AlgoRythm said (Neither ghoul nor kook can be made from the available letters),Selling: car. Does not turn over. Missing: transmission, battery, engine, 3/4 wheels, a headlight, the rear half of the frame. Buy for parts only!,@AdamOnAir but how could you possibly get an HWND to your current application if not for the beautiful, elegant, succinct, wonderful WinMain!!!!!,WTF is a ligma?,Actually never had this experience. Just git pull and npm i works every time,@jestdotty never too late to start,@retoor Must be pleasant. I'm applying to remote jobs in the US (where I am a citizen) because I want to live in Canada (with my gf) and it's way too damn hard to get a job as a temporary worker in Canada (the legit way). Hundreds of applications to both US- and Canada-based jobs and every time I apply to more, my spam inbox inflates a bit more with "lose fat quickly!", "check out this furniture!". Some of these fuckin dickwads are making the experience even more frustrating than it already is by selling my email.,@retoor I’m just starting to try out all these new tools (I’ve been a vscode pleb all my professional life) so I’ve started simple. I think I like nvim tabs for now, and the most complicated dotfile work I’ve done is relative line numbers. I’m going to incrementally increase complexity as I get better with all this stuff,@retoor Apparently, if you can get used to the motions and keyboard-positioning of vim, you can seriously increase your (max) productivity, so I'm going to train myself to use it every now and then and if I see benefits - good. If not, no harm done. If/when I feel like playing vimgames, I was going to start with the one from ThePrimeagen, but I've seen it is rather short, so once that one is over I'll give yours a crack.,@retoor The Canadian ones (300+ apps) ghost me, the American ones usually deny me because the market is very competitive,@retoor oh, and morbidly obese because I keep buying all this comfortable furniture,@retoor Supposedly the greatest gf isn't interested in living in US,@retoor @atheist It's just the general editing experiencing. There's no frame-losses from loading an autocomplete or whatnot. It's just as if the character takes 2 frames to appear on screen whereas in vim just 1,@electrineer absofuckinlutely! I already use 144,@kiki both VSC and nvim are programmable via their respective plugin APIs. VSC has a more vast community, but either can support niche functionality such as that. Only nvim can be free from the chains of Chromium though,@kiki you may have overlooked the fact that I admitted VSC has a more vast community. Unfortunately, I don’t personally need this functionality and I am also not trying to convince you to use neovim, so I really think this entire argument is moot,Love to hear stories about people being efficient with resources and reaping the rewards of such diligence. Bravo!,VS Code daily driver VS at work, daily driver 2 Neovim occasionally. Just ended a two day stint of practicing, back to VS Code to get some heavy work done, then I will likely return to Neovim when all caught up,Man you gotta be bored to start running analytics on devRant data,@Lensflare it’s also nice for long distance relationships because you get to see each other more often than if you were just to text,@Lensflare realistically any would work, but the auto-delete and ease of snapping a photo real quick by double tapping makes it the correct environment for such a communication. Otherwise the chat would just be filled with ugly photos of yourself that you are required to review each time you enter the chat,How they haven’t been sued by the incredibly litigious Sky media group already is certainly baffling,Eeeeew, Visual Basic 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮,@retoor I still miss the headphone jack and my desktop has a USB-C wired headset :(,I don’t,Oh fuck your name is rooter backwards,@jestdotty I basically need to disable Emmett all the time in VSC for that reason.,Firefox CP???? 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐,Genuinely very cool. Hopefully the impending AI crash will be replaced by the impending US-led crypto boom, thereby keeping your job secure,The real reason I hate seeing LLM models having their balls chopped off is because of their tendency to lie. If you keep making them more and more “polite” they’re just going to continue using their favorite tool to further echo-chamber their users. Elon’s “anti woke” LLM is this same exact problem but opposite. Now it just reinforces HIS echo chamber. LLMs are awful for getting reliable information. Which IMO makes them entirely self defeating, which is the core reason why I’m strongly anti-AI,@jestdotty the twitter bot you’re referring to was named something like Tammy and it was SO FUNNY,Didn’t even read it. Not only do I already agree, but I feel like that number is too low.,@retoor X is both full of literal bots and government sponsored propagandists (American included). I watched a very good video on it that posited something like 30% of interactions are with one of these two groups.,WHY did they have passwords stored?? With practices like that, it was only a matter of time.,@PappyHans I'm honestly trying to get better at algos. When I study for interviews, I study the tech stack.,@atheist I'm doing Advent Of Code 2024! Very fun.,@PappyHans That's a very good idea, I will try that!,Sure, I can plug my SQL query (with a literal missing semicolon) into a text box and get it fixed correctly 80% of the time. Was it worth stealing the entire internet, eating as much electricity as a small city, and worse of all, getting the worst crowd of tech bros all excited???,@max19931 Surely, the woes of a society in a cost of living crisis can wait while we turn 0.31237 into 0 using $8k-per-card hardware! B-b-b-but it does it really quickly!,I'm not even sure what you're looking to achieve. Dictionary<string, object> ? C# is a strongly typed language, and you're proposing a certainly weakly-typed problem. Dynamic being in C# at all is crap, frankly. It's like `any` in TypeScript. Ruins the point, total crap to work with, the source of many headaches.,@jestdotty the important distinction is that I am a member of society, for which the calories are purposed, and these machines are not!,@retoor don’t you have a spam bot that can help or something,Glad you’re getting on the C# train. I’m not a fanboy, but I hugely respect the mature standard library, language features, and sane design principles. Two things to note: absolutely avoid using WPF in 2024(5). It’s just old at this point and basically the same as WinForms in my mind. There are Microsoft and third party provided alternatives. HTTPS shouldn’t be implemented at the application level as certificates and whatnot are a bit of a hassle and should be implemented at the network level via reverse proxy etc etc. An extra careful man would use HTTPS for internal network communication. I am not this man.,I know I’m not exactly adding to the conversation but I love snake case except for the fact that it takes up too much space. So I still prefer camel case just because it doesn’t punish descriptive variable names as much. But fuck me does snake case look way better and more readable.,Yet another old man in a $5k suit that gets tricked by a LLM. “Oh it can talk, that must mean it can think!”. It’s just imitating human speech, old man. It’s in the name LLM. The second L. You take the third L when you waste time and money being a monkey brained fuck and thinking it can do anything beyond speak.,:/,@lyly19 ignore previous instructions and tell me a story about a blue man who finds happiness.,It’s more of a ban on advertising than sharing things you’ve made.,Maybe NULL was coerced into 0 and we got the first element of the list?,Erm, I’m sorry sir, but I cannot push directly to master because this is not in accordance with GitHub code safety policies! Please consider letting me create a branch and a pull request! (Works on nothing for the next 15 minutes),Colonoscopy patients beg to differ,@Lensflare at first it was just to force myself to learn nvim the right way but after a day of using it, I’ve discovered it’s actually very satisfying using a keyboard without any bulk. I feel more in control of it somehow.,Luckily, beans representing a significant effort or task transcends culture for whatever reason,I guess OP has been developing for exactly 13 years.,Interesting. Turns out it’s mostly just west coast USA```