cuddlyogre said Reject the push and make this person adhere to the application structure. If you don't stop this now it will cause you tremendous headaches later.,@Ranchonyx I've started building an electron application and I'm finding that js, maybe more specifically node, is not that bad. 

I really wanted to be able to use c# but I need a webview that works on arm64. I tried a dozen different things and electron was the only thing that worked.

It's not as efficient as other languages or frameworks, but being able to build an application with an interface written in a language everyone knows opens up tremendous possibilities and speeds up delivery by a huge amount. 

Now, if I could use electron as the interface to a c# application, then I think I'd really like that.,@Ranchonyx If anything I want to do it to see if it can be done. I really want to know if it is fast enough to work as the GUI of a game doing it like that.,Debian with Mate is very clean and to the point. I use VirtualBox on seamless mode and it it works like a charm.,@Ranchonyx

It's technically possible, which is the best kind of possible.,I'm glad I never offloaded the use of my brain to fancy RNG machines.

Imagine how much better you would be at this if you hadn't either.,@jestdotty You'd be better served by finding a Discord server or a forum where you communicate with people that can help you understand this stuff.,@retoor I have no idea what they are using. Nor do I particularly care.

What I do know is that it slows me down with the nonsense it suggests. No code "AI" has ever been anything other than a hindrance for me and I am sick of it being pushed on me. I will never use it willingly, so please stop trying.

I also don't like that at random my proprietary code is being scanned into some unaccountable commercial Skynet monster without proper authorization or compensation because the company that I bought my IDE from has jumped onto a gimmick train.,I thought Mastodon already killed it. Surely this one will take...,@lorentz It has all the env variables set up so you can do VS related things, where a normal console doesn't. Other than that, the experience is the same.

I much prefer Rider and Clion over anything Visual Studio.,I've had to do everything myself for 10 years so I've had to get good at almost everything. But if I had to pick the thing I'm best at it would be backend web stuff and desktop development. Design is definitely not my strong suit.,I don't have friends, so it's easy. 

I've been told they're important, but they always turn into sources of stress and liability. Maybe it's the area I live in or something to do with my upbringing that attracts those kinds of people. I don't know. I'm old enough that it's not something that bugs be anymore.

I am friendly with coworkers, but they and I cease to exist when they leave the office, so calling them friends would be too much.,YOU TAKE THAT BACK,All while people like me pop their collars, noses a mile high in the air, gleefully shouting "I told you so".

I can happily say I can still use my brain and have improved my skills in the meantime.,@jestdotty Because my job has been directly threatened by higher ups telling me that I'll be replaced by people that use AI. It doesn't matter that it causes me more work and is a huge liability. 

I have grown tired of people threatening my way of life because of fads, trends, and arbitrary diktats they cling to like religion.,@jestdotty I'm not terribly interested in what the psychology behind it is called. I'm just pleased as punch that my way of life is less likely to be threatened by RNG machines and that I can tell everyone that's argued with me about it that I was right.,@jestdotty No insult meant toward you. But I have endless contempt to those that would put me on the street just because I don't conform to some half baked trend.,Oh you have 12 months until you even have to think about it. 

We have 90 days before we need to start. 

Guy, 1993 was yesterday.,If you're going to put your time into something, why not put everything you can into it? You're wasting your time otherwise.,@Lensflare What that really means is the people reviewing the code and/or management aren't familiar with them.,@Demolishun I had a short lived co-worker get irritated because I used a ternary operator.

I don't get it. If it compiles and it works and I don't understand it, I look up why it works. I don't just throw my hands up and whine until the question goes away.,The worst part about everything created the last 10 years is how hopefully dated it will all look in the future. 

In previous decades, it was the style of the thing that dated it. But between 2016 and hopefully not too much longer, it will be divisive political viewpoints shoehorned into places they don't belong. 

All written by self important people without power to change a single thing about the topic they preach to people that either don't care or were forced to have an opinion on who also don't have the power to change a single thing.

It's going to basically be a decade of media and games and literature that no one will return to. A decade where no one could cooperate unless they held the same beliefs as the other person. A decade where nothing meaningful was accomplished. And that's a shame.,I prefer 2024-12-06.,@cprn Someone has never tried calling Comcast before.,I like this one,@cprn You have missed some of the most pure rage that the human psyche can generate.,Considering the current goals of several corporations and governments, all that would accomplish is mass firings in favor of hiring "less entitled" alternatives with "work ethic" that aligns more with their vision of how things should be.,@BordedDev And when I get out of jail, I'll have a really lucrative job waiting for me at the local Burger King.,Intentionally using a Mac for any kind of development is either the pinnacle of spite for Microsoft or an absolute financial necessity. 

Apple's hostility toward anything not made by them makes it a tremendous headache that I never wish to experience again.,@netikras If it's not made by Apple, they make it as hard as possible to use on anything they did make.

@Lensflare Except that it's a huge pain compared to even the most basic Lunux distro to build anything. 

Xcode and the hoops you need to go through with licensing and build errors determined by an RNG are great examples of their hostility toward developers that haven't bought into their koolaid. 

Personally, Debian is the default OS for development, but even Windows is better than Mac for that.,Of the two, I prefer teams. Slack never notifies me of received messages, so I miss important communications all the time.```