Pogromist said It's a snake, you just didn't check it before it went away,Please solve this, i'm stuck at this...don't see a pattern at all.
https://arcprize.org/play/...,I hated parsing names, prices, descriptions and characteristics of competing market places' products with a wordpress plugin and importing them to another wordpress marketplace. It was so repetitive. Only thing i semi liked was scraping website (with JavaScript in the browser itself not even using Puppeteer) to migrate it to wordpress system.,@Pogromist lmao solved this directly here 😂 red dots are just overlapping dots,Is it considered "Rubber duck debugging" when there's no rubber duck and i didn't even articulate the problem, but the brain somehow found the pattern by itself,@retoor yeah it's nice. They wanted C# like scripting instead of bash, but they aliased common commands like "ls" to their real commands.,@retoor but there's already "git bash" that provides bash functionality in windows. Why it's "git" i don't understand though.,Don't know the situation when creating the CMake project by myself, but it gave windows users like me easy of use compilation process of open source projects. I compiled LuaJit that way in just few steps.,Mental disorder is also enforcing particular code style by a compiler itself, instead of using linter. I understand if there's no other way because there's no brackets like in python (but it's interpreter so idk).,@Demolishun
I only knew about this from this syntax, but at the same time didn't correlate with regular variable syntax of pointers.,Arent' they in the cloud tho? /j,Reminds me of this,@Lensflare
when it's regular struct declaration, the names before ';' or after '}' are variable declarations of that struct
struct Point { int x, y; } p, *pPtr;
struct Point { int x, y; } p = { 5, 5 }; // you can even initialize it there
struct { int x, y; } p, *pPtr; // variables of that unnamed struct could be declared only once
When it's typedef it makes alias for "struct Point"
typedef struct Point { int x, y; } Point, *PointPtr;
So you can use "Point p = { 5, 5 };" instead of "struct Point p = { 5, 5 };"
When it's anonymous typedef
typedef struct { int x, y; } Point, *PointPtr;
you can only use "Point p" and not "struct Point p"
And it's useful when the type name shows that it's a pointer
PointPtr p = (PointPtr)malloc(sizeof(Point));,I wonder if there's repetitive functions in that long ass file, because no one could be arsed to find one already declared.,I probably don't prompt chatgpt for anything that i can't immediately check correctness of. People shouldn't study something like history from LLMs.,Neither ubuntu nor arch linux worked on my laptop...