PaperTrail said > "Your boss is NOT always your friend, don't trust them 100%"

And document *everything*, preferably off-site.

Emails, DMs, anything that could come back as "I never said that!?"

Cleaning up old CYA folders (10+ years old) and I found an email where the mgr was upset that I was taking off the week of Christmas saying he never approved that time off (which he has the authority to cancel).

I pulled the email I'd backed up from October where *he* approved the request (at that time requests were via email).

Not taking it lying down, he replied (in a new email) it was company policy that I re-request time off requests within 7 days of the time off (basically saying I violated policy and my vacation would be canceled)

I reply, cc-ing HR, (screen-shot the original convo), and a copy of the time off policy asking HR to clarify the new '7 day' policy I was not aware of.

I never got a reply from anyone.,> "Do you remember how you've found devRant?"

Another developer, "John", who I frequently ranted about sent me a link.

We would frequently swap links (never posting anything), then eventually the new wore off and he stopped. 

I continued and eventually started posting, always wondering if "John" ever started to read devrant again.,@Definition7 > "You stay there for 10 years?!"

Coming up on my 27th anniversary.

Lots of ups and downs, that time frame was the lowest. Upside is all those folks have quit or been fired.

Started my CYA journey when users would say (verbally) "Change the button caption to XYZ". I change the caption. A month later "Why is the button caption XYZ? It is supposed to be ABC?" then I get lectured by a VP how I need to do a better job in listening to our users.,@Definition7 > "Respect! Lucky that those folk has gone away"

Or stupidity. My mental health struggled, but I knew if I quit, they'd win.,Advice? You asked. Show some integrity and be a  man.  

Quit and walk out being the hardest working SOB in building. Who cares what they think. When you land the next job, you're going to walk a little taller, and others will say "Damn...gotta stay out Tounai's way...he's on a mission!"

"Quiet quitting" is for sissies! Now drop and give me 50 push-ups!!!,Yep. Played X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter on a 386 with the turbo button.  Those were the days.,> WPF isn't terrible

Let's agree to disagree.  :)

I get what MS was trying to do with WPF, but not everything has to be 6 layers of MVVM "mud".

They shouldn't have used their own flavor of XML. The whole architecture reeks of know-it-alls who think devs love complexity.,@Demolishun > "we are using it at work"

Ditto. My simple lizard brain can't wrap around it.

We have a couple of what I would call 'WPF experts'.  Ex. 'Brian' wrote a WPF data grid from scratch because of the bugs we ran into with DevExpress. His grid is good enough to rival "the big boys". Its almost magical to see him use WPF as a golden hammer.,Hilarious, well done.  

Add some sound-deadening material to get rid of the room echo and you got a podcast studio worth listening to.,I haven't updated mine in over 10 years.

Back then, LinkedIn was the only 'social network' allowed at work. Facebook, etc were all blocked at the firewall. Any+all attempts to access blocked social networks were logged and reported to supervisors and managers. Luckily devRant wasn't flagged as a 'social network'. Whew!

Even then, LinkedIn traffic/posts were monitored and if you, for example, updated a job skill, managers questioned if you were updating your skills to be more attractive to other employers.

The catch 22 was they (upper-mgmt) wanted more LinkedIn activity to make us more 'attractive' for LinkedIn's searches, but didn't want to look too attractive for head hunters to make job offers to devs/DBAs (which did occur).

All that changed when the owner+CEO started getting requests from other CEOs asking why he wasn't on the socials. When 99% of the employees were on their phones anyway at these sites, it was dumb to take system resources to restrict it.,@cafecortado > "You can say it's already encrypted, they won't notice the difference"

Base64 encode/decode.  A bit ashamed I've used it to (lie?) convince users that data was 'secure'.```