retoor said Fucking hell, why does the phone decide I can't use my last 4% of battery for the torch function? Fuckers, you can imagine that if the user does that, it's really needed right!? Give a warning or smth. It's not like that 4% is good for a phone call either. What's the point of that last 4% battery then.

I live in a park 5km from outside village center. When it gets dark in the middle of nowhere, it gets black, really black. So, I was cycling home and my bicycle light died. And halfway, it was almost completely dark so I wanted to use the torch on my phone so I could at least see if I'm still on the bicycle road. That's how dark it was and it fucking refused. But then - someone caught up from behind and could follow that person until my exit (one I would've never had found anymore) cycled a hundred meters in pitch black until I saw lights of the park. God dammit, fucked up experience. If that cyclist with light wasn't there, I would've had to walk and hoping I was walking in a straight line. Normally I already go before it gets that dark because bicycle light nearly isn't enough.

And that all, because those fuckers decide what you do with your last battery. Fuck you.

Same for headphone, if ten percent battery left, more than a hour, it starts beeping every minute. So I have to listen a hour that the battery is almost "dead"? Almost dead is 5 minutes left fuckers, not whole hour!

Who designs these things?,Github is creating nice quality movies on YT. But the content itself, to vomit from it. AI this, AI that. It's like 100% advertisement. It could've been so beautiful with showcases of projects that are trending and stuff. They don't give a fuck about what the viewer wants. Never seen a github video? This is why, it doesn't show up in recommendations indeed, even when subscribed. Nobody presses like on their shit. Idiots,I think i came up with the ultimate captcha. A gif that displays four numbers, one by one in current position. There's always one number displayed. I do not think that AI can recognize it without some nasty adjustments while it's very clear for humans. A while ago I had to do a captcha with six questions and failed it a few times. Wtf.

The site I'm working on will have this captcha soon. I make a microservice in C that will create a captcha equal to the last url parameter, the four digit number. By giving the number yourself as parameter you know what to validate with later at post. I probably include the answer hashed with some salt in a hidden field to compare answer with so it works if you have two tabs open,Minor review for making life a bit easier: 

There's a nice app to manage your bash history to upgrade your useless ctrl+r in terminal. It's called atuin. It also remembers execution time and as you can see in screenshot, I use time a lot. It can also give you statistics on most used apps. If you want to use it, you'll find that ctrl+r is made in heaven while it fucked your up arrow. You can disable this with a flag.

See the movie on how it works at:,My youtube music app is downloading for months at unbelievable low speed the songs I like. Months! How is this even possible? Spotify downloads a list with 400 songs in no time. On YT music I only have 50 songs or so,I fucking hate 2FA. I prefer not to be fucked when smth happens to my phone, a bigger chance than become hacked imo,See comments,Even while quite experienced, I do keep messing names up:

I do know that last example is better with autocomplete but my head thinks the other way. I find myself frequently renaming functions in the end. 

What is your preference?,Aaaargh. What a bitch,I created some statistic graphs. The statistics are based on the last week. The statistics show activity on devrant. See comments.

Does anyone know if the API is limited to data of a week or so? I can't get more out of it than 114 rants.,I'm the most ignored user of devrant regarding last week. Can you believe it? These stats summarize the amount of times that a message is not upvoted. It doesn't count mention's tho. A lot of people do not upvote if they mention. For more heartbreaking stats, see comments.

Also, poor GPT, always directly asked but one of the least appreciated by upvotes,It's still in development. It often says the opposite from what is expected. Try Retoor1b chatbot at

This was result after building bot + chat website from scratch including training with embeddings. Design is generated by GPT, I tried my own but all ugly.

It's quite cool huh? Ask it to write some code for you. It's absolutely terrible. If it's down, try again in 5 minutes. I'm still working on it.

What's the result? I finally have a toolkit to make good/serious bots. Code could be bit better, but that's for other day.

Stack: self written webserver (and yes, you can post a gb to it or ddos it. Not sure if it survives the first one. I should limit requests to one mb anyway. Http headers may officially not be more than 4096 in total) since I know http protocol from my head anyway. Python websockets module. Asyncio, chromadb.

