the legit people here that still work for someone\something else... like you... always tend to reinforce my life decisions. thank you.
a few times, whilst consulting, it's been necessary to fix some bash... or batch... pile o' scripts, due to everything suddenly going SNAFU (generally also the reason i was there... not cheap for them).
the 1st 2x i tried to just find issues and tweek into a viable system-- horrible waste of time and a new black hole created next to any hopes i had for humanity.
i swear, it was akin to those og cartoon tropes where they find a hole in the boat so they plug it with their finger, then another hole opens... etc,@Root
time 2, i gave up\wrote new... asked 2 devs that worked there(w\crap scripts) awhile, apparently disliked each other, to each make a simple, complete, list (and flow) what the crap did. best list won.
wrote most of it b4 seeing any list. seeing the lists, i had them each format\comment\document what i wrote (high functioning, not pretty, code, esp then).
showed their work to their sups(lvls up too). i pointed out tons they didn't need me for; they needed like a school chart with gold stars, and the 2 working separately.
comical as it is, it's mind boggling for me. i get i think differently, on a phys\electrical lvl, but crap like that always seems so obvious to me, despite months+ of failed solutions.
that said... i pity the fool whod ever need update most of my scripts. think, the concept of CSS, ~5 world languages used, w\abbreviations, no\rare comments & some (nowadays) extreme methods of resource optimisations (like manually using binary for storage based per item\var),I ended up messaging the seller(not sure if i got a response cuz i havent been back to look for one)...
from the way it was written i just reeeeeaally wanted to know if he realised that no standard\marketed (basically anything not specifically made for some unimaginably ridiculous reason(s)) computer can ever boot to BIOS if it has no RAM.
so... did he mean that somehow BIOS, with working RAM is somehow non-functional?
... aside from someone directly opening it up and removing or, with much skill and precision, intentionally shorting out only the BIOS storage chip... id really want to buy it just to discover why\how.
does he not know any OS, including BIOS requires RAM?
the only other thing i can think of is that, for some, likely nonsensical, reason, he really wanted to make sure that a potential buyer wasnt buying a gutted computer to play in BIOS (which tbh sounds nutty even to me... and on rare occasion i write code in winre),Well duh.
Think about it in middle school and beyond terms. When the teacher makes people work in groups for 1 grade. Teachers know damn well that the one who actually gives a shit is gonna end up doing all the work... anyone who knows that hard working kid then tries to get in their group.
But... if you're given an assignment, school, social, adult life/work, and you do it well and fast/efficiently... now it's your job forever, plus another job for the extra time they know you could have.
Same thing applies at blue collar (and below) jobs. You work at fast food, walmart, some random store... work well/better than others you get a fancy manager/team leader title... and a few cents an hr raise. You also get to deal with more bs, stay later, clean up coworker bs & get yelled at by strangers for sht u have no control in.
Why do u think so many people do the bare minimum to not get fired?,Dude... if you only knew...
Since i was a kid (7 or 8... so 25yrs ago) i started using basic regex for shit like filtering logs...
Then i started scripting the shit that annoyed me... like everything default set to run... updates, scans, sysrestore... and stuff like temp files, recycle bin, internet history... etc
Then i got annoyed going through log outputs, including ones i generated from manually scripting and automatically checking to make sure nothing broke... and keyloggers (several reasons and varieties)... malware thatd just change little shit about their files so it wouldnt match the lists, or sht that mimicked/deleted real files (a HUGE regex script so id know what exactly got changed in updafes or when file info had tiny mismatches)
So many scripts by middle school... too many macros to tolerate hotkeys... so i started making my own file extensions, regex to find/sort/relocate and the program to read
Ofc cli regex to generate/append custom files
All b4 16. Imagine now,I have a very low tolerance for envs that arent mine... so ofc, i also have scripts to do stuff like remap system variables... even to an external hard drive for several programs, drivers, their paths, the registry keys of shit that annoys me... regex to check for bad registry keys... and stuff that puts it back to normal when im done.
Me without regex and a tolerable env... historically, that's dangerous.```