MM83 said Rust is the NFT of programming languages. It seemed like a good idea, a year into a pandemic lockdown.,I had food poisoning the other day and the sheer amount of puke I summoned to redecorate my bathroom made me think something similar, we're all ambulatory septic tanks, full of disgusting bio-waste, just waiting to explode.,@12bitfloat to be honest, it didn't even seem like a good idea to me then, and I'd been day-drinking alone for six months. I might go see what Rust looks like from this notionally stable position.,@retoor don't worry, my pull out game is terrible. They're ok, they're just junior really. Like when you first start out and you think that, I dunno, Flash Actionscript is the best language on Earth because it's the only one you've used.,@retoor right. These languages are supposed to be "unsafe", how else are we supposed to feel smug for writing in them? Making C "safe" is like putting stabilisers on a motorbike.,@12bitfloat I'm only messing, I'm a bit beyond language wars, they're all great and they're all shit. 

What put me off jumping in was genuinely that it was 2021 and everyone was half-mad, I didn't see many of the trends of that year sticking, not least at attempt on the daddy language itself (no idea when it came out but this was the year I remember hearing about it loads, out of nowhere).,@jestdotty C++ is pretty terrifying from a dry start, very dense syntax, pointer mania, and std functions with oblique names that can't be pronounced. If you have the added perception that it's "unsafe", I can totally understand why Rust is more appealing to someone starting out.```