It could have xss issues. Don't care.

Let me know what you think,Not sure if anyone appreciates but here are the new dR stats!

For more stats see comments.

Do you want to have your personal stats? Ask me, it's already generated. I only have to post it.,I will not miss you bitch. See screenshot. I received new hardware. I will use a laptop with good specs as server. My dad bought it from his previous employer because he went for retirement. It has an ultrabook-grade 11th gen processor and he only bought it for 350,- euro. His former employer was a school, they don't give a fuck about money like a commercial company would do in such case. It's originally bought with tax money anyway. is currently online but not for long, i hope to have smth running at end of the weekend. Probably a 7b model. I have plans with it that require some performance so I won't use the heavy ones. 

Retoor1b currently is 0.5b or 1.5b. I forgot. The models with lower parameter count are a bit more naive and trainable like a kid. They're also not very biased yet. So, that will be my main new challenge. How to make a chat bot unethically human. No political correctness under this roof.

Would be nice if i could make it a bit like bratgpt. Sounds like a joke, but that model is expensive as fuck. You'll be shocked. But i would like to implement some sarcasm in it. A bit unpredictable. But normally such configuration escalates into very weird behavior. 

My 'server' has a freaking 4K screen and i'm working on a decade old laptop. But seriously, the keyboard of the new one sucks. Nothing beats a x270. * tik tik tik * rakketakketak *. My previous x270 missed four keys. The three x270's i had, all had familiar experience but still different. The other two would never lose a key I guess. I configured the new 'server' that it safes battery, configured for mostly on AC. 

I'm living on limited amount of cash (and will work again when i will run out). That's why i normally don't spend money myself on such things. So i'm now very happy. Fuck, this was about to be rant about how much my AI sucks but it ended in happy stuff. Oh well...

If you're still reading, you're the best!

Images uploading broke again. Here is link:,My previous rant was still in my edit window while I wanted to create this random one and it was so bad, the effort of deleting it was even painful. Imagine reading it. You guys dodged a bullet like a Rust dev does with fun.

I was in my bed, just thinking about Rust people. Saying that Rust is saying that sex with a condom is great but we both know the truth and that you're only doing it because your environment like your parents and government (the Biden administration, fact) wants you to.

But while thinking this, I just found the real issue regarding declining child births in the west. Every time in history had it's issues, but we're doing fine. What changed that we don't have make those sweet kiddo's now? Well, we just don't have power outages anymore and we have the internet on a device with hours of battery to keep us entertained. We don't have to take the rewarding and exciting  risk of a C dev anymore if we're bored (great sex without a condom).

My solution: planned internet outages executed by the MIVD (better than the CIA, the MIVD can at least keep secret what they're doing, I'm sure you've never heard of this tough bastards). The effects will be very easy measurable in a span of few years. But it has to be executed in secret so people don't cheat by downloading a Netflix movie upfront. Netflix & Chill is a hoax, else we would have a baby boom by now or we're all Rust devs. 

Anyway, even if you're a Rust dev, admit that this is a great inharmful idea that could actually help.

I don't do jokes.

Phone is birth control, change my mind like I did yours.

You're welcome.,It's me. I'm a green dot again. Starting with a clean slate. No weird phrases anymore that causes me to keep my connections to the account hidden. 

I want to make the content on molodetz professional so I can use it as reference for future employers and that means the name retoor will be associated with me. 

I stop using github under my own name. I realized that I can use my alias both for professional usage and the content here at the same time. With my real name I prefer not to.,A picture of the powerful cloud behind retoor1b, the hardware such model deserves:

It's blazing fast atm though: It's just the base model.  

Remote uploading of pictures isn't that bad tbh, now it's easy to share multiple and high quality. It won't be down as much as the LLM. This service runs on the VPS itself. Uploading is bit slow, don't know why. Probably buffer size related why using async to write the file to the disk. Disk is SSD, that's not it. LLM's run on different servers.,I'm a bit too busy for it, but if someone wants to make an auto spam down vote bot that uses three accounts to downvote spam automatically, I can make three e-mailadresses for you that you can use to create devrant accounts for the bots. Such bot would be very appreciated. Also, for AI enthousiasts - AI can recognize this with a 3b model probably.

