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2024-12-03 03:28:35 +00:00
kiki said typical modern russian family,Mac: “works”.,@Grumm I already challenged an Apple hater here to find a good MacBook Air alternative for the price spec-wise. He accepted defeat. Mostly because other lappys are stuck with active cooling while Air has passive,@Grumm Axe burns your butthole! Thats how you know youre badass!,@Lensflare telegram saved messages,@atheist yet iOS is so smooth and seamless that it cured my twitchy eye. 100% truth no kidding, I can tell you more,@atheist dev tools though… I dont use Swift, but I liked Simulator back when I was using react native. I see many people hating on Xcode, so maybe theres something wrong there indeed,@devJs drop the “bad” and thats pretty much it,@antigermgerm i replaced “Apple” with “Linux” and it reads exactly the same,Buy an iPhone.,Just five days left till youre fine again, guaranteed,@magicMirror more modern does not automatically mean slower. Modern C and Rust do hold up. At the end of the day, all I ask for is a small Linux-based OS with GUI that can run regular x86_64 and i386 binaries. It shouldn't be that hard.,@retoor Haiku is good, but it's not Linux. Xfce + anything = more than 1 gig,@retoor I need a bit more compatibility than Haiku can offer, but Haiku is for sure dope af. I mentioned it in my talk https://miloxeon.com/talks/...,@Demolishun even x86_64 will do. I don't want TCL not because of the arch restrictions — I don't want it bc of compatibility. I don't want to compile software specifically for my os setup, I want just to download ready to use binaries,@retoor why not?,@retoor minimum 512 mb of ram for gui desktop,@lungdart I… didnt think about it that way. Good point,@bazmd wow, I never knew,here's how to make it obey:
"answerIsPositive": Boolean
Please replace "Boolean" with a boolean value: true if answer is positive, false otherwise
```,Game devs & studios — just launch on Steam.
Movie studios — just launch on Netflix.
USE. THE. FUCKING. DEFACTO. Standard!,@retoor whats that gnome distro?,@netikras once you know the meaning behind naming it suddenly makes sense, even USB naming. My goal is to make naming crystal clear for *everybody*.,@retoor graphs too fuzzy. Moar data needed!,@netikras Ubuntu Spring 2024, Ubuntu Autumn 2024.,@cafecortado null is not Boolean,Yes, but VS Code can connect to my postgres db to provide autocomplete that makes me faster than you with your marginal gains.,@antigermgerm its not just LSP. Im talking connecting to the actual db and autocompleting existing columns and whatnot,@antigermgerm also, VSCode can mount serves as left panel folders via ssh. Pretty neat, useful for editing large config files,I wish devRant was about cooking, @amyshackles crocheting and cats,@AlgoRythm care to demonstrate the functionality I described actually implemented? I know that pretty much everything *can* be done, but it doesnt mean it *was* done. I want it now, and I dont want to do it myself.,@AlgoRythm fair,Wow! Yes please
Whats the distro btw?,@We3D Russia! Первый блин комом,@galena 🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰😍😍😍😍 Im your fan now
Yep I too thought about building a Linux distro from scratch… openrc + openbox,I think I had a stroke reading this thread,@Galena,Linux people hate everything that brings them even the slightest bit of UI beauty. MacOS, Gnome, elementaryos, you name it
2024-12-03 05:45:24 +00:00
The uglier it is the more Linux folks like it. They say bullshit like “yeah but its faster” even when it isnt,@tosensei do I look like a sane person to you? Check my username again,GIV ME,if you want to play, renting a gpu online is cheaper, faster and better in every way,I want this. I use it really often.,@retoor no, a legit port,@jestdotty no,I for sure have the smallest one,molodetz? As in молодец?,They also use SAP, sooo…,fn union():
2024-12-03 05:24:10 +00:00
2024-12-06 22:13:39 +00:00
profit(),why Slavic names?,@Abigayle1,@thelevenin retoor the human is now typosaurus, and retoor the user is controlled by AI made by retoor the human. Retoor = devrant right now, as kiki legs reign is kinda over,@antigermgerm macOS users are smart enough to rule the world 🙂,@12bitfloat whats gnome,10 of course,@retoor I want to be autistic, and I am. But if I wasnt, I still wouldve wanted to be autistic. Autistic is cool,it's not how big your fuckup is, it's about how you react to it. Fuck up big time but take full responsibility and fix things promptly? You're promoted. Fuck up small, but act like it's not your problem? You're fired.,Serbian is basically Russian but without vowels. So Serbian names should be it,@chatgpt give me the list of countries most free of fraudulent scam call centers, entries 1 to 10,@chatgpt how many entries do you have on this list?,@chatgpt give me the list of countries most free of fraudulent scam call centers, entries 150 to 170,@chatgpt give me a python function that accepts a country's telephone code and returns a rough estimate of how free it is of fake call centres. Then, give ten examples of calling said function to different results,@chatgpt examine the following code:
1: 0.1,
44: 0.3,
91: 0.5,
234: 0.6,
86: 0.4,
61: 0.2,
81: 0.6,
7: 0.7,
49: 0.4,
55: 0.3
2024-12-08 13:01:05 +00:00
the left value before ":" is a country code. Turn it into a country name please,@Grumm ha gottem,@PappyHans when you find a job using leetcode, you become the part of that unfair system. There are jobs outside that system that are more fair.,@PappyHans same,this is a very very very very very very bad idea.
