long will we survive with this dumbed down society... As the primal instinct is to overcome your opponent with greater force, possibly destroying it and everything around. And less educated tend to rely on primal instincts more. I wonder if I'll live long enough to see Idiocracy [the movie] manifest in real life. I know I refer to Idiocracy movie more often than anyone refers any other movie here. But it just hits too close to home too often. It might look like a silly something to spend time staring at, but man.. It's got one hell of a point,Serverless. This is where your Lambdas run,Anyone tried eGPUs over thunderbolt? On Linux? Anything you could recommend? I'd like to play around with ML for a bit,Me: do you have monitorin enabled for your cluster? They: no me: I recommend enabling it they: naah, we're good error: *occurs* they: *try to guess at which hop which limits were or were not hit and/or which nw links could've dropped a packet with trial-and-error approach for days* me: telemetry would give you an answer in under a minute.... They: ok cool. We're still good,Only today have I realised that laptops will run slower if the power supply is not sufficient. If batt or the charger is too weak. And sometimes a charger slows the laptop the fuck down. Or even freezes it (for some reason) to halt. I need a more powerful USB-C charger I always thought laptops and charge controllers/batteries were tuned to ensure the power the device needs and disconnect the charging or leak energy from the battery if a charger is too weak. I stand corrected,Turns out we have a Grinch. Someone just stole all my decorations in the communal staircase. This really fucked my mood,I've JUST finished configuring my wifi 6 AP, and now we have wifi7. Damn it. Time to buy another round of PCIe's for all the laptops and the router.,I'm not a 10x developer. It's you who are 0.1x developers,Just Python things... trying to upgrade the branch while it's sitting on it,When your technical colleagues apply or pressure you to make fixes or implement features w/o understanding how abd why they work. When they discard your proposals/alternatives as inferior, motivating with their superficial knowledge arguments. When they promote new toys over tried and true ones, only because they work using other new technologies and they do stuff automatically, w/o having to think why/how, hoping it'll never fail. And when it all starts erroring -- turn to @netikras asking to fix the tools I ruled from the beginning as "black boxes of unknown evil" aren't they the best... :) is there no longer place for highly technical nerds understanding all the bolts and nuts of big and small tools/systems/solutions..,?,Finally, at last I found a way to hack my parents' Xiaomi router. Now that I've got root access to it, I can now fix it, so it's able to.. you know... route traffic. Because stock router's firmware only operates as a NAT device. Not a router. The measures we have to take to get shit fixed.....,Merry x-mas. May your uptime be long, oncall phones turned off and alerting systems quietly down for the upcoming week.,Genuine question to rust devs: is rust worth it? I'm helping devs on a rust project and every day we're swearing at it. The language, critical section control, broken libraries, etc. To me it seems we would have far better off with golang. But since we are this far now, noone will admit it,Hmm... I was reading postnatal depression fliers for moms and came across a depression quiz. Turns out, I have a severe depression, 23/27 score 😁 that would actually explain a lot... A LOT...,Ios build on MAC: *runs ok for weeks* Ios build on MAC [today]: bundler failed to load command: pod [thats the whole error] devs: we need to update cocoapods tell me, please, how is this any better than windows...? No sensible errors, no sensible debug options, no sensible solutions but trial-and-error bruteforcing...,Soo... Turns out, if your laptop has usb-c charging and it has several such usb-c ports, you can use them simultaneously. My lappy has issues with usb-c sharging, i.e. it becomes sluggish when charging w/ usbc (compared to on-battery and charging through barrel plug). Aaaaand Linux tends to occasionally crash if I unplug the charger while it's "awake". I wanted to change chargers, so I figured I could plug in the second one (hoping not to see any smoke) and unplug the first one. As soon as I plugged in the second one, all the lag disappeared and the battery keeps charging. So if you have an usb-c charger that's too weak for your laptop, try using two of them :D Never would have thought....,I've spent like 2 days on this semi-toy project, for which I would have been paid generously had I chosen to work for a client instead. This pleasure cost me hundreds of €s not earned. But it feels ssooooo good to code smth just for pleasure. Totally worth it!```