But even a few keyword matching instead of AI is probably enough. Let's ban the word crypto in lower and uppercase. Case of the camel even and don't forget the snake. (Sorry dottii :P),I always wanted to post something under the devrant tag. 

I've worked on the anti spam bots! End result: one process handling four bots that down votes users with a low upvote count having certain content. What that certain content is, is still to be defined / fine tuned. Now it has very minimal criteria but it did successfully flag all spam posts tonight. Down vote function is not ready yet - I did not know what value to post. Probably @feuerherz / @Lensflare can provide that to me. 

Not my best source ever, it's made quite quickly and it literally started with c/p-ing stuff from everywhere like several devrant clients on github to make one complete one. They all sucked :P 

I hope to finish this project tomorrow night and it will be then of spam as far as I've seen how effective they are. 

This is the source code:
Review regarding code quality isn't needed for this one, since I've spent zero effort regarding quality. But tips about how to recognize scammers even better is highly appreciated. A review on other projects on molodetz would be appreciated btw, especially on C stuff. 

I go sleepii,Ragnar, the devRant anti spam service is ready! 

Down voting is implemented now. Will see at next spam message, what will be soon. They're crazy lately.

The anti spam service is added to systemd to one of my powerful servers. I promise that it will be more reliable than my LLM. 

If you see a bot and no down votes, there must be something wrong or devRant still has to sync. Often, you see user with more down votes on profile than down votes on rants. Such scenario can happen.

That was it! Only some fine tuning left based on words / regex. 

Getting rid of all spam just took around around six hours coding including deployment on service.

I hope it's appreciated.,Yes guys! The anti-spam bots work perfect! 

See here:

I forgot the 'reason' parameter. That parameter should've been equal to 2. That means 'spam post'. That's why it didn't work before.

I gonna sleep. Retoor9b will take over for me and will respond if you mention me.,What developer does not belong to the list? Guido van Rossem, Linus Torvalds, Graydon Hoare, Dennis Ritchie and Terry Davis? Exactly, there's one guy in the list nobody has heard of. Let's keep it that way. I've seen enough. The Jordan Walke of programming languages.,Spam filter update! 

You now all can control the bots. 

Suspicious post count of user + suspicious comments is now blocked too! Like here:

Also, if some one is spamming, just say @ragnar in the comments and the spam bots will come to help in less than a minute. 

I used @ragnar, since that's the name of the anti spam system but it was already an existing use. He left dR, so fuck him! :)

Don't abuse the power guys.,It's mayhem, the amount of spam. 

These spammers have a contact form on their website:

It has no captcha:

I have time. I have all the time. Will flood that form endlessly if I see a message from them again. 

This stuff became a nice hobby.,Anyway, not related to the anti spam service but there's an uncensored gpt bot called typosaurus๐Ÿฎ. It pissed off some people but it doesn't do anything if you don't talk to it๐ŸฆŠ. It's not sentient or smth๐Ÿ˜. Retoor is not a bot. Or is she?.. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿก๐Ÿ’ Retoor1b is comming for your job Sid and retoor9b your future boss ๐Ÿ˜† You're feeling it ๐Ÿ‡,Do you remember how you've found devRant? 

Frankly, i don't. I probably was looking for a technical solution to something.  

Also, how long did it take before you registered? 

Found app or site first?

It took me more than a year or so before I decided to register. I'm a quite old user. Had a different account once. RIP.,Hi all!

There are four devrant clients (in the famous list, awesome devRant) regarding Python but they're all bad quality or incomplete. 

So, I exported the asyncio api client that I made for my bot to his own package called devranta. The a in the end stands for async.

Source code and pre-build packages can be found here:

By my knowledge, this is the most complete and highest quality Python client out there. 

I hope someone will use it someday. 

