bad-practice said So im working on a bot. The response of the bot wasn’t correct according to colleague a. So i fixed the response. Now i have a virtual directoy and the response is wrong again. Meanwhile i fixed issue b where the template path wasn’t correct so i fixed that as well. Then i got a merge conflict because i fixed 2 problems in one file in two different branches. So i fixed that. Then feedback came on issue b so we fixed that again. Now my response is fucked completely because the agent isn’t defined i don’t have a clue why. If i ever find out the output probably still isn’t correct either and even if it was i probably get feedback which fucks everything up again. 

My god i landed in development hell,I thought to implement nmp and webpack for this project. I didnt take in account the difficulty level. Bundling the scss is fine, but the scripts are hell. There are so many. And there not small either, no there are script with 60+ functions and they all need to be available globally. 
How this is working in the first place is already a mystery. This has been taking multiple days now and i’m so very fucking tired with it.,Still struggling with the whole webpack project. We agreed on just doing style for now. (Which also need to be updated but that a whole other drama)

Fucking hate my life right now. Its 16:00 so time for beer and games. And holidays. Have a good holidays here everyone. I cant wait to come back to this shit in 2025.```