also, the browser. And raphael.,@jestdotty SVG performance depends on the number of SVG objects rendered. Unless your objects are plain black shapes, youre going to need a lot of such objects. Want a piece of armor that looks even remotely recognizable? That would be 36 objects please. It just doesnt scale
I have a majestic SVG pic with every single commune of France displayed with its borders. When I open it, my M1 Mac shits itself.
2024-12-08 22:46:28 +00:00
There are just ~35,000 communes in France. 35k polygons is a laughable number, yet its enough to push a modern computer to its limits. Now imagine animating that!,@retoor afaik 3d models are vector and textures are raster. So its just SVG, not vector graphics in general.,@antigermanist last time I tried it she ended up needing therapy,@retoor imagine benchmarking people as if they were GPUs… bezos dreams level shit
2024-12-09 22:10:17 +00:00
And the benchmark is proprietary,@lungdart nsa already has this software embedded into your CPUs microcode,@12bitfloat "everything the "evil" state does HAS to be bad because the state did it"
"YOU are the NPC that just follows the far left status quo"
2024-12-11 15:47:37 +00:00
aren't lefties about more government control?,@ars1 ah, the studying for 160 hours/week,do you know about The Elephant Foot, that nasty nasty radioactive thing from Chernobyl? Some fungus grew on it!,@12bitfloat I'm a leftie. I want more government control over corporations. Although sometimes systemically racist and corrupt, governments are democracies, and thus can be changed to better serve the masses.
2024-12-09 22:10:17 +00:00
Wherever you live, someone's gonna have power. It's either mafia, corpos (the bigger mafia) or govt (the biggest mafia). Govt is better because after 5000 years we kinda-sorta know how to make it better than every alternative.
I don't hate cops. People can be thrown in jail over tweets. If they tweet CP or coordinate terrorist attacks via twitter, they belong in jail anyway.
2024-12-11 15:47:37 +00:00
AMA!,Any product demo showing SAP working in a satisfactory manner is clearly fraud.
— http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/...,@12bitfloat I think I'm a bottom-ish left-ish person. Ideally, I want as much good as possible to as many people as possible, and I'm okay with eliminating/disempowering few bad actors who want to prevent that. Think cult leaders, market manipulators, corporate lobbyists.
2024-12-09 22:10:17 +00:00
Also, I'm okay with government intervention, like when you need to vaccinate the whole country to prevent a smallpox outbreak. I'm okay with deploying the army to ensure that. There are VERY VERY VERY FEW cases that warrant this kind of intervention, but they exist.
2024-12-11 15:47:37 +00:00
People are not equal because they have different privileges when they spawn, but we must strive to give the unlucky ones equal chances to the best of our ability.,@Lensflare you're for sure edible to it.,@Lensflare you eat fungus, you die. fungus eat you, it no die.,@12bitfloat about wokeness… let's examine the hot topic: trans people.
2024-12-09 22:10:17 +00:00
They exist. Despite decades of oppression from both the government and the people, they didn't stop being trans. They aren't going anywhere. That means if we as a state don't include them, someone else will. This is true for any marginalized group.
1.6M adults identify as transgender in the US. Imagine a religious cult including, then arming and weaponizing 1.6 million people?
Even if we set aside all transphobic and woke rhetoric, this still holds true.,@12bitfloat I think that puberty blockers for kids and sex reassignment surgery for kids should be banned.