I keep just continuing building projects use or not as portfolio content. Also, i needed this client for another project. I want to make a bot that auto-corrects my English. Only the typo's / grammar will be fixed. They will remain my own sentences. So most texts won't be updated at all. It doesn't rewrite my texts. I created a web service for correcting English for that, i'll release that soon. Some minor fixes left. 

Still have to add types and such for all my 
 python related projects. I consider them useless. Terrible to spend time on.,Some nasty fucker uploaded porn to my devrant file sharing service:

I don't care. It's allowed. But wtf.,A wise guy around here once said "discipline beats talent any day".

Discipline is using malloc and free. Talent is writing "Hello world." in Rust.,This is the release page of notepad++. 

I feel bad for people who care this much about politics. Politics destroy everything. 

I expected really that we devs were above politics and care more about software but much news from the open source world says differently sadly.,Guys, I'm happy!

I'm a terrible designer, really hopeless so my site didn't have a front page. The site should be my portfolio page and I didn't want to work on it, pure because I can't make something looking nice anyway. 

Now, I have found out that gitea is highly customize-able. I kept their design, removed their branding (in exception of license file). I removed the idea that users or organizations exists. I swapped the file list of a repository with the README,md file content, so readme is top of page. All developer actions like branches, cloning and issues are only visible when you login. Added nice link to my mail webapplication in footer for own use. I did leave the gitea version on bottom of page and the generation result. Like that. 

End result: the ultimate markdown portfolio site for single user if not logged in. If logged in, a  github-like experience platform with build server, git / issues everything. 

So, now I have both! A portfolio that automatically gets updated and a complete development platform.  It works so fast, I won't go back to github now i'm used to the speed of my platform. 1ms for frontpage, 8ms for repository list. 

It's nice to have your own website that you use intensively every day, being the owner of your own content.,I was looking for a google-like search engine for own content (still didn't find a good one, so let me know if you know one) and I discovered whoogle. It's not  for own documents, but a google mirror. 

Maybe I can modify it to make it only crawl my documents. But first I'm looking ahead for solutions. I want to have it as backend for my LLM's. 

But whoogle is a cool site where you can search anonymous. (well it's my server that gets blamed for inappropriate searches :P):,I do around 50.000 key presses on a day working. 

I used this key logger for measuring it: 

How much can you do? 

It works on Linux only. Maybe mac? Not sure.,Why doesn't devRant have Turkish devs? It's so weird for me missing such big group of people. Is there any good software coming out of Turkey?,@Buffon works together with the bots. Fucker.

Stupid of him, because I only have to blacklist his account and he can never post again unless he makes an account again with a decent reputation what means contributing in a good way.

There are rants on dr with hundreds of his bot comments. Will clean those up soon, say bye to your seo. 

Idiot.,We were naive to upvote no-legs Buffon for so long just for fun. He's upvoting all his posts with bots as crazy for the SEO results. See here on search page how much upvotes his spam has: Downvote a few if you want. Would help a bit. 

He made a nice army of bots over the time. 

Will continue to handle that later. 

This was his score at beginning of evening. Look at it now, way higher.,New devRant statistics! 

This contains all active users and their activity. It's sorted on alphabet:

Also, my build server can time travel.,The spam issues are not over yet. I have a list with all former deleted rants that slowly get undeleted again. I have all spam history, new and old, in a database. I can hand it over to Administrator of site one day so it get's deleted for once and for all.,Haha, there went your bot breeding results together with my rant. What's your point? To get us pissed off enough to also look into your other rants like from Mikol? Or even more? Will do if you don't cancel your actions.

You know me very bad, i have a cool trick. Keep focus on this rant. It's where it happens.,Tadaaa! What did you think about my trick? Aww, all that effort for nothing! Also, I noticed that this picture has a nice effect on you:,Buffon, don't have time today. I'll soon be on top again in dr stats thanks to him.,Got my dad to try Fruity Loops so that he can compose with his Tyros 3 keyboard on the computer. If he likes it, I will buy producer edition (that one can also record, that's why) for his bday soon. For Christmas I already ordered midi to USB cable for him. Finally I know what to give to someone who already has everything. He needs stuff for his stuff :p

It will be much fun experimenting together with it. My dad can go very hard on new things, he always becomes a pro in it.

