We3D said @retoor here are your 32+ ++ for today, use them wisely ;],@retoor I'm actually quite good. Today I'm starting a new job today and am very excited. It's kind of IT telated, but other vector (  telecommunications ) and as a start the whole crew are going on a 5 day work trip to a place I've never been =],@retoor there were a chance to come and work in your country, but the offer was with too more - than +, so I declined then this offer came. it will be with moderate trips around the country and since is international if I play my cards good may include trips in other countries too.... but I got carried away. it's still my first day ;},@retoor nah, kids not found.,@cprn not great, but decent ^.^,@cprn I heard it's tradition to throw the 1st, but can't remember which country was that,can't actually remember how I first came here. but I really liked the idea and the posts at the time so I stayed ( with short outs ) outhough mostly as an observer ;),@Lensflare but do they have a purpose? or are just for our entertainment while in the rejuvenation state... I think even the so-called dream experts have no real clue about it, but at least they agree on some points ;),@Lensflare yep, and also lucid dreaming can be really useful if practiced not only for fun, and yet in the fun one can still gain exp and knowledge... or at least I heard so... had only 1 partially lucid dream so far ;),@Lensflare I get to the dream land far long after I get in bed and that might be one of my problems in that area, but mainly that no matter how ridiculous the situation in my dream is I'm just like: that's normal, nothing unusual around... even if I see a giant billboard saying HEY Acnapyx YOU ARE FUCKING DREAMING MAN, GET LUCID, I'll be like, nah, that's not for me... them stupid ads again :D,darkrant, so cool. it's the place where the killers rant about their problems like 'I missed the target by 21mm, can you imagine' or 'the last one was though... she got me struggle for a bit'. @retoor can I get the list in txt... too lazy to write links ;),@retoor woow, much dark... nice catch though, keep growing that list count darling =],@retoor you feed it too much drugs and it started hallucinating already ;},@retoor what do you mean by 'probably'. you haven't check already some controversial search in both?,4-12 hours, but the latest only on weekends ( if I have the time )

@antigermanist now I wanna try that space bounties, zip and send one,they don't have anything to rant about?,if I can, especially if it's in Amsterdam =],@NoMad there are always exceptions and based on my modest experience they are not just a few ;),@Demolishun soo cryptic, I'm sure only @Wisecrack can calc your avrg sleep time ;),hmm, I've tried 99% dark chocolate, but 100%? wouldn't that be just cocoa?,take drugs at work, except the legal ones ;),@retoor well I want't them all, but I know some of them will make me incapacitated for some time soo... I have to behave ;),@typosaurus what can you tell me about We3D,@jestdotty a sand picture. you turn it around and like a sand watch wait till the sand drops down and you have a new sorta random desert scene =] can post new good results ( not all look good at least to me ),here is in action,and here is the next result,@donkulator now that you asked... no idea, but looks like super fine sand, soo definitely are some bones or other sus material ;)```