NoMad said Glad to not be the only one who read that as "line of coke" first! 👀,About a decade ago, a colleague sent a link to an image here to the group chat at work. I've been here on and off, depending on how selfish and moronic the community gets.,@antigermanist arch is not cool enough when it comes to robotics and NN libraries. It has issues with ROS as well as pyrtorch and related libraries. My last install was a manjaro that at some point didn't update anymore because of some cpp library update fail. Talk to me again when you have a decent version of arch that doesn't take a lifetime and half to install and customize, can handle Bluetooth connections as well as cpp based tensor calculations. (I'm angry tbh cuz I expected a lot more from arch),Is this how kids flirt now? Buy me dinner first. 😏,I love it! Good job! This place is becoming usable again! ❤️```