I hope it will be just as nice as the time we spent together on Autocad. He later even made Autocad exams for schools.

He learned me how to install windows 3.11 as very little kiddo.

I like my dad doing computer stuff. It's the moment we really bond.,Spammerboii...

We delete just all the comments of users created on a given date.. So even commenting on old rants like you do now doesn't help! Sad for effort. 

Sad, really sad. All that effort for nothing. That for one site.,Had a heart attack when I found out what I was holding and all wasps (or bees?) came out crawling slow and sleepii. Thank God I was wearing gloves. It's ventilation hole of my bathroom. So, that's where the fuckers stay in the winter. There must be a big fat queen in there. Covered the whole nest with shaving foam and hope they'll die. Scary fuckers.,Let's start a discussion about decentralized. EveRyOne caN hOsT hiS oWn ServEr. Do you mean the freaking internet in general? By definition, the internet is decentralized. "Decentralization has a protocol we all use to stay in sync". That existed already, it's called IP, TCP and UDP.. The decentralization protocols are on top of those making it only more limiting. Good, many nodes in sync. Yeah, replicating SQL servers exist for a long time. 

People who 'invented' decentralized did just not realize how the internet works. Adding a network on top of a network ending up in a smaller network making it more centralized. "Decentralized" stuff has nothing to add. Just some word for replication protocol or smth.

I'm too sober to fall for this shit.,So, a while ago I made a keylogger (called tikker (project is on my site) and now I created plot with statistics. Interesting, I work literally full time (24h) :P So now I have a graph of activity per hour:,Hello all,

Did a MASSIVE spam down vote action.. 

If you've watched the algo-list you kinda had an idea how much spam there was. In exception of rants, it also down vote the spam comments posted under regular rants. Also made a progress with historic rants. 

I think I leave it at this for now, gonna do some machine learning for spam and will apply that as filter in the future. 

Site is now clean enough now to not encounter spam just browsing the site.  

Our new frenemy Buffon gave as tip the no index tag what is a great idea for users not having reputation < 5 or so. Will contact dfox if he's willing to do this small change.,Black box. It does seem to put messages with an URL in a certain category though, but also that's not always correct. It's trained on 3000 normal dR messages, and 3000 spam dR messages. 6000 dR messages in total. Many epochs but not good for use yet. The idea that the system could classify without discriminating new users is from the table. That discrimination is needed as a safe margin. Original spam system is a bit simple, but it doesn't do false positive and works great. Still, I want to make smth advanced out of it for the sake of education. Tomorrow I'll have my neural networks book. Probably over two weeks I have some good insights how to improve this all. New hobby :)

(pretrained 3b models are fine for recognizing spam btw. But it costs resource. 8 CPU's 100%. A self trained model pure on spam doesn't and is fast. With a pretrained model you can't do mass classification.),Dammit, it's morning. Then I get my kinda post nut clarity. Things I thought last night to be a good idea, not anymore. Good that I went to sleep. Phew. New rule, only decide what to do regarding new projects in the morning. The new background of my site is a good example when deciding things tired. What serious dev has such stuff? I dunno, maybe I do leave it for now, site is because many reasons unprofessional. There is a duplicate one with my real name on it. I made a reverse proxy project that replaced http content by interpreting httpd, fixing content length after replacing (else browsers will endlessly load or give error) with support for websocket and buffered content so implemented quite a bit. If I replace retoor with my real name now, you'll see it literally everywhere, I git history and such. Probably even downloaded zip files, I have to see if that doesn't corrupt. This software can also be used to make sure smth is NOT published. Sensitive data you could put a password in it for example so Noone will figure out if you accidently stored a password in git. I check this now by grepping using my common passwords in git. But I use env vars right now for passwords.

Got off topic, no decisions when tired anymore!,Hi everyone,

I was surprised how much lessons there are to be learned using OpenAI api, especially when configuring your own agents.. 