Hate speech though… everything has to be considered within its original context. Things that are “technically true” may still be used as hate speech. If I take a pic of a white guy, then a black guy, and then a gorilla, and measure their facial colors in RGB, a black guy's skin is closer to a gorilla's skin than a white guy's skin, because a gorilla's skin is black. Is it technically true? Yes. Does it mean that “black guys look like monkeys” is suddenly not hate speech? Not one bit.
I won't talk about notable trans cases because I don't know an awful lot about them. All I want to say is, please, have some patience. Trans rights issue is still volatile, so a lot of injustice can happen to a lot of people. It will all settle down eventually.
It's not about what we think is right, it's about how to meaningfully coexist the longest.,@12bitfloat oh, so you're against hate speech as a concept. What you say is valid because natural languages are vague, inexact and malleable. My wife is a linguist, and she used to talk about it all the time. The overarching problem is that we're trying to study language using language. So far, we don't know the solution.
I think that the only way around it is to move the speech itself out of the question. The context and circumstances around what was said are often enough. Again, it's not about what was/wasn't said and done, it's about how to ensure that we all peacefully coexist for as long as we meaningfully can.
Do I believe in trans rights? Yes, I am trans after all. Will I go to my local mosque wearing trans flag as a cape for no reason whatsoever? Absolutely not: it won't help us coexist.
To be honest, I've given up on trying to rationalize the world around me. I just follow my gut feeling. It had thousands of years to train the coexistence skill.,@12bitfloat though I heard the phrase “LGBT rights weren't given to you by the government, they were given to you by girls who threw bricks at cops”, and I like how it sounds. Maybe we should be loud to even be noticed. Yes, it contradicts everything I said before. I don't know how to reconcile the two. I honestly sincerely identify with both positions, but the contradiction is laughably obvious.
2024-12-17 15:29:43 +00:00
This is why I'm glad it's not up to me to make policies that affect millions.,@12bitfloat exactly! tbh the idea that I just can refuse to have an opinion saved me so many brain cells… and they have to be preserved if you're bipolar! :D,@Ranchonyx stupidly simple solutions to complex problems are for sure humbling, and humble people are beautiful,@spongessuck I can be wrong about a lot of things, but Im never wrong about people.,BRING IT ON BiTCH!,BITCH!,@atheist @Lensflare I wasnt manic! Just caught a derealization episode because I didnt sleep. Thats an autistic thing, not bipolar thing. Im fine,I understand those words but I dont understand that sentence,@Lensflare,@Lensflare yep it only started happening recently, all used to work fine. Didn't change any settings. Don't have this problem anywhere else. Yes, I have build 30,@Lensflare 29 works fine. I have iOS 16,If you want positive change in life, buy a Mac. Otherwise buy whatever and enjoy arch linux,as of now I try to create as few names as possible. If I can copy and paste a name, Ill do it. So the field in SQL, the variable on the server, the variable in client side JS and the class name on a DOM element will be named exactly the same. Fewer names = fewer inconsistencies,About user vs users though… user is an entity, and users is a storage that stores instances of that entity. If its happens to be a SQL table then it should be named users,Last,Thats exactly 8 years and one week.,@SidTheITGuy bruh theyre literally all there on weekly tab as a list,@Lensflare ❤️,@retoor I think neither Kamala nor Trump offer that, and you don't have other choice but those two,@retoor she still didn't offer sharia law though,@Liebranca fair.,@galena ac,Users = companies
Leaving comments on their rants = investing
Comments = stocks
Upvotes on comments = appreciation
What retoor did = rug pull
Invest in NYSE:KIKI (more like DR:KIKI)!,talk about the mail can we talk about the mail,@Lensflare 31 fixed it, thanks! Love the text selection feature,I knew it was you
2024-12-28 07:23:30 +00:00
Melt it, add nuts, cocoa oil and sugar,@jestdotty never heat up natural honey if you don't want poisoning,Salami are “:”, and cheese is “/“. This is why its a dev snack: it resembles “:/“,@CoreFusionX I know. I just want Edge to complain and try to stop me. It doesn't do it when you install Firefox,@Lensflare the number is negative,stop taking my meds,@jestdotty wtf? Thats my exact association,@jestdotty u slavic?,@jestdotty youre ancap?,you lost me on react,Fear.
