BordedDev said @wifi you can do it if you want it with Jetbrains by explicitly right-clicking on a folder and looking at the local changes, so it's got the best of both worlds,Was it easy to setup? I have the eternal goal of setting up a NAS and setting everything up on it including, data backup, rendering, git, ml and whatever nonsense that I might find interesting,@retoor I do miss the office, and playing D&D at my previous employer. Not so much the hour+ commute, started listening to audiobooks and made peace with it. Now I sit quietly on discord with friends I made back in school/uni. Doubt I'll find a commute shorter than 1 hour. I did also apply to NS and got rejected because of not having enough experience with large orgs after interviews. Should probably have mentioned I just wanted a position but could only find senior ones open. That would also have a 2-hour commute (to Utrecht), but it would be on the train, which they would pay for AFAIK. Performance and DevX are definitely what I crave. One of the proudest things I've managed to do was creating a performant FSM + firebase ORM setup in an app, it was for an app for a B2C route planning company. That class of responsiveness 🤤. Reminds me of my excitement of Svelte, which has served well where we have used it, but instead I'm dealing with React slop. What are you using?,@retoor Do you mean it's generated on the fly by GPT, you asked GPT to write the site for you, or do you mean you TABed to victory? At work, we have access to co-pilot, the tabs there flow as well. With occasional “can you write X” for me, which always assumes jest for tests even though we're using vitest. That review is awesome and more useful than 500% the "reviews"/complaints about (client)PM at work, did you make your own model or are you interfacing with something else? (I'm going to assume the source is on your site) Have you had any luck with more complex/modern topics — my recurring project is making an MMO engine (MMO game would be secondary) and have found that co-pilot doesn't really understand what's going on (e.g. packing integers into 7 bit chunks with a marker if the next byte is also part of the number)?,@jestdotty I had a friend go through the stuff in the house, now he's not welcome any more. Mom really doesn't like it, can't say I blame her 😅,@retoor Ehh the reason for “local” (I'm going to assume self hosted since you can run it on demand on places like runpod) has more to do with specialisation since those local models can have the same limitations/brainwashing. And yeah, it's very awesome, wish I had something like that back when I started programming — would still like to set something up like that, but I have been instructed to not have that much pride in my work. You are missed, my dear PR formatting and “error” correcting setup 🥲. (Junior had too many issues writing good code, and boss told “but it works right stop complaining” in more than those words — guess what it didn't work, but I wasn't allowed to put it back. This was before the “AI” industry),@retoor Turns out, like pretty much all NL government email (WHY!?!!?!?!), the LinkedIn emails were going to spam. Do you have any recommendations for looking at average dev salary? Also, sorry about the delay in replies, it's been busy this side — washing machine decided to detach the tumbler from the motor today, not that big of an issue since it was on the list to replace but still…,@retoor Eh the most fun I had was creating a voice->text->voice discord bot (could also just text->text) but since finding anything trained on high-quality audio is hard and the datasets even harder (with LJ being the standard or newscasts 🤮). It annoyed the shit out of people on the server since there was a delay and no auto-cut off, almost like I told them it's a work in progress 🙄 + my original goal was just to annoy them with it. The saddest thing about it was the best thing to message when I had a shit day, since it would always try to cheer you up (since people get tired of the retard doing the retarded thing, and you're having to fix it at work story). (I do want to rejigg it be like the cursor IDE thing where I can just go "Tomoko, where did these morons put the vehicle control logic" and it just pops it up for me),@jestdotty Not just India, but asia in general from what I know that why apologies are rare on that side. It has also gotten more common in the west (since it's admissible in court, except Canada unless they're on social media),@spongessuck Got any recommendations? I tried MiSide recently but found it mediocre storywise, still a lot better than most of what has released this year, however… (I wanted to be a writer before I got into programming, but Bioshock convinced me that if I want to make something deeply introspective, you have to breach that “I” barrier which games excel at as a medium),@spongessuck The controls made me stop, probably shouldn't have tried it after being awake for ~30 hours, I'll move it to the top of the “I have nothing to play” list though,@jestdotty Yep, from what I have heard, if a country is hierarchical (e.g. Japan and Korea) the blame is moved downwards to the lower rungs, and they have to apologize and bear the brunt of repercussions (without complaining or revealing the truth). I'm the “your words are meaningless to me unless you change, and if you change you don't have to apologize” unless you cause me direct harm (e.g. checking in broken code vs blaming me for said code),@retoor > My article is all about wasting as much money as possible regarding AI Get the AI to narrate the book, with unique consistent voices for each character? (I loved the audiobooks when I was a kid, they were the Dutch ones, though) Does it compare well to DeepL? @cafecortado AFAIK they are doing more AI in the manga industry because of incorrect translations of the humans,@retoor As that one guy at my work says, “how does this effect the memory” Wish I had more colleagues with this amount of passion/drive for projects. We'd have probably taken over the world instead of dealing with django rest shenanigans (I miss fast api 🥲),@retoor I like it because it generates the swagger/openapi doc and “input” validation. I haven't looked at before aiohttp, I'm not really a python head since it uses white spaces. I wrote a file-based router for express ages ago as well, it just makes working with routes intuitive. Fast api has grown and made their own DB wrapper as well, it's pretty polished. Did you know you cannot do cursor based db access in django 🤯,@retoor Should you be able to bind to body/html and receive them through bubbling?,@retoor That's fair, btw if you want to know something that you might find convenient or annoy the shit out of you it's this: If the shadow is mounted as closed, there is no way to get access to anything inside and I don't believe the events will bubble (learned this thanks to Google's crappy map markers and had to force them all to be open) BTW you can generate the templates on the backend and stick them into <templates> for usage on the frontend as well,@retoor The only difference I can tell between open and closed is whether you can gain access through the hosting element (otherwise you can only change the closed one using the reference returned from the attach call) but otherwise yes, it isolates almost everything Interesting, what did you do to set it up? CSS grid? Do you have a demo? I haven't played sudoku in a while I used to do them together with my mom but when I'm alone I tend to get into the mind frame of "why am I doing this instead of coding",@retoor I'll give it a look, are you interested in me giving you a review on the code since it isn't that long (for fun)? And can I do it on your site?,@retoor Ah so no neins so far, I'll only get round to checking it tomorrow though (just encase you want to make some edits 😉),@retoor I'm going to create fork since I assume I can only drop comments in a PR (would you like me to add modified files as well? I assume it's still sudoku2 + js),@retoor I'm still busy going through the code, I've made some notes already, but it tempted me to write it differently. Hopefully, it won't take much longer, but it's a work week. Happy Birthday again!```