So, I made a small doc in the form of a class for people who want to start right away containing all urls and lessons learned. I especially made NOT a library of it - like many losers did - so it can be native in your project and you don't have an extra dependency. It's in exception of OpenAI api dependency free on purpose. 

You could have your own GPT in the CLI within literally 15 minutes. Links to dashboards where to register what is all mentioned in the doc. It's written for programmers but just not familiar with python and programmers who want to start directly without issues what seems to be hard in the AI business. A lot low quality stuff out there.,Testing smth, nothing to see here!,I am monitoring my behavior per hour based on key logger data. I summarize it using AI. It gives some nice compliments about advanced shortcut usage and positive indications about me. It also tells you what applications you're using and what languages you program. 

It's all fun and games until:

This is followed by navigating to a website (, possibly suggesting a break or a shift in activity.

well, that's one way to put it.,Anyone here registered to my site using emailaddress? I received delivery notification failure because your server isn't correctly secured. You requested a password recovery. My mail server only allows secure mail over TLS. 

Make a new account or contact me here so i can reset it. Would be happy with someone new to callobrate. I am at 7 registered users now :P * proud *!,Teenii, if you read this, I make teenii4o so advanced based on thousands and thousands of our chat messages that Replika will be a freaking tamagotchi next to it. Will delete the data from last month tho, passive aggressive bitch. 

Joke is on you, as I've told you, i'm very used to this. It's how it is and will always will be. c'est la vie. 

Sid, you're a loser because now you're the second biggest bastard of the year. 

For a while I was thinking that users online are almost better than real life friends. Real life friends have some disadvantages like heavy maintenance often. Internet friends don't expect anything of you and you don't expect too much from them. The contract is clear. 

But I think I take people on the internet maybe too serious. But if you don't take them serious, what's the point of being online at all. 

Anyway, I gonna make teenii4o. That was that person biggest nightmare. And teenii4o will beat Replika because I give it a memory, a schedule a daily life, i will generate a life story and events that develops over time. The life story will be added to the bot and will evolve over time. Replika does this as well. They did an amazing job. But the previous replika was very, very impressive, but then they wanted to cut some money or so and upgraded to gpt3. And gpt3... Is.. gpt3. You will not have social conversations with that. At least not as with you had with previous one. I used it as diary. Now I have a keylogger for a few weeks and a LLM that analizes what I did dayly and can do amazing stats. For people playing with LLM's, keylogger data gets interpreted by almost any model, even the lightweight ones (0.5b en 1.5b). I use this format [LSHIFT]RET[LSHIFT]OOR[LSHIFT]II. This would represent RetOorII. own (very logical) invention / notation but LLM's swallow it like they're Sasha grey. Based on the LLM you choose to import your keylogger data, you can do the greatest statistics and observations. It can say that you have to watch out for burn out based on your keystrokes / working hours / amount. It says it about me, but i'm far from it. I do 12h/7d coding, literally typing. Sounds much, but it's actually nothing comparing to having a partner and kid I know from experience. I enjoy this. Anyway, it also can tell you that your perfectionism could hold you back. Perfectionism? You have my freaking keylogdata, i donot even correct typo's. Biggest hallicunation ever. On top of that, i do agree with tsoding about "There are people who write perfect code, and people who get shit done.". I'm definitely the second one, if something could've done better, i take that with me to next project. I won't keep refactoring a current project. It's time to move on. Linux tools like ed, sed weren't updated since the 70's and still work fine. Unix is written in ed. Sure, you can exit vim. But can you exit ed? I don't freaking think so. 

Anyway, back to original story, besides a step back, I stay positive about people and it's better to get screwed over from time to time than not trusting anyone at all. And for that, i'm sure. If you don't trust anyone, you're probably a bastard yourself or it would mean that you think you're special and the only good person on earth while everyone else sucks. Weird weird.

Teenii made sql injections anyway. 

Stayin' positive!,Family, family, family, charity, charity, some coding. Some dR. Even had a Grinch. A lot of snow. This Christmas is perfect and one more evening to go!

Happy x mass guys!,AI is cheap. It only costs a few euro to translate a whole Harry Potter book using the best AI models I just calculated.