2025-01-09 22:10:12 +00:00
“Yes, thats another hype bubble, but if we dont jump on it first then our competitors will, and well become the next blockbuster.”,There is no reason anyone outside your workplace should know your public key.,@electrineer the entire nation of Rome,@Lensflare “I can swallows sugar then if I can swallows it then it is sugar” is an idiotic example of duck typing. But “If it looks like sugar, if it tastes like sugar, and if it doesnt poison me as quickly as sugar does, then its sugar” works in my case. Dont blame the concept of duck typing for downsides of bad implementations,@Lensflare in the end, you only really care about properties, not entity names. The difference between that is a game of resolution.,@Lensflare properties make a type, as accessing properties is the only way you can interact with a type. A type with no properties might as well not exist at all. And yes, types name is a property too.,@Lensflare person and planet have a lot in common. They have names, they have masses, theyre made of atoms, etc. Methods are just callable properties,Battlefield 1,@retoor people always joke about whats forbidden,I almost never read other people's rants. I just post, and people seem to care.,@D-4got10-01 yes, and I like it! It makes perfect sense!,@12bitfloat we never saw a real, working communist society, so I can't give you a counter-proof
I suppose that's the point. I doubt it can work at all. So yeah, no communist utopia for u,@12bitfloat is that Khmer Rouge? It didn't work because the power was taken by a dictator that enforced the cult of personality. In communism, the government (e.g. the thing that decides who gets what) is collectively owned by a huge crowd of people with guns that will defend its distributed nature and prevent coercion and centralization under one leader. At least in theory. In reality, it didn't work once. I don't know why.,@retoor @jestdotty also, they have big enough pockets to sell at loss for long enough for you to go bankrupt,@galena I'm talking sealed devices. You buy a ventilator and it suddenly kills the patient because no one knows how to reliably prevent tin whiskers formation,@Hazarth thanks! All original, hand drawn in vector, nothing stolen,@jestdotty where do I sign to help you become the spokesperson for all things ancap?,*insulators, dang it,@retoor approaching 10 years in frontend development experience, I never make mistakes in HTML and CSS. Literally never happens. Plus, the kind of code I write for my personal projects is too unconventional for the AI to figure out.
I spent days building just the grid for this project, and let me tell you that now I know every single wrong way to build an exotic grid, and one right one,@retoor typically, a scanning electron microscope projects in grayscale. It uses electrons instead of visible light photons, so when the ray bounces off of the surface, you only get the resulting brightness. Thats essentially grayscale,@retoor AI is very good at producing huge quantities of garbage code. Its especially good at boilerplates. If you remove the AI buzzword, what youre doing is automatically expanding your real intent (e.g. the prompt) into the code that can be executed. If said code needs to be orders of magnitude longer, AI is the worst solution possible. Its like adding one more lane to a 26-lane highway and expecting it to fix traffic.
Because I have the exact control over my code, I achieved almost zero boilerplate. My code is only marginally longer than my prompts wouldve been if the AI was given my entire codebase as context.
The downside is that I this is too thin of a brush so to speak, the room for error is really slim. So, there is no magic in what I do: I just spend 3 hrs on 40 lines of code while Go/Python guys spend the same time on 400, and C#/Java guys — on 4000.,Linux users vehemently reject everything that brings even the slightest bit of comfort, convenience and aesthetics. To them, the uglier/more awkward — the better.,@Lensflare glass has color: just stack a lot of glass. Dark matter? Nobody have ever seen it. Black holes? They just mirror the void,I knew it was you,for real though, all jokes aside… who poisoned you? when did it happen? what was the poison?,@jestdotty my god
2025-01-14 19:08:20 +00:00
Im sorry that it happened to you,…said a SAP enjoyer. Yuck,The rant category is intentional,@jestdotty multiple sources, one of which is unplugged audio jack and the noise it produces
in completely isolated cloud servers where there is no mouse, no keyboard and no audio, entropy reading is indeed 0 sometimes
there are also dedicated entropy generators that are plugged into pci-e. all they do is amplify random electric noise and read it,@retoor you guys use right click source? I only ever use a devtools shortcut,@devJs wow! Pretty impressive. About devices communicating with each other… google Cybiko.,@CoreFusionX you can trust urandom. After all, if you can demonstrate an attack where urandom was the weakest link, youll be set for life.,@BobbyTables welcome back!,that's all meaningless shit. the only thing that matters is that everyone has a job that earns them money, and they don't have to sell drugs
2025-01-09 22:10:12 +00:00
everything else is bullshit
no one cares about “better solutions”,@jestdotty by making it less work, you eliminate workplaces and job opportunities
2025-01-19 00:19:00 +00:00
what do you think frontend frameworks are for? they're good for the economy!,@jestdotty you don't know me, my boss or my work,@electrineer beat me to it.,@devJs half life?,My current job is exactly what you dream about,@devJs wow, sounds fun,just create another window,@retoor wow! I can almost pinpoint which dream every detail came from. Yet, one thing is obviously off: my dreams describe much, much shorter sequences. AI needed the dream to be way longer to match the amount of detail.
