myss said Suggest you watch Tyler Oliveira take on NYC..,Wouldn't be surprised that's the retard responsible for all those new accounts posting random indian scams here.

He should be banned, sometimes I feel sorry we don't have HWID on web.,@dfox if you're still active I believe you might check this guy out,@Buffon you do know half of leftover people here could hunt you down and drop your ++s to --s?

It's just we don't care about it, have better things to spend our resources on and also know it would simply damage the app further.

Congratulations, you've made a botnet on an unmaintained platform with 100 active users from which all know it takes half a manday to do the same.

Clap to yourself mate, be proud, you've made a really worthy accomplishment..,I was all for plural until I started working with ORMs and entities that needed to a join table that would play nicely with them.

Somehow user_signature sounds much better then users_signatures.

I know that from database design and how it was imagined to work in a first place plural was the way to go, however modern tools and semantics made singular much more attractive and senseful somehow.

Though on private projects I still fight with my preferences from time to time.

Ohh and let's not start about naming http resources..```