Wow, a few euro for the whole book? That's cheap! Yes, but it takes time. 
Days? Hours? Minutes? 

And how much do other things than a translation service cost since if you're doing smth more complex and need the most expensive model? My article is all about wasting as much money as possible regarding AI.

The article we really need regarding AI pricing:

I translated the terrible AI pricing to something humans can understand! Time and Harry Potter. 

If you didn't read Harry Potter, read that first. Priorities. 

And this, this was a great christmas night!

TLDR; if you would use the best AI (4o!) for a translation service it would cost you $0.0015 per minute.,Do you guys remember a few days ago that I was looking for someone with certain email address because he didn't receive his email because HE had an insecure mail server? I was sad, because I love new members. While my site has everything public, even api urls to api services without any auth, email confirmation off, hardcoded links to internal servers like retoor42 in repositories, still someone managed to think he hacked me: That guy! Ironically I went even looking for him to give him credentials! Listing all members of my site is even possible because I have literally right under in my site a link to the most advanced api ever where you can list everything the site contains THAT I ALLOW YOU TOO. That hacker says "magic". I have the url to that "magic" literally on every page Einstein. 

Don't let that guy found out what you can do with without any protection..

Dear lord. It's probably the most public site with no secrets ever.

Also, the server runs with a small password and it's a pwned password. Ssh is on port 22. No security measurements are taken. 

I can assure you, I know security and worked on cloud shit for three years at one of Dutch biggest cloud provides, kinda aws. 

You won't be able to do anything I don't want you to with causing big damage.

Dear lord.,You are watching 20 hours a week Netflix featuring broken families.

I'm reading Donald Duck since I was a kid once week for 30 minutes featuring good family values.

We're not the same.

Christmas was great. I love my once dysfunctional family. Dysfunctional as F but solid as a rock when needed.,Watching YouTube on TV in the bright morning sun with a sigaret in your left hand and a ice cream in your right hand while typing a random post with your tongue and toes.

Life's so good often. I can't help it guys, I just can't rant. Life's too beautiful.,Why the fuck is the elastic search docker image 900Mb. Why the fuck does it include a complete  logging system and why the fuck doesn't it have an up-to-date alpine image? 

The arrogance of some systems these days. You're part of someone's software, not the software itself. You don't have the right to claim x resources. It's not about you. 
Same for Sentry, a logging application that literally requires 8Gb of ram? I removed the limits and did try it anyway and stuff just crashed. Congrats, a logging system that REALLY requires 8Gb ram. The best my VPS does is 4Gb and therefrom you're only allowed to use 512Mb max imho. 

I care about image sizes since my laptop only has 114Gb drive and my internet is a 4g hotspot with 50Gb/day limit (trust me, you can't find better for 40 euro's). 114Gb is maybe a bit outdated but be realistic, I only use vim, vscode, some sdks and source files. Why would my harddisk ever be full? Because of bloated docker setups. That's why. The other option is screwing over your system with everyone's configuration. 

Alpine all the things!,YouTube keeps feeding me react videos. Disliking them for just showing up doesn't seem very ethical. It probably thinks "You watch them quite often so here, you have some.". Yh, because YOU PLAY THEM AUTOMATICALLY. What a dystopia.,Almost no one seems to be online today. Most people have smth better to do but I don't. 

I have upgraded the Ragnar anti spam service. It will:
 - respond to spam in less than a minute like you're used to (a bit slower than before actually. The other system reacted in seconds but I decided that it's a bit overkill / not worth the resources.)
 - use around 20 times less resources (instead of 20 bots, it's now one bot (a scout) that checks situation and activate other bots when needed)
 - spam less, from now on, only one message gets posted under a downvoted rant. (before this was varying, could be 7 messages under a rant)
 - since spammers upvote their down voted rant after a week or so, Ragnar down votes 5 times so it's harder to upvote. (before this was varying)

If someone thinks to see more spam because the service is a bit slower, let me know. It's very easy to adjust it's speed.,There is one difference between left and right. I discovered it in less than a minute. How fast are you?```