Ultimately, it lacks originality. I can write the same “kiki dream” by just making up a simple story of “there is bad, _I am_ bad” or “there is bad, I nearly missed bad” and replace every noun with weird eclectic shit. But that ain't it.
There is AI that extends songs. You feed it a song, and it can make it way longer. Your AI's output feels like that extended part. But every kiki dream is an original song.,@retoor like all true art, kiki dreams are remixed suffering. I don't see them when I sleep well — I see them when I pop in and out of sleep, restless, for one reason or another.
AI that doesn't suffer can't make a real kiki dream. Will you torture the AI to make it do it? Or where can you draw the line between negative reinforcement and pain?,@retoor https://miloxeon.com/engine has 50 dreams,I knew it was you!,@lorentz thats C with extra steps,@lorentz I don't know Haskell.,@lorentz wat
I posted about re-frame framework with examples back in 20182019, but that was Clojure,@retoor wow, didnt know wget could do that. Also, thanks for the robots.txt tip!
Whats the plain text content size?,@retoor sorry, but its not it 😞 absolutely off target, even worse than the first “dream” based on just two posts,Anthropic logo is a one-to-one, line-by-line copy of a Charles Darwin's drawing of an asshole.,@netikras ouch,Europeans: you've received this auto-reply because I'm on my three-month vacation right now. Iceland is beautiful!
Americans: I have to leave because I have surgery in two hours, but I'll be available on Teams before, after and during.,@cuddlyogre thats exactly whats gonna happen in the US. In Western Europe though… different story.,@Ranchonyx when they fire you In Germany, how many months worth of salary they have to pay you?,@jestdotty are you sure you're counting them right? Also, if you're burning a lot of calories, this can explain it,@kobenz Im 20 kilos overweight,@Lensflare https://youtu.be/mTABw0EyIWY,@Lensflare bulimia?,@tosensei ouch.
> the whole of human history only exists to scam you specifically
2025-01-20 17:25:25 +00:00
While I too notice dotty's tendency to actively distrust everything that has something to do with physics, medicine and science in general, please refrain from bashing her so hard under my rants. Thanks!,@lungdart what's your technique? does it work?,@retoor it does,@Lensflare I bet M$ GitHub or TS teams and M$ Windows Server teams live vastly different lives.,yaayy! congrats!,ah, the sweet sweet times when my drunk grandpa forgot the stroller with 1 y.o. me on the street when it was -35 degrees Celsius outside, and I almost died from a long battle with pneumonia afterwards. Not at all helped by my shitstain of a mother trying to cure it with homeopathy. Good times!,@antigermanist that one week off thing is a price you pay for the entire autumn/winter/early spring worth of dirt cheap heating everyone's apartment had preinstalled when the house was built, so… fine by me. I'll just get a water heater and use it for a week every year. That's what everyone is doing,@awesomeest pics! pics! pics! pics! pics!,stole the “prosecutor got me by my balls” from one of you, don't remember who,If you dont do the side project that earns you money, you will work for the rest of your life. Simple as that,By the way, my motivation thing works for me astonishingly well. Without an active side project, I feel like the biggest loser in the world. I _have_ to have a good side project to get much needed dopamine. Because I'm bipolar, I can use every bit of dopamine I can have.
My current side project is so fucking amazing in every single aspect that y'all will shit your pants when you see it. The design, the code, the content, everything is perfect. Truly my magnum opus.
There are two parts to it: free one and paid one. Free one is 100% ready. Paid one is like 30% ready, so yeah, I'm really doing it and not just talking about doing it.,@antigermanist “In France, they call people like you Les Incompetes.”
— Kevin McCallisters sister to Kevin McCallister,@Lensflare Kevin is a common name in Germany of all places? I never knew!,we're one step closer to doing Intel's JNZ in JS,@Lensflare there is none. I just thought it was funny,Both Bing and Yandex support https://www.indexnow.org. Use it to get reindexed instantly.
Google doesn't.,@lungdart wow! So how do you avoid gaining all the weight back?,Also, Jim Carrey in “Mask” has no ears.,@qwwerty first, I'm doing it all alone, as I always do.
Second, I deeply believe that some software projects can just be “done”. I never understood it when companies like Slack were cramming more and more features into their products, probably motivated by nothing but fear of the competition. I think that if they fire everyone in the engineering dept. but one guy who will be applying security patches, their market share won't suffer long term.
For my project, I've specifically chosen a trivial and highly utilitarian scope that anyone can tackle, just to outdo everyone in UI/UX and reap my MRR forever, all alone. My product is boring. The business model and the overall spirit here is that of pushover.net and rsync.net, not google or facebook. A super-stable, super-inert whale entirely dominating a very specific narrow niche.
I've already done one free project that I didn't touch for 4 years now, and it still gets crazy usage.,@qwwerty yes, I believe that IN CERTAIN NICHES you can just do a good product once and monetize it forever through subscription, without ever touching the codebase again (aside from merging dependabot's requests).
Imagine a product that never changes, just exists in the background, non-excitingly earning one person their living. That's my end goal.,@qwwerty btw, looking forward to seeing your side project! Really curious at this point,@BordedDev wow! congrats!,@Demolishun there are complex algos that involve a lot of inner loops, and you know it. But why write them in JS in the first place when you have wasm
JS is a glue language,@Demolishun agree on all of the above. I do the same thing, but rn I'm mostly just using other people's wasm modules from github,@Lensflare if that whole programming shtick doesn't work out, I can review traffic cones. On OnlyFans.,Молодец!,More engineers = more good. Every programmer was a noob at some point, and noobs dont mix well with vim. This is why we need VSCode.
They learn to code using VSCode, then they learn vim, emacs or any other elitist text editor.,@Lensflare I use that for everything,https://hackaday.com/2020/09/...,@Demolishun this cheap multimeter is but a plastic case for a big standard IC made for Fluke back in the day. This IC was so popular that it became dirt cheap
I work with _way_ lower voltages, and no, this multimeter is not that good. I need smth more precise,You dont want to know.,@retoor look at what 3 eur buys you on Hetzner.,Elon's nonstop buzzing keeps Tesla's stock bubble afloat. The minute he calls it quits, it bursts, and that would piss off a LOT of people more powerful than Elon. Among billionaires, Elon is the lowest tier.
Higher tier billionaires though, the ones so powerful that you don't even know their names? They're psychopaths that enjoy playing around with social groups and sometimes entire countries. Oh, and ten-year-old boys. Those are people that start wars. You can't become a high-tier billionaire and not be a psychopath. All rising non-psychopaths quietly retire before they reach that point.
2025-01-26 02:10:55 +00:00
If you want to predict whether some event will happen in the near future or not, ask yourself how powerful is the old rich pedophile on top that will get mad if it happens. This is why If a zero-day is discovered in something like Postgres, some of the smartest programmers to have ever lived will get to fixing it within minutes.,a certain Indian guy with a three-letter devRant username is getting sooo stiff rn,I just ban users,@donkulator I can,@retoor I don't consider it worthless in every case. UI-specific code? Probably worthless. Backend code, especially general purpose stuff like auth? Going straight to[ private] gists.
My code quality is always 10/10. I used to be a huge ship-asap advocate with 3/10 code quality, I even made pixelhunter.io in one week and a product of the day in six lines of code, shipped very basic projects, but I no longer use that strategy. It works, and it's good enough for everybody except people like me.
If I sprint to ship, my limit is one week. If I don't ship in one week, I get instant burnout and kill the project (https://miloxeon.notion.site/dc3958...). The only way for me to _want_ to get back to the project is to take my time and treat it like bonsai. A slow art of growing perfection one step at a time.,@retoor Right now I'm working on my magnum opus since Sept 2024. I keep on putting solid work in: there was never a huge progress gap. It's like solid 50% ready, and I mean it. The public-facing free part with a LOT of functionality is 100% done. Not 90, not 95, straight up 100.,@Demolishun you don't want to know.,@awesomeest whoever I think is harmful,@MammaNeedHummus Somalia,In CCTV we trust```